import { authCondition, refreshSessionCookie } from "$lib/server/auth"; import { collections } from "$lib/server/database"; import { ObjectId } from "mongodb"; import { DEFAULT_SETTINGS } from "$lib/types/Settings"; import { z } from "zod"; import type { UserinfoResponse } from "openid-client"; import type { Cookies } from "@sveltejs/kit"; export async function updateUser(params: { userData: UserinfoResponse; locals: App.Locals; cookies: Cookies; }) { const { userData, locals, cookies } = params; const { preferred_username: username, name, email, picture: avatarUrl, sub: hfUserId, } = z .object({ preferred_username: z.string().optional(), name: z.string(), picture: z.string(), sub: z.string(), email: z.string().email().optional(), }) .refine((data) => data.preferred_username ||, { message: "Either preferred_username or email must be provided by the provider.", }) .parse(userData); const existingUser = await collections.users.findOne({ hfUserId }); let userId = existingUser?._id; if (existingUser) { // update existing user if any await collections.users.updateOne( { _id: existingUser._id }, { $set: { username, name, avatarUrl } } ); // refresh session cookie refreshSessionCookie(cookies, existingUser.sessionId); } else { // user doesn't exist yet, create a new one const { insertedId } = await collections.users.insertOne({ _id: new ObjectId(), createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), username, name, email, avatarUrl, hfUserId, sessionId: locals.sessionId, }); userId = insertedId; // update pre-existing settings const { matchedCount } = await collections.settings.updateOne(authCondition(locals), { $set: { userId, updatedAt: new Date() }, $unset: { sessionId: "" }, }); if (!matchedCount) { // create new default settings await collections.settings.insertOne({ userId, ethicsModalAcceptedAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), createdAt: new Date(), ...DEFAULT_SETTINGS, }); } } // migrate pre-existing conversations await collections.conversations.updateMany(authCondition(locals), { $set: { userId }, $unset: { sessionId: "" }, }); }