import string from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize import numpy as np import re import unidecode import nltk import json import os real_file_path = "/".join(os.path.realpath(__file__).split("/")[:-1])'punkt') from dataset.vocab import Vocab from ast import literal_eval class SynthesizeData(object): """ Uitils class to create artificial miss-spelled words Args: vocab_path: path to vocab file. Vocab file is expected to be a set of words, separate by ' ', no newline charactor. """ def __init__(self, vocab: Vocab): self.vocab = vocab self.tokenizer = word_tokenize self.vn_alphabet = ['a', 'ă', 'â', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'đ', 'e', 'ê', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'ô', 'ơ', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'ư', 'v', 'x', 'y'] self.alphabet_len = len(self.vn_alphabet) self.word_couples = [pair.strip("\n").split(" ") for pair in open(os.path.join(real_file_path, "noising_resources/kieu_go_dau_cu_moi.txt"), "r", encoding='utf-8').readlines()] self.homowords = literal_eval(open( os.path.join(real_file_path, "noising_resources/confusion_set.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8').read()) self.homo_leters_dict = literal_eval(open( os.path.join(real_file_path, "noising_resources/homo_leter.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8').read()) self.teencode_dict = {'mình': ['mk', 'mik', 'mjk'], 'vô': ['zô', 'zo', 'vo'], 'vậy': ['zậy', 'z', 'zay', 'za'], 'phải': ['fải', 'fai', ], 'biết': ['bit', 'biet'], 'rồi': ['rùi', 'ròi', 'r'], 'bây': ['bi', 'bay'], 'giờ': ['h', ], 'không': ['k', 'ko', 'khong', 'hk', 'hong', 'hông', '0', 'kg', 'kh', ], 'đi': ['di', 'dj', ], 'gì': ['j', ], 'em': ['e', ], 'được': ['dc', 'đc', ], 'tao': ['t'], 'tôi': ['t'], 'chồng': ['ck'], 'vợ': ['vk'] } self.typo = json.load( open(os.path.join(real_file_path,"noising_resources/typo.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8')) self.all_char_candidates = self.get_all_char_candidates() self.all_word_candidates = self.get_all_word_candidates() def replace_teencode(self, word): candidates = self.teencode_dict.get(word, None) if candidates is not None: chosen_one = 0 if len(candidates) > 1: chosen_one = np.random.randint(0, len(candidates)) return candidates[chosen_one] def replace_char_candidate(self, char): """ return a homophone char/subword of the input char. """ return np.random.choice(self.homo_leters_dict[char]) def replace_word_candidate(self, word): """ Return a new typo word of the input word for example òa oà """ capital_flag = word[0].isupper() word = word.lower() if capital_flag and word in self.teencode_dict: return self.replace_teencode(word).capitalize() elif word in self.teencode_dict: return self.replace_teencode(word) for couple in self.word_couples: for i in range(2): if couple[i] == word: if i == 0: if capital_flag: return couple[1].capitalize() else: return couple[1] else: if capital_flag: return couple[0].capitalize() else: return couple[0] def replace_homo_candidate(self, word): """ Return a homo word of the input word """ capital_flag = word[0].isupper() word = word.lower() def random_capitalize(word): index = np.random.randint(0, len(word)) return word[0:index] + word[index].upper() + word[index+1:] candidate_type = np.random.choice(["phu_am_dau", "phu_am_cuoi", "nguyen_am"]\ , p = [0.1, 0.3, 0.6]) if candidate_type == "nguyen_am": coin = np.random.choice([0, 1], p = [0.7, 0.3]) candidates = list(self.homowords[word][candidate_type][coin]) else: candidates = list(self.homowords[word][candidate_type]) if len(candidates) == 0: if capital_flag: return word return random_capitalize(word) candidate = np.random.choice(candidates) if capital_flag: return candidate.capitalize() return candidate def replace_char_candidate_typo(self, char): """ return a homophone char/subword of the input char. """ candidates = self.typo[char] num_lower_priority = len(candidates) - 1 round_flag = 10 * num_lower_priority