# Copyright 2020 Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import torch from nnunet.network_architecture.custom_modules.conv_blocks import BasicResidualBlock, ResidualLayer from nnunet.network_architecture.generic_UNet import Upsample from nnunet.network_architecture.generic_modular_UNet import PlainConvUNetDecoder, get_default_network_config from nnunet.network_architecture.neural_network import SegmentationNetwork from nnunet.training.loss_functions.dice_loss import DC_and_CE_loss from torch import nn from torch.optim import SGD from torch.backends import cudnn class ResidualUNetEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_channels, base_num_features, num_blocks_per_stage, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, pool_op_kernel_sizes, conv_kernel_sizes, props, default_return_skips=True, max_num_features=480, block=BasicResidualBlock): """ Following UNet building blocks can be added by utilizing the properties this class exposes (TODO) this one includes the bottleneck layer! :param input_channels: :param base_num_features: :param num_blocks_per_stage: :param feat_map_mul_on_downscale: :param pool_op_kernel_sizes: :param conv_kernel_sizes: :param props: """ super(ResidualUNetEncoder, self).__init__() self.default_return_skips = default_return_skips self.props = props self.stages = [] self.stage_output_features = [] self.stage_pool_kernel_size = [] self.stage_conv_op_kernel_size = [] assert len(pool_op_kernel_sizes) == len(conv_kernel_sizes) num_stages = len(conv_kernel_sizes) if not isinstance(num_blocks_per_stage, (list, tuple)): num_blocks_per_stage = [num_blocks_per_stage] * num_stages else: assert len(num_blocks_per_stage) == num_stages self.num_blocks_per_stage = num_blocks_per_stage # decoder may need this self.initial_conv = props['conv_op'](input_channels, base_num_features, 3, padding=1, **props['conv_op_kwargs']) self.initial_norm = props['norm_op'](base_num_features, **props['norm_op_kwargs']) self.initial_nonlin = props['nonlin'](**props['nonlin_kwargs']) current_input_features = base_num_features for stage in range(num_stages): current_output_features = min(base_num_features * feat_map_mul_on_downscale ** stage, max_num_features) current_kernel_size = conv_kernel_sizes[stage] current_pool_kernel_size = pool_op_kernel_sizes[stage] current_stage = ResidualLayer(current_input_features, current_output_features, current_kernel_size, props, self.num_blocks_per_stage[stage], current_pool_kernel_size, block) self.stages.append(current_stage) self.stage_output_features.append(current_output_features) self.stage_conv_op_kernel_size.append(current_kernel_size) self.stage_pool_kernel_size.append(current_pool_kernel_size) # update current_input_features current_input_features = current_output_features self.stages = nn.ModuleList(self.stages) def forward(self, x, return_skips=None): """ :param x: :param return_skips: if none then self.default_return_skips is used :return: """ skips = [] x = self.initial_nonlin(self.initial_norm(self.initial_conv(x))) for s in self.stages: x = s(x) if self.default_return_skips: skips.append(x) if return_skips is None: return_skips = self.default_return_skips if return_skips: return skips else: return x @staticmethod def compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, base_num_features, max_num_features, num_modalities, pool_op_kernel_sizes, num_conv_per_stage_encoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, batch_size): npool = len(pool_op_kernel_sizes) - 1 current_shape = np.array(patch_size) tmp = (num_conv_per_stage_encoder[0] * 2 + 1) * np.prod(current_shape) * base_num_features \ + num_modalities * np.prod(current_shape) num_feat = base_num_features for p in range(1, npool + 1): current_shape = current_shape / np.array(pool_op_kernel_sizes[p]) num_feat = min(num_feat * feat_map_mul_on_downscale, max_num_features) num_convs = num_conv_per_stage_encoder[p] * 2 + 1 # + 1 for conv in skip in first block print(p, num_feat, num_convs, current_shape) tmp += num_convs * np.prod(current_shape) * num_feat return tmp * batch_size class ResidualUNetDecoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, previous, num_classes, num_blocks_per_stage=None, network_props=None, deep_supervision=False, upscale_logits=False, block=BasicResidualBlock): super(ResidualUNetDecoder, self).