import contextlib from typing import AsyncIterator, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union import torch from hivemind import ( DHT, MSGPackSerializer, P2PContext, TensorDescriptor, deserialize_tensor_stream, deserialize_torch_tensor, nested_flatten, serialize_torch_tensor, ) from import ConnectionHandler from hivemind.p2p.p2p_daemon import DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_SIZE from hivemind.proto import runtime_pb2 from hivemind.utils.asyncio import amap_in_executor, anext, as_aiter from hivemind.utils.logging import get_logger from hivemind.utils.streaming import split_for_streaming from src.data_structures import CHAIN_DELIMITER, ModuleUID from src.server.backend import TransformerBackend from src.server.task_pool import PrioritizedTaskPool from src.server.task_prioritizer import DummyTaskPrioritizer, TaskPrioritizerBase from src.utils.misc import DUMMY, is_dummy logger = get_logger(__file__) class TransformerConnectionHandler(ConnectionHandler): """Handles three request types: forward, backward and forward-incremental (inference)""" module_backends: Dict[ModuleUID, TransformerBackend] def __init__( self, dht: DHT, module_backends: Dict[str, TransformerBackend], inference_max_length: int, task_prioritizer: TaskPrioritizerBase = DummyTaskPrioritizer(), ): super().__init__(dht, module_backends) for module_backend in self.module_backends.values(): assert isinstance(module_backend, TransformerBackend) self.inference_max_length = inference_max_length self._prioritizer = task_prioritizer async def _gather_inputs( self, requests: AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest], context: P2PContext ) -> Tuple[str, List[torch.Tensor], Dict]: block_uid, metadata = None, None def _unpack(req: runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest) -> Iterable[runtime_pb2.Tensor]: nonlocal block_uid, metadata if block_uid is None: block_uid = req.uid elif block_uid != req.uid: raise ValueError("Block uids differ in one request") if metadata is None: metadata = MSGPackSerializer.loads(req.metadata) if req.metadata else {} return req.tensors tensors_stream = amap_in_executor(_unpack, requests) inputs = await deserialize_tensor_stream(tensors_stream) assert isinstance(block_uid, str) and isinstance(metadata, dict) return block_uid, inputs, metadata async def rpc_inference( self, requests: AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest], context: P2PContext, ) -> AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest]: """Compute a single step of inference using attention cache; update attention cache accordingly.""" try: logger.debug("Opened rpc_inference()") request = await anext(requests) requested_uids = self._check_uids(request.uid) metadata = MSGPackSerializer.loads(request.metadata) if request.metadata else {} requested_backends = tuple(self.module_backends[uid] for uid in requested_uids) max_length = metadata.get("max_length") points = metadata.get("points", 0) if not requested_uids: raise ValueError("User must specify at least one block for inference, but got none") assert isinstance(max_length, int), f"rpc_inference metadata must contain int max_length, got {max_length}" assert isinstance( points, (float, int) ), f"rpc_inference should have number of points as a number or None, got {points}" if not 0 <= max_length <= self.inference_max_length: raise ValueError(f"Cannot allocate KV cache for {max_length} tokens, max = {self.inference_max_length}") point_per_piece = points / max_length if max_length > 0 else 0.0 batch_size = request.tensors[0].size[0] if request.tensors else 1 cache_metadata = torch.tensor( [[-1, -1] for _ in range(batch_size)], dtype=torch.int64 ) # [cache_handle, prefix_length] prefix_length = 0 async with self._allocate_caches(requested_backends, batch_size, max_length) as cache_handles: assert len(cache_handles) == len(requested_backends) while request.tensors: # iterate while user is willing to supply tensors hidden_states, prompts, hypo_ids = [deserialize_torch_tensor(tensor) for tensor in request.tensors] # Cast inputs to backend dtype hidden_states =[0].dtype) assert hypo_ids.dtype == torch.int64, f"hypo ids must be