return np.random.choice(candidates, p = [0.7, *[3 / round_flag for i in range(num_lower_priority)]]) def get_all_char_candidates(self): return list(self.homo_leters_dict.keys()) def get_all_word_candidates(self): all_word_candidates = [] for couple in self.word_couples: all_word_candidates.extend(couple) return all_word_candidates def remove_diacritics(self, text, onehot_label): """ Replace word which has diacritics with the same word without diacritics Args: text: a list of word tokens onehot_label: onehot array indicate position of word that has already modify, so this function only choose the word that do not has onehot label == 1. return: a list of word tokens has one word that its diacritics was removed, a list of onehot label indicate the position of words that has been modified. """ if len(text) == len(' '.join(text).split()): its_me = True else: its_me = False idx = np.random.randint(0, len(onehot_label)) prevent_loop = 0 noised_token = unidecode.unidecode(text[idx]) while onehot_label[idx] != 0 or not self.vocab.exist(text[idx]) or text[idx] in string.punctuation or text[idx] == noised_token: idx = np.random.randint(0, len(onehot_label)) noised_token = unidecode.unidecode(text[idx]) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return False, text, onehot_label onehot_label[idx] = 1 token = text[idx] text[idx] = unidecode.unidecode(text[idx]) if (len(text) != len(' '.join(text).split())) and its_me: print("ERROR:") print("text: ", text) print("replaced token: ", text[idx]) print("org token: ", token) return True, text, onehot_label def replace_with_random_letter(self, text, onehot_label): """ Replace, add (or remove) a random letter in a random chosen word with a random letter Args: text: a list of word tokens onehot_label: onehot array indicate position of word that has already modify, so this function only choose the word that do not has onehot label == 1. return: a list of word tokens has one word that has been modified, a list of onehot label indicate the position of words that has been modified. """ if len(text) == len(' '.join(text).split()): its_me = True else: its_me = False idx = np.random.randint(0, len(onehot_label)) prevent_loop = 0 while onehot_label[idx] != 0 or not self.vocab.exist(text[idx]) or len(text[idx]) < 3: idx = np.random.randint(0, len(onehot_label)) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return False, text, onehot_label # replace, add or remove? 0 is replace, 1 is add, 2 is remove # 0.8 1 edits, 0.2 2 edits num_edit = np.random.choice([1,2], p = [0.8, 0.2]) coin = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2]) for i in range(num_edit): token = list(text[idx]) if coin == 0: chosen_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(token)) replace_candidate = self.vn_alphabet[np.random.randint( 0, self.alphabet_len)] token[chosen_idx] = replace_candidate text[idx] = "".join(token) elif coin == 1: chosen_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(token) + 1) if chosen_idx == len(token): added_chars = self.vn_alphabet[np.random.randint(0, self.alphabet_len)] + \ token[0] chosen_idx = 0 else: added_chars = token[chosen_idx] + \ self.vn_alphabet[np.random.randint(0, self.alphabet_len)] token[chosen_idx] = added_chars text[idx] = "".join(token) else: chosen_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(token)) token[chosen_idx] = "" text[idx] = "".join(token) onehot_label[idx] = 1 if (len(text) != len(' '.join(text).split())) and its_me: print("ERROR:") print("text: ", text) print("replaced token: ", text[idx]) print("org token: ", token) print("coin: ", coin) return False, text, onehot_label return True, text, onehot_label def replace_with_new_typo_word(self, text, onehot_label): """ Replace a candidate word (if exist in the word_couple) with its homophone. if successful, return True, else False Args: text: a list of word tokens onehot_label: onehot array indicate position of word that has already modify, so this function only