# Copyright 2020 Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import * import os from nnunet.evaluation.model_selection.summarize_results_in_one_json import summarize from nnunet.paths import network_training_output_dir import numpy as np def list_to_string(l, delim=","): st = "%03.3f" % l[0] for i in l[1:]: st += delim + "%03.3f" % i return st def write_plans_to_file(f, plans_file, stage=0, do_linebreak_at_end=True, override_name=None): a = load_pickle(plans_file) stages = list(a['plans_per_stage'].keys()) stages.sort() patch_size_in_mm = [i * j for i, j in zip(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['patch_size'], a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['current_spacing'])] median_patient_size_in_mm = [i * j for i, j in zip(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['median_patient_size_in_voxels'], a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['current_spacing'])] if override_name is None: f.write(plans_file.split("/")[-2] + "__" + plans_file.split("/")[-1]) else: f.write(override_name) f.write(";%d" % stage) f.write(";%s" % str(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['batch_size'])) f.write(";%s" % str(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['num_pool_per_axis'])) f.write(";%s" % str(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['patch_size'])) f.write(";%s" % list_to_string(patch_size_in_mm)) f.write(";%s" % str(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['median_patient_size_in_voxels'])) f.write(";%s" % list_to_string(median_patient_size_in_mm)) f.write(";%s" % list_to_string(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['current_spacing'])) f.write(";%s" % list_to_string(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['original_spacing'])) f.write(";%s" % str(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['pool_op_kernel_sizes'])) f.write(";%s" % str(a['plans_per_stage'][stages[stage]]['conv_kernel_sizes'])) if do_linebreak_at_end: f.write("\n") if __name__ == "__main__": summarize((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 24, 27), output_dir=join(network_training_output_dir, "summary_fold0"), folds=(0,)) base_dir = os.environ['RESULTS_FOLDER'] nnunets = ['nnUNetV2', 'nnUNetV2_zspacing'] task_ids = list(range(99)) with open("summary.csv", 'w') as f: f.write("identifier;stage;batch_size;num_pool_per_axis;patch_size;patch_size(mm);median_patient_size_in_voxels;median_patient_size_in_mm;current_spacing;original_spacing;pool_op_kernel_sizes;conv_kernel_sizes;patient_dc;global_dc\n") for i in task_ids: for nnunet in nnunets: try: summary_folder = join(base_dir, nnunet, "summary_fold0") if isdir(summary_folder): summary_files = subfiles(summary_folder, join=False, prefix="Task%03.0d_" % i, suffix=".json", sort=True) for s in summary_files: tmp = s.split("__") trainer = tmp[2] expected_output_folder = join(base_dir, nnunet, tmp[1], tmp[0], tmp[2].split(".")[0]) name = tmp[0] + "__" + nnunet + "__" + tmp[1] + "__" + tmp[2].split(".")[0] global_dice_json = join(base_dir, nnunet, tmp[1], tmp[0], tmp[2].split(".")[0], "fold_0", "validation_tiledTrue_doMirror_True", "global_dice.json") if not isdir(expected_output_folder) or len(tmp) > 3: if len(tmp) == 2: continue expected_output_folder = join(base_dir, nnunet, tmp[1], tmp[0], tmp[2] + "__" + tmp[3].split(".")[0]) name = tmp[0] + "__" + nnunet + "__" + tmp[1] + "__" + tmp[2] + "__" + tmp[3].split(".")[0] global_dice_json = join(base_dir, nnunet, tmp[1], tmp[0], tmp[2] + "__" + tmp[3].split(".")[0], "fold_0", "validation_tiledTrue_doMirror_True", "global_dice.json") assert isdir(expected_output_folder), "expected output dir not found" plans_file = join(expected_output_folder, "plans.pkl") assert isfile(plans_file) plans = load_pickle(plans_file) num_stages = len(plans['plans_per_stage']) if num_stages > 1 and tmp[1] == "3d_fullres": stage = 1 elif (num_stages == 1 and tmp[1] == "3d_fullres") or tmp[1] == "3d_lowres": stage = 0 else: print("skipping", s) continue g_dc = load_json(global_dice_json) mn_glob_dc = np.mean(list(g_dc.values())) write_plans_to_file(f, plans_file, stage, False, name) # now read and add result to end of line results = load_json(join(summary_folder, s)) mean_dc = results['results']['mean']['mean']['Dice'] f.write(";%03.3f" % mean_dc) f.write(";%03.3f\n" % mn_glob_dc) print(name, mean_dc) except Exception as e: print(e)