import { VertexAI, HarmCategory, HarmBlockThreshold, type Content, type TextPart, } from "@google-cloud/vertexai"; import type { Endpoint } from "../endpoints"; import { z } from "zod"; import type { Message } from "$lib/types/Message"; import type { TextGenerationStreamOutput } from "@huggingface/inference"; export const endpointVertexParametersSchema = z.object({ weight: z.number().int().positive().default(1), model: z.any(), // allow optional and validate against emptiness type: z.literal("vertex"), location: z.string().default("europe-west1"), project: z.string(), apiEndpoint: z.string().optional(), safetyThreshold: z .enum([ HarmBlockThreshold.HARM_BLOCK_THRESHOLD_UNSPECIFIED, HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE, HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE, HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_NONE, HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH, ]) .optional(), }); export function endpointVertex(input: z.input): Endpoint { const { project, location, model, apiEndpoint, safetyThreshold } = endpointVertexParametersSchema.parse(input); const vertex_ai = new VertexAI({ project, location, apiEndpoint, }); return async ({ messages, preprompt, generateSettings }) => { const generativeModel = vertex_ai.getGenerativeModel({ model: ??, safetySettings: safetyThreshold ? [ { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT, threshold: safetyThreshold, }, { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT, threshold: safetyThreshold, }, { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH, threshold: safetyThreshold, }, { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT, threshold: safetyThreshold, }, { category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_UNSPECIFIED, threshold: safetyThreshold, }, ] : undefined, generationConfig: { maxOutputTokens: generateSettings?.max_new_tokens ?? 4096, stopSequences: generateSettings?.stop, temperature: generateSettings?.temperature ?? 1, }, }); // Preprompt is the same as the first system message. let systemMessage = preprompt; if (messages[0].from === "system") { systemMessage = messages[0].content; messages.shift(); } const vertexMessages ={ from, content }: Omit): Content => { return { role: from === "user" ? "user" : "model", parts: [ { text: content, }, ], }; }); const result = await generativeModel.generateContentStream({ contents: vertexMessages, systemInstruction: systemMessage ? { role: "system", parts: [ { text: systemMessage, }, ], } : undefined, }); let tokenId = 0; return (async function* () { let generatedText = ""; for await (const data of { if (!data?.candidates?.length) break; // Handle case where no candidates are present const candidate = data.candidates[0]; if (!candidate.content?.parts?.length) continue; // Skip if no parts are present const firstPart = => "text" in part) as | TextPart | undefined; if (!firstPart) continue; // Skip if no text part is found const isLastChunk = !!candidate.finishReason; const content = firstPart.text; generatedText += content; const output: TextGenerationStreamOutput = { token: { id: tokenId++, text: content, logprob: 0, special: isLastChunk, }, generated_text: isLastChunk ? generatedText : null, details: null, }; yield output; if (isLastChunk) break; } })(); }; } export default endpointVertex;