import numpy as np import sys sys.path.append("../..") from dataset.vocab import Vocab import torch import os def batch_accuracy_func(batch_predictions: np.ndarray, batch_targets: np.ndarray, batch_lengths: list): """ given the predicted word idxs, this method computes the accuracy by matching all values from 0 index to batch_lengths_ index along each batch example """ assert len(batch_predictions) == len( batch_targets) == len(batch_lengths) count_ = 0 total_ = 0 for pred, targ, len_ in zip(batch_predictions, batch_targets, batch_lengths): count_ += (pred[:len_] == targ[:len_]).sum() total_ += len_ return count_, total_ def load_weights(model, filename, neuspell=False): if not os.path.exists(filename): print(" - Cannot find weights path !!!") print(f'Path: {filename}') return state_dict = torch.load(filename, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) if not neuspell: state_dict = state_dict["state_dict"] for name, param in model.named_parameters(): if name not in state_dict: print('{} not found'.format(name)) elif state_dict[name].shape != param.shape: print( '{} missmatching shape, required {} but found {}'.format(name, param.shape, state_dict[name].shape)) del state_dict[name] model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)