__init__() self.num_classes = num_classes self.deep_supervision = deep_supervision """ We assume the bottleneck is part of the encoder, so we can start with upsample -> concat here """ previous_stages = previous.stages previous_stage_output_features = previous.stage_output_features previous_stage_pool_kernel_size = previous.stage_pool_kernel_size previous_stage_conv_op_kernel_size = previous.stage_conv_op_kernel_size if network_props is None: self.props = previous.props else: self.props = network_props if self.props['conv_op'] == nn.Conv2d: transpconv = nn.ConvTranspose2d upsample_mode = "bilinear" elif self.props['conv_op'] == nn.Conv3d: transpconv = nn.ConvTranspose3d upsample_mode = "trilinear" else: raise ValueError("unknown convolution dimensionality, conv op: %s" % str(self.props['conv_op'])) if num_blocks_per_stage is None: num_blocks_per_stage = previous.num_blocks_per_stage[:-1][::-1] assert len(num_blocks_per_stage) == len(previous.num_blocks_per_stage) - 1 self.stage_pool_kernel_size = previous_stage_pool_kernel_size self.stage_output_features = previous_stage_output_features self.stage_conv_op_kernel_size = previous_stage_conv_op_kernel_size num_stages = len(previous_stages) - 1 # we have one less as the first stage here is what comes after the # bottleneck self.tus = [] self.stages = [] self.deep_supervision_outputs = [] # only used for upsample_logits cum_upsample = np.cumprod(np.vstack(self.stage_pool_kernel_size), axis=0).astype(int) for i, s in enumerate(np.arange(num_stages)[::-1]): features_below = previous_stage_output_features[s + 1] features_skip = previous_stage_output_features[s] self.tus.append(transpconv(features_below, features_skip, previous_stage_pool_kernel_size[s + 1], previous_stage_pool_kernel_size[s + 1], bias=False)) # after we tu we concat features so now we have 2xfeatures_skip self.stages.append(ResidualLayer(2 * features_skip, features_skip, previous_stage_conv_op_kernel_size[s], self.props, num_blocks_per_stage[i], None, block)) if deep_supervision and s != 0: seg_layer = self.props['conv_op'](features_skip, num_classes, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, False) if upscale_logits: upsample = Upsample(scale_factor=cum_upsample[s], mode=upsample_mode) self.deep_supervision_outputs.append(nn.Sequential(seg_layer, upsample)) else: self.deep_supervision_outputs.append(seg_layer) self.segmentation_output = self.props['conv_op'](features_skip, num_classes, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, False) self.tus = nn.ModuleList(self.tus) self.stages = nn.ModuleList(self.stages) self.deep_supervision_outputs = nn.ModuleList(self.deep_supervision_outputs) def forward(self, skips): # skips come from the encoder. They are sorted so that the bottleneck is last in the list # what is maybe not perfect is that the TUs and stages here are sorted the other way around # so let's just reverse the order of skips skips = skips[::-1] seg_outputs = [] x = skips[0] # this is the bottleneck for i in range(len(self.tus)): x = self.tus[i](x) x = torch.cat((x, skips[i + 1]), dim=1) x = self.stages[i](x) if self.deep_supervision and (i != len(self.tus) - 1): seg_outputs.append(self.deep_supervision_outputs[i](x)) segmentation = self.segmentation_output(x) if self.deep_supervision: seg_outputs.append(segmentation) return seg_outputs[ ::-1] # seg_outputs are ordered so that the seg from the highest layer is first, the seg from # the bottleneck of the UNet last else: return segmentation @staticmethod def compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, base_num_features, max_num_features, num_classes, pool_op_kernel_sizes, num_blocks_per_stage_decoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, batch_size): """ This only applies for num_conv_per_stage and convolutional_upsampling=True not real vram consumption. just a constant term to which the vram consumption will be approx proportional (+ offset for parameter storage) :param patch_size: :param num_pool_per_axis: :param base_num_features: :param max_num_features: :return: """ npool = len(pool_op_kernel_sizes) - 1 current_shape = np.array(patch_size) tmp = (num_blocks_per_stage_decoder[-1] * 2 + 1) * np.prod( current_shape) * base_num_features + num_classes * np.prod(current_shape) num_feat = base_num_features for p in range(1, npool): current_shape = current_shape / np.array(pool_op_kernel_sizes[p]) num_feat = min(num_feat * feat_map_mul_on_downscale, max_num_features) num_convs = num_blocks_per_stage_decoder[-(p + 1)] * 2 + 1 + 1 # +1 for transpconv and +1 for conv in skip print(p, num_feat, num_convs, current_shape) tmp += num_convs * np.prod(current_shape) * num_feat return tmp * batch_size class ResidualUNet(SegmentationNetwork): use_this_for_batch_size_computation_2D = 858931200.0 # 1167982592.0 use_this_for_batch_size_computation_3D = 727842816.0 # 1152286720.0 default_base_num_features = 24 default_conv_per_stage = (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2) def __init__(self, input_channels, base_num_features, num_blocks_per_stage_encoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, pool_op_kernel_sizes, conv_kernel_sizes, props, num_classes, num_blocks_per_stage_decoder, deep_supervision=False, upscale_logits=False, max_features=512, initializer=None, block=BasicResidualBlock): super(ResidualUNet, self).