import { JSDOM, VirtualConsole } from "jsdom"; export async function searchWebLocal(query: string) { const abortController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => abortController.abort(), 10000); const htmlString = await fetch("" + query, { signal: abortController.signal, }) .then((response) => response.text()) .catch(); const virtualConsole = new VirtualConsole(); virtualConsole.on("error", () => { // No-op to skip console errors. }); // put the html string into a DOM const dom = new JSDOM(htmlString ?? "", { virtualConsole, }); const { document } = dom.window; // get all a documents with href tag const links = document.querySelectorAll("a"); if (!links.length) { throw new Error(`webpage doesn't have any "a" element`); } // take url that start wirth /url?q= // and do not contain links // and strip them up to '&sa=' const linksHref = Array.from(links) .filter((el) => el.href?.startsWith("/url?q=") && !el.href.includes("")) .map((el) => { const link = el.href; return link.slice("/url?q=".length, link.indexOf("&sa=")); }); // remove duplicate links and map links to the correct object shape return { organic_results: [ Set(linksHref)].map((link) => ({ link })) }; }