ARG INCLUDE_DB=false FROM mongo:latest as mongo FROM node:20-slim as local_db_false FROM node:20-slim as local_db_true RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install gnupg curl -y COPY --from=mongo /usr/bin/mongo* /usr/bin/ FROM local_db_${INCLUDE_DB} as final ARG INCLUDE_DB=false ENV INCLUDE_DB=${INCLUDE_DB} WORKDIR /app COPY --link --chown=1000 package-lock.json package.json ./ RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/app/.npm \ npm set cache /app/.npm && \ npm ci # copy the rest of the files, run regardless of COPY --chown=1000 --link . . RUN chmod +x /app/ CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "/app/"]