{#if displayReportModal} (displayReportModal = false)} /> {/if}
{#if assistant?.avatar} Avatar {:else}


{#if hasRag} {/if} public
{#if assistant?.description}



Model: {assistant?.modelId} Created by {assistant?.createdByName}

{#if assistant?.createdByMe} Edit
{#if !assistant?.reported} {:else} {/if} {/if}

Direct URL

Share this link for people to use your assistant.


System Instructions

{#if assistant?.dynamicPrompt} {#each prepromptTags as tag} {#if tag.startsWith("{{") && tag.endsWith("}}") && tag.includes("url=")} {@const url = tag.split("url=")[1].split("}}")[0]} {tag} {:else} {tag} {/if} {/each} {:else} {assistant?.preprompt} {/if}
{#if hasRag}

Internet Access

{#if assistant?.rag?.allowAllDomains}

This Assistant uses Web Search to find information on Internet.

{:else if !!assistant?.rag?.allowedDomains && assistant?.rag?.allowedDomains.length}

This Assistant can use Web Search on the following domains:

    {#each assistant?.rag?.allowedDomains as domain}
  • {domain}
  • {/each}
{:else if !!assistant?.rag?.allowedLinks && assistant?.rag?.allowedLinks.length}

This Assistant can browse the following links:

    {#each assistant?.rag?.allowedLinks as link}
  • {link}
  • {/each}
{/if} {#if assistant?.dynamicPrompt}

This Assistant has dynamic prompts enabled and can make requests to external services.