choose the word that do not has onehot label == 1. return: True, text, onehot_label if successful replace, else False, text, onehot_label """ # account for the case that the word in the text is upper case but its lowercase match the candidates list if len(text) == len(' '.join(text).split()): its_me = True else: its_me = False candidates = [] for i in range(len(text)): if text[i].lower() in self.all_word_candidates or text[i].lower() in self.teencode_dict.keys(): candidates.append((i, text[i])) if len(candidates) == 0: return False, text, onehot_label idx = np.random.randint(0, len(candidates)) prevent_loop = 0 while onehot_label[candidates[idx][0]] != 0 or not self.vocab.exist(candidates[idx][1]): idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(candidates))) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return False, text, onehot_label text[candidates[idx][0]] = self.replace_word_candidate( candidates[idx][1]) if (len(text) != len(' '.join(text).split())) and its_me: print("ERROR:") print("text: ", text) print("replaced token: ", text[candidates[idx][0]]) print("org token: ", candidates[idx][1]) onehot_label[candidates[idx][0]] = 1 return True, text, onehot_label def replace_with_homophone_word(self, text, onehot_label): """ Replace a candidate word (if exist in the word_couple) with its homophone. if successful, return True, else False Args: text: a list of word tokens onehot_label: onehot array indicate position of word that has already modify, so this function only choose the word that do not has onehot label == 1. return: True, text, onehot_label if successful replace, else False, text, onehot_label """ # account for the case that the word in the text is upper case but its lowercase match the candidates list if len(text) == len(' '.join(text).split()): its_me = True else: its_me = False candidates = [] for i in range(len(text)): if text[i].lower() in self.homowords: candidates.append((i, text[i])) if len(candidates) == 0: return False, text, onehot_label idx = np.random.randint(0, len(candidates)) prevent_loop = 0 while onehot_label[candidates[idx][0]] != 0 or not self.vocab.exist(candidates[idx][1]): idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(candidates))) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return False, text, onehot_label text[candidates[idx][0]] = self.replace_homo_candidate( candidates[idx][1]) if (len(text) != len(' '.join(text).split())) and its_me: print("ERROR:") print("text: ", text) print("replaced token: ", text[candidates[idx][0]]) print("org token: ", candidates[idx][1]) return False, text, onehot_label onehot_label[candidates[idx][0]] = 1 return True, text, onehot_label def replace_with_homophone_letter(self, text, onehot_label): """ Replace a subword/letter with its homophones Args: text: a list of word tokens onehot_label: onehot array indicate position of word that has already modify, so this function only choose the word that do not has onehot label == 1. return: True, text, onehot_label if successful replace, else False, None, None """ if len(text) == len(' '.join(text).split()): its_me = True else: its_me = False candidates = [] for i in range(len(text)): for char in self.all_char_candidates: if"^" + char, text[i]) is not None: candidates.append((i, char, "^" + char )) if + "$", text[i]) is not None: candidates.append((i, char, char + "$")) if len(candidates) == 0: return False, text, onehot_label else: idx = np.random.randint(0, len(candidates)) prevent_loop = 0 while onehot_label[candidates[idx][0]] != 0 or not self.vocab.exist(text[candidates[idx][0]]) or len(text[candidates[idx][0]]) < 2: idx = np.random.randint(0, len(candidates)) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return False, text, onehot_label replaced = self.replace_char_candidate(candidates[idx][1]) ## 0.15% remove the candidate. cát -> cá coin = np.random.choice([0, 1], p = [0.8, 0.2]) text_to_replace = text[candidates[idx][0]] result = re.sub(candidates[idx][2], replaced