__init__() self.conv_op = props['conv_op'] self.num_classes = num_classes self.encoder = ResidualUNetEncoder(input_channels, base_num_features, num_blocks_per_stage_encoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, pool_op_kernel_sizes, conv_kernel_sizes, props, default_return_skips=True, max_num_features=max_features, block=block) self.decoder = ResidualUNetDecoder(self.encoder, num_classes, num_blocks_per_stage_decoder, props, deep_supervision, upscale_logits, block=block) if initializer is not None: self.apply(initializer) def forward(self, x): skips = self.encoder(x) return self.decoder(skips) @staticmethod def compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, base_num_features, max_num_features, num_modalities, num_classes, pool_op_kernel_sizes, num_conv_per_stage_encoder, num_conv_per_stage_decoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, batch_size): enc = ResidualUNetEncoder.compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, base_num_features, max_num_features, num_modalities, pool_op_kernel_sizes, num_conv_per_stage_encoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, batch_size) dec = ResidualUNetDecoder.compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, base_num_features, max_num_features, num_classes, pool_op_kernel_sizes, num_conv_per_stage_decoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, batch_size) return enc + dec class FabiansUNet(SegmentationNetwork): """ Residual Encoder, Plain conv decoder """ use_this_for_2D_configuration = 1244233721.0 # 1167982592.0 use_this_for_3D_configuration = 1230348801.0 default_blocks_per_stage_encoder = (1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4) default_blocks_per_stage_decoder = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) default_min_batch_size = 2 # this is what works with the numbers above def __init__(self, input_channels, base_num_features, num_blocks_per_stage_encoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, pool_op_kernel_sizes, conv_kernel_sizes, props, num_classes, num_blocks_per_stage_decoder, deep_supervision=False, upscale_logits=False, max_features=512, initializer=None, block=BasicResidualBlock, props_decoder=None): super().__init__() self.conv_op = props['conv_op'] self.num_classes = num_classes self.encoder = ResidualUNetEncoder(input_channels, base_num_features, num_blocks_per_stage_encoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, pool_op_kernel_sizes, conv_kernel_sizes, props, default_return_skips=True, max_num_features=max_features, block=block) props['dropout_op_kwargs']['p'] = 0 if props_decoder is None: props_decoder = props self.decoder = PlainConvUNetDecoder(self.encoder, num_classes, num_blocks_per_stage_decoder, props_decoder, deep_supervision, upscale_logits) if initializer is not None: self.apply(initializer) def forward(self, x): skips = self.encoder(x) return self.decoder(skips) @staticmethod def compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, base_num_features, max_num_features, num_modalities, num_classes, pool_op_kernel_sizes, num_conv_per_stage_encoder, num_conv_per_stage_decoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, batch_size): enc = ResidualUNetEncoder.compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, base_num_features, max_num_features, num_modalities, pool_op_kernel_sizes, num_conv_per_stage_encoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, batch_size) dec = PlainConvUNetDecoder.compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, base_num_features, max_num_features, num_classes, pool_op_kernel_sizes, num_conv_per_stage_decoder, feat_map_mul_on_downscale, batch_size) return enc + dec def find_3d_configuration(): # lets compute a reference for 3D # we select hyperparameters here so that we get approximately the same patch size as we would get with the # regular unet. This is just my choice. You can do whatever you want # These default hyperparemeters will then be used by the experiment planner # since this is more parameter intensive than the UNet, we will test a configuration that has a lot of parameters # herefore we copy the UNet configuration for Task005_Prostate cudnn.deterministic = False cudnn.benchmark = True patch_size = (20, 320, 256) max_num_features = 320 num_modalities = 2 num_classes = 3 batch_size = 2 # now we fiddle with the network specific hyperparameters until everything just barely fits into a titanx blocks_per_stage_encoder = FabiansUNet.default_blocks_per_stage_encoder blocks_per_stage_decoder = FabiansUNet.default_blocks_per_stage_decoder initial_num_features = 32 # we neeed to add a [1, 