import type { BackendModel } from "./server/models"; import type { Message } from "./types/Message"; import { format } from "date-fns"; import type { WebSearch } from "./types/WebSearch"; import { downloadFile } from "./server/files/downloadFile"; import type { Conversation } from "./types/Conversation"; interface buildPromptOptions { messages: Pick[]; id?: Conversation["_id"]; model: BackendModel; locals?: App.Locals; webSearch?: WebSearch; preprompt?: string; files?: File[]; continue?: boolean; } export async function buildPrompt({ messages, model, webSearch, preprompt, id, }: buildPromptOptions): Promise { let modifiedMessages = [...messages]; if (webSearch && webSearch.context) { // find index of the last user message const lastUsrMsgIndex = => el.from).lastIndexOf("user"); // combine all the other previous questions into one string const previousUserMessages = modifiedMessages.filter((el) => el.from === "user").slice(0, -1); const previousQuestions = previousUserMessages.length > 0 ? `Previous questions: \n${previousUserMessages .map(({ content }) => `- ${content}`) .join("\n")}` : ""; const currentDate = format(new Date(), "MMMM d, yyyy"); // update the last user message directly (that way if the last message is an assistant partial answer, we keep the beginning of that answer) modifiedMessages[lastUsrMsgIndex] = { from: "user", content: `I searched the web using the query: ${webSearch.searchQuery}. Today is ${currentDate} and here are the results: ===================== ${webSearch.context} ===================== ${previousQuestions} Answer the question: ${messages[lastUsrMsgIndex].content} `, }; } // section to handle potential files input if (model.multimodal) { modifiedMessages = await Promise.all( (el) => { let content = el.content; if (el.from === "user") { if (el?.files && el.files.length > 0 && id) { const markdowns = await Promise.all( (hash) => { try { const { content: image, mime } = await downloadFile(hash, id); const b64 = image.toString("base64"); return `![](data:${mime};base64,${b64})})`; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }) ); content += markdowns.join("\n "); } else { // if no image, append an empty white image content += "\n![]()"; } } return { ...el, content }; }) ); } return ( model .chatPromptRender({ messages: modifiedMessages, preprompt }) // Not super precise, but it's truncated in the model's backend anyway .split(" ") .slice(-(model.parameters?.truncate ?? 0)) .join(" ") ); }