import * as fs from "fs"; import { setGlobalDispatcher, Agent } from "undici"; /** * Load client certificates for mutual TLS authentication. This function must be called before any HTTP requests are made. * This is a global setting that affects all HTTP requests made by the application using the native fetch API. * * @param clientCertPath Path to client certificate * @param clientKeyPath Path to client key * @param caCertPath Path to CA certificate [optional] * @param clientKeyPassword Password for client key [optional] * @param rejectUnauthorized Reject unauthorized certificates. * Only use for testing/development, not recommended in production environments [optional] * * @returns void * * @example * ```typescript * loadClientCertificates("cert.pem", "key.pem", "ca.pem", "password", false); * ``` * * @see * [Undici Agent]( * @see * [Undici Dispatcher]( * @see * [NodeJS Native Fetch API]( */ export function loadClientCertificates( clientCertPath: string, clientKeyPath: string, caCertPath?: string, clientKeyPassword?: string, rejectUnauthorized?: boolean ): void { const clientCert = fs.readFileSync(clientCertPath); const clientKey = fs.readFileSync(clientKeyPath); const caCert = caCertPath ? fs.readFileSync(caCertPath) : undefined; const agent = new Agent({ connect: { cert: clientCert, key: clientKey, ca: caCert, passphrase: clientKeyPassword, rejectUnauthorized, }, }); setGlobalDispatcher(agent); }