int64, got {hypo_ids.dtype}" # parse deep prompts (optional argument) if prompts is None or is_dummy(prompts) or is_dummy(prompts): prompts = [DUMMY] * len(requested_backends) else: prompts = [p.squeeze(0) for p in[0].dtype).split(1, dim=0)] if not (len(requested_backends) == len(prompts)): raise ValueError(f"Received {len(prompts)} prompts for {len(requested_backends)} backends") length_increment = hidden_states.shape[1] # how many tokens are added this step (in each seq) if prefix_length + length_increment > max_length: raise ValueError( f"Maximum length exceeded: prefix {prefix_length} + current {length_increment}" f" exceeds pre-allocated maximum {max_length}" ) # run request tensors through all requested modules, update caches for backend, prompt, cache_handle in zip(requested_backends, prompts, cache_handles): if not is_dummy(prompt): hidden_states[:, : prompt.shape[1]] += prompt cache_metadata[:, 0], cache_metadata[:, 1] = cache_handle, prefix_length assert isinstance( hidden_states, torch.Tensor ), f"hidden states must be tensor, got {type(hidden_states)}" assert ( hidden_states.ndim == 3 ), f"inputs to {type(backend)} must be a list with a single 3d tensor of hidden states" assert isinstance( backend.inference_pool, PrioritizedTaskPool ), "petals support only prioritized pools" priority = self._prioritizer.prioritize( cache_metadata, hidden_states, hypo_ids, points=point_per_piece / len(requested_backends), backend=backend, type="inference", ) (hidden_states,) = await backend.inference_pool.submit_task( cache_metadata, hidden_states, hypo_ids, priority=priority ) # serialize and send last layer outputs yield runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse( tensors=[ serialize_torch_tensor(, proto.compression, allow_inplace=True) for result, proto in zip( (hidden_states,), nested_flatten(requested_backends[-1].outputs_schema) ) ] ) # prepare for next step prefix_length += hidden_states.shape[1] request = await (anext(requests)) finally: logger.debug("Closed rpc_inference()") async def rpc_forward(self, request: runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest, context: P2PContext) -> runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse: # Parse request and prepare backends flat_inputs = [deserialize_torch_tensor(tensor) for tensor in request.tensors] requested_uids = self._check_uids(request.uid) requested_backends = tuple(self.module_backends[uid] for uid in requested_uids) metadata = MSGPackSerializer.loads(request.metadata) if request.metadata else {} points = metadata.get("points", 0) assert isinstance( points, (float, int) ), f"rpc_forward should have number of points as number or None, got {points}" hidden_states = await _rpc_forward( *flat_inputs, requested_backends=requested_backends, prioritizer=self._prioritizer, points=points ) assert isinstance(hidden_states, torch.Tensor) and hidden_states.ndim == 3 # Serialize output and respond to client return runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse( tensors=[ serialize_torch_tensor(, proto.compression, allow_inplace=True) for result, proto in zip((hidden_states,), nested_flatten(requested_backends[-1].outputs_schema)) ] ) async def rpc_forward_stream( self, requests: AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest], context: P2PContext ) -> AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest]: # Parse requests and prepare backends uid_str, flat_inputs, metadata = await self._gather_inputs(requests, context) requested_uids = self._check_uids(uid_str) requested_backends = tuple(self.module_backends[uid] for uid in requested_uids) points = metadata.get("points", 0) assert isinstance( points, (float, int) ), f"rpc_forward_stream should have number of points as number or None, got {points}" hidden_states = await _rpc_forward( *flat_inputs, requested_backends=requested_backends, prioritizer=self._prioritizer, points=points ) assert isinstance(hidden_states, torch.Tensor) and hidden_states.ndim == 3, "hidden_states must be a 3d tensor" # Serialize the overall output serialized_output = [ serialize_torch_tensor(, proto.compression, allow_inplace=True) for result, proto in