if coin == 0 else "", text_to_replace) if result == "": result = re.sub(candidates[idx][2], replaced, text_to_replace) text[candidates[idx][0]] = result if (len(text) != len(' '.join(text).split())) and its_me: print("ERROR:") print("text: ", text) print("replaced token: ", text[candidates[idx][0]]) print("letter: ", candidates[idx][1]) print("replaced letter: ", replaced) onehot_label[candidates[idx][0]] = 1 return True, text, onehot_label def replace_with_typo_letter(self, text, onehot_label): """ Replace a subword/letter with its homophones Args: text: a list of word tokens onehot_label: onehot array indicate position of word that has already modify, so this function only choose the word that do not has onehot label == 1. return: True, text, onehot_label if successful replace, else False, None, None """ if len(text) == len(' '.join(text).split()): its_me = True else: its_me = False # find index noise idx = np.random.randint(0, len(onehot_label)) prevent_loop = 0 while onehot_label[idx] != 0 or not self.vocab.exist(text[idx]): idx = np.random.randint(0, len(onehot_label)) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return False, text, onehot_label index_noise = idx onehot_label[index_noise] = 1 org_word = text[index_noise] word_noise = text[index_noise] pattern = "(" + "|".join(self.typo.keys()) + "){1}" candidates = re.findall(pattern, word_noise) if len(candidates) == 0: return False, text, onehot_label accent_pattern = "(s|f|r|x|j|1|2|3|4|5){1}" for candidate in candidates: replaced = self.replace_char_candidate_typo(candidate) # Move accent to the end of text result = re.findall(accent_pattern, replaced) if len(result) != 0: word_noise = re.sub(candidate, replaced[0:-1], word_noise) word_noise += replaced[-1] else: word_noise = re.sub(candidate, replaced, word_noise) text[index_noise] = word_noise if len(word_noise) < 3: return True, text, onehot_label ### Introduce one or two edit on text num_edits = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2], p = [0.5, 0.35, 0.15]) for i in range(num_edits): coin = np.random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3]) word_noise = list(text[index_noise]) start_char = word_noise.pop(0) if coin == 0: chosen_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(word_noise)) word_noise[chosen_idx] = self.vn_alphabet[np.random.randint(0, self.alphabet_len)] text[index_noise] = start_char + "".join(word_noise) elif coin == 1: chosen_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(word_noise)) word_noise[chosen_idx] += self.vn_alphabet[np.random.randint(0, self.alphabet_len)] text[index_noise] = start_char + "".join(word_noise) elif coin == 2: if len(word_noise) < 2: continue chosen_idxs = np.random.choice(range(len(word_noise)), size = 2) word_noise[chosen_idxs[0]], word_noise[chosen_idxs[1]] = \ word_noise[chosen_idxs[1]], word_noise[chosen_idxs[0]] text[index_noise] = start_char + "".join(word_noise) else: chosen_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(word_noise)) word_noise[chosen_idx] = "" text[index_noise] = start_char + "".join(word_noise) return True, text, onehot_label def split_word(self, text, onehot_label): # find index noise idx = np.random.randint(0, len(onehot_label)) prevent_loop = 0 while onehot_label[idx] not in [0, 1] or len(text[idx]) < 3 or text[idx] in r'''!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~''' : idx = np.random.randint(0, len(onehot_label)) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return False, text, onehot_label org_word = text[idx] new_text = text[:idx] new_onehot = onehot_label[:idx] index_split = np.random.randint(1, len(org_word)) new_text.extend([org_word[:index_split], org_word[index_split:]]) new_onehot.extend([2, 2]) if idx < len(text) - 1: new_text.extend(text[idx+1:]) new_onehot.extend(onehot_label[idx+1:]) return True, new_text, new_onehot def merge_word(self, text, onehot_label): length = len(onehot_label) if length < 2: return False, text, onehot_label def validate_len(idx, size): while idx + size > length: if idx > 0: idx -= 1 else: size -= 1 return idx, size def validate_value(idx, size): for i in range(idx, idx+size): if onehot_label[i] not in [0, 1] or text[i] in r'''!