import { LLM_SUMMERIZATION } from "$env/static/private"; import { generateFromDefaultEndpoint } from "$lib/server/generateFromDefaultEndpoint"; import { smallModel } from "$lib/server/models"; import type { Message } from "$lib/types/Message"; export async function summarize(prompt: string) { if (!LLM_SUMMERIZATION) { return prompt.split(/\s+/g).slice(0, 5).join(" "); } const messages: Array> = [ { from: "user", content: "Who is the president of Gabon?" }, { from: "assistant", content: "🇬🇦 President of Gabon" }, { from: "user", content: "Who is Julien Chaumond?" }, { from: "assistant", content: "🧑 Julien Chaumond" }, { from: "user", content: "what is 1 + 1?" }, { from: "assistant", content: "🔢 Simple math operation" }, { from: "user", content: "What are the latest news?" }, { from: "assistant", content: "📰 Latest news" }, { from: "user", content: "How to make a great cheesecake?" }, { from: "assistant", content: "🍰 Cheesecake recipe" }, { from: "user", content: "what is your favorite movie? do a short answer." }, { from: "assistant", content: "🎥 Favorite movie" }, { from: "user", content: "Explain the concept of artificial intelligence in one sentence" }, { from: "assistant", content: "🤖 AI definition" }, { from: "user", content: "Answer all my questions like chewbacca from now ok?" }, { from: "assistant", content: "🐒 Answer as Chewbacca" }, { from: "user", content: prompt }, ]; const summaryPrompt = smallModel.chatPromptRender({ messages, preprompt: `You are a summarization AI. You'll never answer a user's question directly, but instead summarize the user's request into a single short sentence of four words or less. Always start your answer with an emoji relevant to the summary.`, }); return await generateFromDefaultEndpoint(summaryPrompt) .then((summary) => { // add an emoji if none is found in the first three characters if (!/\p{Emoji}/u.test(summary.slice(0, 3))) { return "💬 " + summary; } return summary; }) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); return null; }); }