import cv2 import numpy as np import os import as px import plotly.figure_factory as ff import datetime import as pio import plotly.graph_objs as go pio.kaleido.scope.mathjax = None import math # import pylab from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap from PIL import ImageColor def distribute_glacier(list_of_samples): list_of_glaciers = {} for glacier in ['JAC']: #for glacier in [ 'COL', 'Mapple', 'Crane', 'Jorum','DBE','SI', 'JAC']: list_of_glaciers[glacier] = [sample for sample in list_of_samples if glacier in sample] return list_of_glaciers def create_dict(list_of_samples): list_dict = [] for sample in list_of_samples: sample_split = sample.split('_') finish_date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(sample_split[1]) + datetime.timedelta(days=50) sample_dict = { 'Glacier': sample_split[0], 'Start': sample_split[1], 'Finish': str(finish_date), 'Satellite:': sample_split[2] } list_dict.append(sample_dict) return list_dict if __name__ == '__main__': train_dir = '/home/ho11laqe/PycharmProjects/data_raw/fronts/train/' test_dir = '/home/ho11laqe/PycharmProjects/data_raw/fronts/test/' list_of_train_samples = os.listdir(train_dir) list_of_test_samples = os.listdir(test_dir) list_of_samples = list_of_train_samples + list_of_test_samples list_of_glaciers = distribute_glacier(list_of_samples) list_dict = create_dict(list_of_samples) # define color map colormap = px.colors.sequential.Reds[-1::-1] for glacier in list_of_glaciers: print(glacier) list_of_glaciers[glacier].sort() if glacier in ['COL', 'Mapple']: data_directory = test_dir image_directory = '/home/ho11laqe/PycharmProjects/data_raw/sar_images/test/' else: data_directory = train_dir image_directory = '/home/ho11laqe/PycharmProjects/data_raw/sar_images/train/' # define SAR blackground image if glacier == 'COL': canvas = cv2.imread(image_directory + 'COL_2011-11-13_TDX_7_1_092.png') shape = canvas.shape elif glacier == 'JAC': canvas = cv2.imread(image_directory + 'JAC_2009-06-21_TSX_6_1_005.png') shape = canvas.shape elif glacier == 'Jorum': canvas = cv2.imread(image_directory + 'Jorum_2011-09-04_TSX_7_4_034.png') shape = canvas.shape elif glacier == 'Mapple': canvas = cv2.imread(image_directory + 'Mapple_2008-10-13_TSX_7_2_034.png') shape = canvas.shape elif glacier == 'SI': canvas = cv2.imread(image_directory + 'SI_2013-08-14_TSX_7_1_125.png') elif glacier == 'Crane': canvas = cv2.imread(image_directory + 'Crane_2008-10-13_TSX_7_3_034.png') elif glacier == 'DBE': canvas = cv2.imread(image_directory + 'DBE_2008-03-30_TSX_7_3_049.png') else: print('No image for background') exit() number_images = len(list_of_glaciers[glacier]) kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) # iterate over all fronts of one glacier for i, image_name in enumerate(list_of_glaciers[glacier]): front = cv2.imread(data_directory + image_name) # if front label has to be resized to fit background image # the front is not dilated. if front.shape != canvas.shape: front = cv2.resize(front, (shape[1], shape[0])) else: front = cv2.dilate(front, kernel) # color interpolation based on position in dataset # TODO based on actual date index = (1 - i / number_images) * (len(colormap) - 1) up = math.ceil(index) down = up - 1 color_up = np.array(ImageColor.getcolor(colormap[up], 'RGB')) color_down = np.array(ImageColor.getcolor(colormap[down], 'RGB')) dif = up - down color = color_up * (1 - dif) + color_down * dif # draw front on canvas non_zeros = np.nonzero(front) canvas[non_zeros[:2]] = np.uint([color for _ in non_zeros[0]]) #scale reference for fontsize ref_x = 15000 / 7 if glacier == 'COL': image = canvas[750:, 200:2800] new_shape = image.shape res = 7 scale = new_shape[1] / ref_x fig = px.imshow(image, height=new_shape[0]- int(80 * scale), width=new_shape[1]) legend = dict(thickness=int(50 * scale), tickvals=[-4.4, 4.4], ticktext=['2011