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~''': return False return True # find index noise min_words = 2 max_words = 3 if length > 3 else length num_words = np.random.randint(min_words, max_words + 1) idx = np.random.randint(0, length) prevent_loop = 0 idx, num_words = validate_len(idx, num_words) while not validate_value(idx, num_words) : prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return False, text, onehot_label idx = np.random.randint(0, length) num_words = np.random.randint(min_words, max_words + 1) idx, num_words = validate_len(idx, num_words) new_text = text[:idx] new_onehot = onehot_label[:idx] new_text.append(''.join(text[idx:idx+num_words])) new_onehot.append(-num_words+1) if idx + num_words < length: new_text.extend(text[idx+num_words:]) new_onehot.extend(onehot_label[idx+num_words:]) return True, new_text, new_onehot def add_normal_noise(self, sentence, percent_err=0.2, num_type_err=4): tokens = sentence.split() if len(tokens) <= 0: print(f"SOMETHING WROONG - sent: {sentence}") onehot_label = [0] * len(tokens) num_wrong = int(np.ceil(percent_err * len(tokens))) num_wrong = np.random.randint(1, num_wrong + 1) if np.random.rand() < 0.05: num_wrong = 0 prevent_loop = 0 for i in range(0, num_wrong): err = np.random.choice(range(num_type_err + 1)\ , p = [0.15, 0.15, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4]) if err == 0: _, tokens, onehot_label = self.remove_diacritics( tokens, onehot_label) elif err == 1: _, tokens, onehot_label = self.replace_with_typo_letter( tokens, onehot_label) elif err == 2: _, tokens, onehot_label = self.replace_with_random_letter( tokens, onehot_label) elif err == 3: _, tokens, onehot_label = self.replace_with_homophone_letter( tokens, onehot_label) else: _, tokens, onehot_label = self.replace_with_homophone_word( tokens, onehot_label) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return ' '.join(tokens), ' '.join([str(i) for i in onehot_label]) # print(tokens) self.verify(tokens, sentence) return ' '.join(tokens), ' '.join([str(i) for i in onehot_label]) def add_split_merge_noise(self, sentence, percent_err=0.15, num_type_err=2, percent_normal_err = 0.15): def count_zero_one(onehot_label): return sum([1 if onehot in [0, 1] else 0 for onehot in onehot_label]) ## Introduce normal noise before split merge normal_noise, normal_onehot = self.add_normal_noise( sentence, percent_err=percent_normal_err) tokens = normal_noise.split() length = len(tokens) onehot_label = [int(x) for x in normal_onehot.split(" ")] num_wrong = int(np.ceil(percent_err * length)) num_wrong = np.random.randint(1, num_wrong + 1) if np.random.rand() < 0.05: num_wrong = 0 min_zeroes = length - num_wrong zero_one_num = length prevent_loop = 0 while zero_one_num > min_zeroes: err = np.random.randint(0, num_type_err) if err == 0: _, tokens, onehot_label = self.split_word( tokens, onehot_label) else: _, tokens, onehot_label = self.merge_word( tokens, onehot_label) prevent_loop += 1 if prevent_loop > 10: return ' '.join(tokens), ' '.join([str(i) for i in onehot_label]) zero_one_num = count_zero_one(onehot_label) return ' '.join(tokens), ' '.join([str(i) for i in onehot_label]) def verify(self, noised_tokens, sentence): if len(noised_tokens) != len(' '.join(noised_tokens).split()): print("ERROR:") print("TEXT : ", sentence) print("TOKENS: ", ' '.join(noised_tokens)) exit() return True if __name__ == "__main__": text = "Ô kìa ai như cô thắm , con bác năm ở xa mới về , nghiêng nghiêng" dict_pickle_path = '../data/vi/datasets/vi_wiki/vi_wiki.vocab.test.pkl' vocab = Vocab() vocab.load_vocab_dict(dict_pickle_path) noiser = SynthesizeData(vocab) noised_text, onehot_label = noiser.add_split_merge_noise(text, percent_err=0.5) print(noised_text)