zip((hidden_states,), nested_flatten(requested_backends[-1].outputs_schema)) ] # Split the serialized_output for streaming and respond to client output_split = [ part for tensor in serialized_output for part in split_for_streaming(tensor, DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_SIZE) ] async for part in as_aiter(*output_split): yield runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse(tensors=[part]) async def rpc_backward(self, request: runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest, context: P2PContext) -> runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse: # Parse requests and prepare backends flat_tensors = [deserialize_torch_tensor(tensor) for tensor in request.tensors] requested_uids = self._check_uids(request.uid) requested_backends = tuple(self.module_backends[uid] for uid in requested_uids) metadata = MSGPackSerializer.loads(request.metadata) if request.metadata else {} points = metadata.get("points", 0) assert isinstance( points, (float, int) ), f"rpc_backward should have number of points as number or None, got {points}" grads = await _rpc_backward( *flat_tensors, requested_backends=requested_backends, prioritizer=self._prioritizer, points=points ) # Modify grad_inputs_schema to support grad_prompts assert len(requested_backends[0].args_schema) == 1 and len(grads) in (1, 2) # TODO generalize grad_inputs_schema_with_prompts = ( requested_backends[0].args_schema * len(grads), requested_backends[0].kwargs_schema, ) # TODO generalize # Serialize the overall grad_input and respond return runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse( tensors=[ serialize_torch_tensor(, proto.compression, allow_inplace=True) for result, proto in zip(grads, nested_flatten(grad_inputs_schema_with_prompts)) ] ) async def rpc_backward_stream( self, requests: AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertRequest], context: P2PContext ) -> AsyncIterator[runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse]: uids_header, flat_tensors, metadata = await self._gather_inputs(requests, context) requested_uids = self._check_uids(uids_header) requested_backends = tuple(self.module_backends[uid] for uid in requested_uids) points = metadata.get("points", 0) assert isinstance( points, (float, int) ), f"rpc_backward_stream should have number of points as number or None, got {points}" grads = await _rpc_backward( *flat_tensors, requested_backends=requested_backends, prioritizer=self._prioritizer, points=points ) # Modify grad_inputs_schema to support grad_prompts assert len(requested_backends[0].args_schema) == 1 and len(grads) in (1, 2) # TODO generalize grad_inputs_schema_with_prompts = ( requested_backends[0].args_schema * len(grads), requested_backends[0].kwargs_schema, ) # TODO generalize # Serialize the overall grad_inputs serialized_grad_inputs = [ serialize_torch_tensor(, proto.compression, allow_inplace=True) for result, proto in zip(grads, nested_flatten(grad_inputs_schema_with_prompts)) ] # Split the serialized_grad_inputs for streaming and respond output_split = [ part for tensor in serialized_grad_inputs for part in split_for_streaming(tensor, DEFAULT_MAX_MSG_SIZE) ] async for part in as_aiter(*output_split): yield runtime_pb2.ExpertResponse(tensors=[part]) def _check_uids(self, uids: str) -> Sequence[ModuleUID]: """Check that the first request to rpc_inference is valid""" uids = (uids or "").split(CHAIN_DELIMITER) if not uids: raise RuntimeError("User did not provide any uids") for uid in uids: if uid not in self.module_backends: raise RuntimeError(f"Remote peer does not serve {uid}") return tuple(uids) @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def _allocate_caches( self, backends: Sequence[TransformerBackend], batch_size: int, max_length: int ) -> Sequence[int]: """Allocate memory caches for each transformer block, return cache handles""" async with contextlib.AsyncExitStack() as stack: handles = [] for backend in backends: num_heads = backend.module.self_attention.num_heads head_dim = backend.module.self_attention.head_dim cache_descriptor = TensorDescriptor( size=(2, batch_size, max_length, num_heads, head_dim), dtype=backend.dtype ) # [key_or_value, batch_size, max_length, num_heads, head_dim] handles.append(await stack.enter_async_context(backend.memory_cache.allocate_cache(cache_descriptor))) yield handles async def _rpc_forward( *flat_tensors: torch.Tensor, requested_backends: Sequence[TransformerBackend], prioritizer: TaskPrioritizerBase, points: int = 0, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Run forward pass on deserialized inputs and prompts, used by rpc_forward and rpc_forward_stream :param flat_tensors: a list of tensors that includes first layer inputs, optional prompts and extra tensors :note: some input tensors can be missing, in which case they will be replaced with dummy tensors (see is_dummy) :param requested_backends: a sequence of transformer blocks in the same order as they appear in forward pass :returns: hidden states after the last layer [batch_size, seq_length, hid_size] """ hidden_states, prompts = flat_tensors dtype = requested_backends[0].dtype # check parse input tensors and cast dtypes hidden_states = assert hidden_states.ndim == 3 if prompts is None or is_dummy(prompts): prompts = [DUMMY] * len(requested_backends) else: prompts = [p.squeeze(0) for p in[0].dtype).split(1, dim=0)] # Run a chain of requested backends for backend, prompt in zip(requested_backends, prompts): if not is_dummy(prompt): hidden_states[:, : prompt.shape[1]] += prompt assert isinstance(backend.inference_pool, PrioritizedTaskPool), "petals support only prioritized pools" priority = prioritizer.prioritize( hidden_states, points=points / len(requested_backends), backend=backend, type="forward" ) (hidden_states,) = await backend.forward_pool.submit_task( hidden_states, priority=priority, ) assert isinstance(hidden_states, torch.Tensor) assert ( hidden_states.ndim == 3 ), f"inputs to {type(backend)} must be a list with a single 3d tensor of hidden states" # Serialize the overall output return hidden_states async def _rpc_backward( *flat_tensors: torch.Tensor, requested_backends: Sequence[TransformerBackend], prioritizer: TaskPrioritizerBase, points: int = 0, ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[torch.Tensor]]: inputs, grad_outputs, prompts = flat_tensors # Cast inputs & grad outputs to backend dtype inputs =[0].dtype) grad_outputs =[-1].dtype) if prompts is None or is_dummy(prompts): prompts = [DUMMY] * len(requested_backends) else: prompts = [p.squeeze(0) for p in[0].dtype).split(1, dim=0)] # Run a forward chain to collect intermediate inputs # Note that we do not forward for the last module since we do not need its output inter_inputs = [] for backend, prompt in zip(requested_backends[:-1], prompts[:-1]): assert inputs.ndim == 3, f"inputs to {type(backend)} must be a single 3d tensor of hidden states" if not is_dummy(prompt): inputs[:, : prompt.shape[1]] += prompt inter_inputs.append(inputs) assert isinstance(backend.inference_pool, PrioritizedTaskPool), "petals support only prioritized pools" priority = prioritizer.prioritize( inputs, points=points / len(requested_backends), backend=backend, type="forward_in_backward" ) (inputs,) = await backend.forward_pool.submit_task(inputs, priority=priority) assert isinstance(inputs, torch.Tensor) if not is_dummy(prompts[-1]): inputs[:, : prompts[-1].shape[1]] += prompts[-1] inter_inputs.append(inputs) assert len(inter_inputs) == len(prompts) == len(requested_backends), "internal shape error during backward" grad_prompts_reversed = [] # Run a chain of requested backends for inp, prompt, backend in zip(*map(reversed, (inter_inputs, prompts, requested_backends))): assert isinstance(backend.inference_pool, PrioritizedTaskPool), "petals support only prioritized pools" priority = prioritizer.prioritize( inp, grad_outputs, points=points / len(requested_backends), backend=backend, type="backward" ) (grad_outputs,) = await backend.backward_pool.submit_task(inp, grad_outputs, priority=priority) assert isinstance(grad_outputs, torch.Tensor) if not is_dummy(prompt): grad_prompts_reversed.append(grad_outputs[:, : prompt.shape[1]].unsqueeze(0)) grad_prompts =[::-1], dim=0) if grad_prompts_reversed else DUMMY return [grad_outputs] if is_dummy(grad_prompts) else [grad_outputs, grad_prompts] # TODO un-duct-tape