(+0.8°C)', '2020
(+1.2°C)'], outlinewidth=0) elif glacier == 'Mapple': image = canvas new_shape = image.shape res = 7 scale = new_shape[1] / ref_x fig = px.imshow(image, height=new_shape[0] - int(150 * scale), width=new_shape[1]) legend = dict(thickness=int(50 * scale), tickvals=[-4.8, 4.8], ticktext=['2006', '2020 '], outlinewidth=0) elif glacier == 'Crane': image = canvas[:2500,:] new_shape = image.shape res = 7 scale = new_shape[1] / ref_x fig = px.imshow(image, height=new_shape[0] - int(150 * scale), width=new_shape[1]) legend = dict(thickness=int(50 * scale), tickvals=[-4.8, 4.8], ticktext=['2002', '2014'], outlinewidth=0) elif glacier == 'Jorum': image = canvas#[200:1600, 1500:] new_shape = image.shape res = 7 scale = new_shape[1] / ref_x fig = px.imshow(image, height=new_shape[0] - int(240 * scale), width=new_shape[1]) legend = dict(thickness=int(50 * scale), tickvals=[-4.8, 4.8], ticktext=['2003', '2020'], outlinewidth=0) elif glacier == 'DBE': image = canvas[700:, 750:] new_shape = image.shape res = 7 scale = new_shape[1] / ref_x fig = px.imshow(image, height=new_shape[0] - int(150 * scale), width=new_shape[1]) legend = dict(thickness=int(50 * scale), tickvals=[-4.7, 4.7], ticktext=['1995', '2014'], outlinewidth=0) elif glacier == 'SI': image = canvas new_shape = image.shape res = 7 scale = new_shape[0] / ref_x fig = px.imshow(image, height=new_shape[0] - int(240 * scale), width=new_shape[1]) legend = dict(thickness=int(50 * scale), tickvals=[-4.8, 4.8], ticktext=['1995', '2014'], outlinewidth=0) elif glacier == 'JAC': image = canvas[:, :] new_shape = image.shape res = 6 scale = new_shape[1] / ref_x fig = px.imshow(image, height=new_shape[0] - int(340 * scale), width=new_shape[1]) legend = dict(thickness=int(50 * scale), tickvals=[-4.6, 4.7], ticktext=['2009
(+0.7°C)', '2015
(+0.9°C)'], outlinewidth=0) else: fig = px.imshow(canvas) res = 7 scale = 1 colorbar_trace = go.Scatter(x=[None], y=[None], mode='markers', marker=dict( colorscale=colormap[::-1], showscale=True, cmin=-5, cmax=5, colorbar=legend ), hoverinfo='none' ) fig.update_layout(yaxis=dict(tickmode='array', tickvals=[0, 5000 / res, 10000 / res, 15000 / res, 20000 / res, 25000 / res], ticktext=[0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25], title='km')) fig.update_layout(xaxis=dict(tickmode='array', tickvals=[0, 5000 / res, 10000 / res, 15000 / res, 20000 / res, 25000 / res], ticktext=[0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25], title='km')) fig.update_xaxes(tickfont=dict(size=int(40 * scale))) fig.update_yaxes(tickfont=dict(size=int(40 * scale))) fig.update_layout(font=dict(size=int(60 * scale), family="Computer Modern")) fig.update_coloraxes(colorbar_x=0) fig['layout']['xaxis']['title']['font']['size'] = int(60 * scale) fig['layout']['yaxis']['title']['font']['size'] = int(60 * scale) fig['layout']['showlegend'] = False fig.add_trace(colorbar_trace) fig.write_image('output/' + glacier + "_front_change.pdf", format='pdf') #