1, 1] for the res unet because in this implementation all stages of the encoder can have a stride pool_op_kernel_sizes = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 2], [1, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2], [1, 2, 2], [1, 2, 2]] conv_op_kernel_sizes = [[1, 3, 3], [1, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3]] unet = FabiansUNet(num_modalities, initial_num_features, blocks_per_stage_encoder[:len(conv_op_kernel_sizes)], 2, pool_op_kernel_sizes, conv_op_kernel_sizes, get_default_network_config(3, dropout_p=None), num_classes, blocks_per_stage_decoder[:len(conv_op_kernel_sizes)-1], False, False, max_features=max_num_features).cuda() optimizer = SGD(unet.parameters(), lr=0.1, momentum=0.95) loss = DC_and_CE_loss({'batch_dice': True, 'smooth': 1e-5, 'do_bg': False}, {}) dummy_input = torch.rand((batch_size, num_modalities, *patch_size)).cuda() dummy_gt = (torch.rand((batch_size, 1, *patch_size)) * num_classes).round().clamp_(0, 2).cuda().long() for _ in range(20): optimizer.zero_grad() skips = unet.encoder(dummy_input) print([i.shape for i in skips]) output = unet.decoder(skips) l = loss(output, dummy_gt) l.backward() optimizer.step() if _ == 0: torch.cuda.empty_cache() # that should do. Now take the network hyperparameters and insert them in FabiansUNet.compute_approx_vram_consumption # whatever number this spits out, save it to FabiansUNet.use_this_for_batch_size_computation_3D print(FabiansUNet.compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, initial_num_features, max_num_features, num_modalities, num_classes, pool_op_kernel_sizes, blocks_per_stage_encoder[:len(conv_op_kernel_sizes)], blocks_per_stage_decoder[:len(conv_op_kernel_sizes)-1], 2, batch_size)) # the output is 1230348800.0 for me # I increment that number by 1 to allow this configuration be be chosen def find_2d_configuration(): # lets compute a reference for 3D # we select hyperparameters here so that we get approximately the same patch size as we would get with the # regular unet. This is just my choice. You can do whatever you want # These default hyperparemeters will then be used by the experiment planner # since this is more parameter intensive than the UNet, we will test a configuration that has a lot of parameters # herefore we copy the UNet configuration for Task003_Liver cudnn.deterministic = False cudnn.benchmark = True patch_size = (512, 512) max_num_features = 512 num_modalities = 1 num_classes = 3 batch_size = 12 # now we fiddle with the network specific hyperparameters until everything just barely fits into a titanx blocks_per_stage_encoder = FabiansUNet.default_blocks_per_stage_encoder blocks_per_stage_decoder = FabiansUNet.default_blocks_per_stage_decoder initial_num_features = 30 # we neeed to add a [1, 1, 1] for the res unet because in this implementation all stages of the encoder can have a stride pool_op_kernel_sizes = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2]] conv_op_kernel_sizes = [[3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3], [3, 3]] unet = FabiansUNet(num_modalities, initial_num_features, blocks_per_stage_encoder[:len(conv_op_kernel_sizes)], 2, pool_op_kernel_sizes, conv_op_kernel_sizes, get_default_network_config(2, dropout_p=None), num_classes, blocks_per_stage_decoder[:len(conv_op_kernel_sizes)-1], False, False, max_features=max_num_features).cuda() optimizer = SGD(unet.parameters(), lr=0.1, momentum=0.95) loss = DC_and_CE_loss({'batch_dice': True, 'smooth': 1e-5, 'do_bg': False}, {}) dummy_input = torch.rand((batch_size, num_modalities, *patch_size)).cuda() dummy_gt = (torch.rand((batch_size, 1, *patch_size)) * num_classes).round().clamp_(0, 2).cuda().long() for _ in range(20): optimizer.zero_grad() skips = unet.encoder(dummy_input) print([i.shape for i in skips]) output = unet.decoder(skips) l = loss(output, dummy_gt) l.backward() optimizer.step() if _ == 0: torch.cuda.empty_cache() # that should do. Now take the network hyperparameters and insert them in FabiansUNet.compute_approx_vram_consumption # whatever number this spits out, save it to FabiansUNet.use_this_for_batch_size_computation_2D print(FabiansUNet.compute_approx_vram_consumption(patch_size, initial_num_features, max_num_features, num_modalities, num_classes, pool_op_kernel_sizes, blocks_per_stage_encoder[:len(conv_op_kernel_sizes)], blocks_per_stage_decoder[:len(conv_op_kernel_sizes)-1], 2, batch_size)) # the output is 1244233728.0 for me # I increment that number by 1 to allow this configuration be be chosen # This will not fit with 32 filters, but so will the regular U-net. We still use 32 filters in training. # This does not matter because we are using mixed precision training now, so a rough memory approximation is OK if __name__ == "__main__": pass