import asyncio import json import os import threading from threading import Event import discord import gradio as gr from discord.ext import commands from gradio_client import Client event = Event() DISCORD_TOKEN = os.getenv("DISCORD_TOKEN") HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") codellama_client = Client("", HF_TOKEN) codellama_threadid_userid_dictionary = {} codellama_threadid_conversation = {} intents = discord.Intents.all() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="/", intents=intents) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f"Logged in as {bot.user} (ID: {})") synced = await bot.tree.sync() print(f"Synced commands: {', '.join([ for s in synced])}.") event.set() print("------") @bot.hybrid_command( name="codellama", description="Enter a prompt to generate code!", ) async def codellama(ctx, prompt: str): """Codellama generation""" try: await try_codellama(ctx, prompt) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_message(message): """Checks channel and continues codellama conversation if it's the right Discord Thread""" try: if not await continue_codellama(message) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") async def try_codellama(ctx, prompt): """Generates code based on a given prompt""" try: global codellama_threadid_userid_dictionary global codellama_threadid_conversation message = await ctx.send(f"**{prompt}** - {}") thread = await message.create_thread(name=prompt[:100]) loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() output_code = await loop.run_in_executor(None, codellama_initial_generation, prompt, thread) codellama_threadid_userid_dictionary[] = await thread.send(output_code) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") def codellama_initial_generation(prompt, thread): """Job.submit inside of run_in_executor = more consistent bot behavior""" global codellama_threadid_conversation chat_history = f"{}.json" conversation = [] with open(chat_history, "w") as json_file: json.dump(conversation, json_file) job = codellama_client.submit(prompt, chat_history, fn_index=0) while job.done() is False: pass else: result = job.outputs()[-1] with open(result, "r") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) response = data[-1][-1] conversation.append((prompt, response)) with open(chat_history, "w") as json_file: json.dump(conversation, json_file) codellama_threadid_conversation[] = chat_history if len(response) > 1300: response = response[:1300] + "...\nTruncating response due to discord api limits." return response async def continue_codellama(message): """Continues a given conversation based on chat_history""" try: if not global codellama_threadid_userid_dictionary # tracks userid-thread existence if in codellama_threadid_userid_dictionary: # is this a valid thread? if codellama_threadid_userid_dictionary[] == global codellama_threadid_conversation prompt = message.content chat_history = codellama_threadid_conversation[] # Check to see if conversation is ongoing or ended (>15000 characters) with open(chat_history, "r") as json_file: conversation = json.load(json_file) total_characters = 0 for item in conversation: for string in item: total_characters += len(string) if total_characters < 15000: job = codellama_client.submit(prompt, chat_history, fn_index=0) while job.done() is False: pass else: result = job.outputs()[-1] with open(result, "r") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) response = data[-1][-1] with open(chat_history, "r") as json_file: conversation = json.load(json_file) conversation.append((prompt, response)) with open(chat_history, "w") as json_file: json.dump(conversation, json_file) codellama_threadid_conversation[] = chat_history if len(response) > 1300: response = response[:1300] + "...\nTruncating response due to discord api limits." await message.reply(response) total_characters = 0 for item in conversation: for string in item: total_characters += len(string) if total_characters >= 15000: await message.reply("Conversation ending due to length, feel free to start a new one!") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") def run_bot(): if not DISCORD_TOKEN: print("DISCORD_TOKEN NOT SET") event.set() else: threading.Thread(target=run_bot).start() event.wait() welcome_message = """ ## Add this bot to your server by clicking this link: ## How to use it? The bot can be triggered via `/codellama` followed by your text prompt. This will generate text based on the text prompt and create a thread for the discussion. To continue the conversation, simply ask additional questions in the thread - no need for repeating the command! ⚠️ Note ⚠️: Please make sure this bot's command does have the same name as another command in your server. ⚠️ Note ⚠️: Bot commands do not work in DMs with the bot as of now. """ with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(f""" # Discord bot of {welcome_message} """) demo.launch()