const mockUser = { _id: 'fakeId', save: jest.fn(), findByIdAndDelete: jest.fn(), }; var mockPluginService = { updateUserPluginAuth: jest.fn(), deleteUserPluginAuth: jest.fn(), getUserPluginAuthValue: jest.fn(), }; jest.mock('../../../../models/User', () => { return function () { return mockUser; }; }); jest.mock('../../../../server/services/PluginService', () => mockPluginService); const User = require('../../../../models/User'); const { validateTools, loadTools } = require('./'); const PluginService = require('../../../../server/services/PluginService'); const { BaseChatModel } = require('langchain/chat_models/openai'); const { Calculator } = require('langchain/tools/calculator'); const { availableTools, OpenAICreateImage, GoogleSearchAPI, StructuredSD } = require('../'); describe('Tool Handlers', () => { let fakeUser; const pluginKey = 'dall-e'; const pluginKey2 = 'wolfram'; const initialTools = [pluginKey, pluginKey2]; const ToolClass = OpenAICreateImage; const mockCredential = 'mock-credential'; const mainPlugin = availableTools.find((tool) => tool.pluginKey === pluginKey); const authConfigs = mainPlugin.authConfig; beforeAll(async () => {; const userAuthValues = {}; mockPluginService.getUserPluginAuthValue.mockImplementation((userId, authField) => { return userAuthValues[`${userId}-${authField}`]; }); mockPluginService.updateUserPluginAuth.mockImplementation( (userId, authField, _pluginKey, credential) => { userAuthValues[`${userId}-${authField}`] = credential; }, ); fakeUser = new User({ name: 'Fake User', username: 'fakeuser', email: '', emailVerified: false, password: 'fakepassword123', avatar: '', provider: 'local', role: 'USER', googleId: null, plugins: [], refreshToken: [], }); await; for (const authConfig of authConfigs) { await PluginService.updateUserPluginAuth( fakeUser._id, authConfig.authField, pluginKey, mockCredential, ); } }); afterAll(async () => { await mockUser.findByIdAndDelete(fakeUser._id); for (const authConfig of authConfigs) { await PluginService.deleteUserPluginAuth(fakeUser._id, authConfig.authField); } }); describe('validateTools', () => { it('returns valid tools given input tools and user authentication', async () => { const validTools = await validateTools(fakeUser._id, initialTools); expect(validTools).toBeDefined(); console.log('validateTools: validTools', validTools); expect(validTools.some((tool) => tool === pluginKey)).toBeTruthy(); expect(validTools.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); it('removes tools without valid credentials from the validTools array', async () => { const validTools = await validateTools(fakeUser._id, initialTools); expect(validTools.some((tool) => tool.pluginKey === pluginKey2)).toBeFalsy(); }); it('returns an empty array when no authenticated tools are provided', async () => { const validTools = await validateTools(fakeUser._id, []); expect(validTools).toEqual([]); }); it('should validate a tool from an Environment Variable', async () => { const plugin = availableTools.find((tool) => tool.pluginKey === pluginKey2); const authConfigs = plugin.authConfig; for (const authConfig of authConfigs) { process.env[authConfig.authField] = mockCredential; } const validTools = await validateTools(fakeUser._id, [pluginKey2]); expect(validTools.length).toEqual(1); for (const authConfig of authConfigs) { delete process.env[authConfig.authField]; } }); }); describe('loadTools', () => { let toolFunctions; let loadTool1; let loadTool2; let loadTool3; const sampleTools = [...initialTools, 'calculator']; let ToolClass2 = Calculator; let remainingTools = availableTools.filter( (tool) => sampleTools.indexOf(tool.pluginKey) === -1, ); beforeAll(async () => { toolFunctions = await loadTools({ user: fakeUser._id, model: BaseChatModel, tools: sampleTools, }); loadTool1 = toolFunctions[sampleTools[0]]; loadTool2 = toolFunctions[sampleTools[1]]; loadTool3 = toolFunctions[sampleTools[2]]; }); it('returns the expected load functions for requested tools', async () => { expect(loadTool1).toBeDefined(); expect(loadTool2).toBeDefined(); expect(loadTool3).toBeDefined(); for (const tool of remainingTools) { expect(toolFunctions[tool.pluginKey]).toBeUndefined(); } }); it('should initialize an authenticated tool or one without authentication', async () => { const authTool = await loadTool1(); const tool = await loadTool3(); expect(authTool).toBeInstanceOf(ToolClass); expect(tool).toBeInstanceOf(ToolClass2); }); it('should throw an error for an unauthenticated tool', async () => { try { await loadTool2(); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-conditional-expect expect(error).toBeDefined(); } }); it('should initialize an authenticated tool through Environment Variables', async () => { let testPluginKey = 'google'; let TestClass = GoogleSearchAPI; const plugin = availableTools.find((tool) => tool.pluginKey === testPluginKey); const authConfigs = plugin.authConfig; for (const authConfig of authConfigs) { process.env[authConfig.authField] = mockCredential; } toolFunctions = await loadTools({ user: fakeUser._id, model: BaseChatModel, tools: [testPluginKey], }); const Tool = await toolFunctions[testPluginKey](); expect(Tool).toBeInstanceOf(TestClass); }); it('returns an empty object when no tools are requested', async () => { toolFunctions = await loadTools({ user: fakeUser._id, model: BaseChatModel, }); expect(toolFunctions).toEqual({}); }); it('should return the StructuredTool version when using functions', async () => { process.env.SD_WEBUI_URL = mockCredential; toolFunctions = await loadTools({ user: fakeUser._id, model: BaseChatModel, tools: ['stable-diffusion'], functions: true, }); const structuredTool = await toolFunctions['stable-diffusion'](); expect(structuredTool).toBeInstanceOf(StructuredSD); delete process.env.SD_WEBUI_URL; }); }); });