async function _import() { if (!globalThis.posex || !globalThis.posex.import) { return await import('posex'); } else { return await globalThis.posex.imports.posex(); } } const { init, init_3d } = await _import(); (async function () { let _r = 0; function to_gradio(v) { // force call `change` event on gradio return [v, _r++]; } function js2py(type, gradio_field, value) { // set `value` to gradio's field // (1) Click gradio's button. // (2) Gradio will fire js callback to retrieve value to be set. // (3) Gradio will fire another js callback to notify the process has been completed. return new Promise(resolve => { const callback_name = `posex-${type}-${gradio_field}`; // (2) globalThis[callback_name] = () => { delete globalThis[callback_name]; // (3) const callback_after = callback_name + '_after'; globalThis[callback_after] = () => { delete globalThis[callback_after]; resolve(); }; return to_gradio(JSON.parse(value)); // return to_gradio(value); }; // (1) gradioApp().querySelector(`#${callback_name}_set`).click(); }); } function py2js(type, pyname, ...args) { // call python's function // (1) Set args to gradio's field // (2) Click gradio's button // (3) JS callback will be kicked with return value from gradio // (1) return (args.length == 0 ? Promise.resolve() : js2py(type, pyname + '_args', JSON.stringify(args))) .then(() => { return new Promise(resolve => { const callback_name = `posex-${type}-${pyname}`; // (3) globalThis[callback_name] = value => { delete globalThis[callback_name]; resolve(value); } // (2) gradioApp().querySelector(`#${callback_name}_get`).click(); }); }); } function reload_poses(json, ui) { const df = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let data of json) { const fig = document.createElement('figure') const img = document.createElement('img'); const cap = document.createElement('figcaption'); const clo = document.createElement('div'); const cloimg = document.createElement('img'); const clo2 = document.createElement('span'); fig.dataset.poseName =; cap.textContent =; clo.classList.add('close'); cloimg.src = ''; clo2.classList.add('close2'); clo2.textContent = 'delete'; clo.append(cloimg, clo2); img.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + data.image; img.title =; fig.append(clo, img, cap); df.appendChild(fig); } ui.saved_poses.innerHTML = ''; ui.saved_poses.appendChild(df); } function init_ui(type, api) { const $ = x => document.createElement(x); const all_reset = $('button'); all_reset.innerHTML = '🔄 All Reset'; all_reset.classList.add('posex_all_reset', 'posex_box'); const reset_camera = $('button'); reset_camera.innerHTML = '🎥 Reset Camera'; reset_camera.classList.add('posex_reset_camera', 'posex_box'); const reset_pose = $('button'); reset_pose.innerHTML = '🧍 Reset Pose'; reset_pose.classList.add('posex_reset_pose', 'posex_box'); const reset_cont = $('div'); reset_cont.classList.add('posex_reset_cont'); reset_cont.append(reset_camera, reset_pose); const canvas = $('canvas'); canvas.width = 512; canvas.height = 512; const camera_marker = $('div'); camera_marker.textContent = '- Camera'; const fixed_roll_label = $('label'); const fixed_roll = $('input'); fixed_roll.type = 'checkbox'; fixed_roll.classList.add('posex_fixed_roll', 'posex_camera'); fixed_roll.checked = true; fixed_roll_label.append(fixed_roll, document.createTextNode('Fixed Roll')); const img_marker = $('div'); img_marker.textContent = '- Image'; const set_img = $('label'); set_img.classList.add('posex_bg'); const add_img = $('button'); add_img.classList.add('posex_add_body', 'posex_body'); add_img.innerHTML = '🖼 Add';add_img.onclick = () =>; const img_input = $('input'); img_input.type = 'file'; = 'none'; set_img.append(add_img, img_input); const reset_img = $('button'); reset_img.classList.add('posex_bg'); reset_img.innerHTML = '❌ Del'; const img_cont = $('div'); img_cont.classList.add('posex_bg_cont'); img_cont.append(set_img, reset_img); const body_marker = $('div'); body_marker.textContent = '- Body'; const add_body = $('button'); add_body.classList.add('posex_add_body', 'posex_body'); add_body.innerHTML = '➕ Add'; const remove_body = $('button'); remove_body.classList.add('posex_remove_body', 'posex_body'); remove_body.innerHTML = '➖ Remove'; const canvas_marker = $('div'); canvas_marker.textContent = '- Image Size'; const canvas_width = $('input'); canvas_width.type = 'number'; canvas_width.value = 512; canvas_width.min = 64; canvas_width.classList.add('posex_canvas_width', 'posex_canvas_size'); const canvas_height = $('input'); canvas_height.type = 'number'; canvas_height.value = 512; canvas_height.min = 64; canvas_height.classList.add('posex_canvas_height', 'posex_canvas_size'); const bg_marker = $('div'); bg_marker.textContent = '- Background'; const set_bg = $('label'); set_bg.classList.add('posex_bg'); const bg_button = $('button'); bg_button.innerHTML = '🖼 Set'; bg_button.onclick = () =>; const bg_input = $('input'); bg_input.type = 'file'; = 'none'; set_bg.append(bg_button, bg_input); const reset_bg = $('button'); reset_bg.classList.add('posex_bg'); reset_bg.innerHTML = '❌ Del'; const bg_cont = $('div'); bg_cont.classList.add('posex_bg_cont'); bg_cont.append(set_bg, reset_bg); const joint_marker = $('div'); joint_marker.textContent = '- Joints and Limbs'; const limb_width_label = $('label'); const limb_width = $('input'); limb_width.type = 'range'; limb_width.min = 1; limb_width.max = 16; limb_width.value = 4; limb_width.classList.add('posex_joints', 'posex_limb_width'); limb_width_label.append(limb_width, document.createTextNode('Limb Width')); const elliptic_limbs_label = $('label'); const elliptic_limbs = $('input'); elliptic_limbs.type = 'checkbox'; elliptic_limbs.classList.add('posex_joints', 'posex_elliptic_limbs'); elliptic_limbs.checked = true; elliptic_limbs_label.append(elliptic_limbs, document.createTextNode('Elliptic Limbs')); const other_marker = $('div'); other_marker.textContent = '- Others'; const low_fps_label = $('label'); const low_fps = $('input'); low_fps.type = 'checkbox'; low_fps.classList.add('posex_low_fps', 'posex_others'); low_fps.checked = false; low_fps_label.append(low_fps, document.createTextNode('Low fps')); const setting_cont = $('div'); setting_cont.classList.add('posex_setting_cont'); setting_cont.append( // camera_marker, // fixed_roll_label, // img_marker, // img_cont, all_reset, bg_marker, bg_cont, canvas_marker, canvas_width, canvas_height, body_marker, add_body, remove_body, // joint_marker, // limb_width_label, // elliptic_limbs_label, // other_marker, // low_fps_label, ); const canvas_cont = $('div'); canvas_cont.classList.add('posex_canvas_cont'); canvas_cont.append( canvas, setting_cont, ); const notation = $('p'); notation.classList.add('posex_notation'); const indicator1 = $('div'); indicator1.classList.add('posex_indicator1'); const indicator2 = $('div'); indicator2.classList.add('posex_indicator2'); const copy = $('button'); copy.classList.add('posex_copy', 'posex_misc', 'posex_box'); copy.innerHTML = '📋 Copy to clipboard'; const save = $('button'); save.classList.add('posex_save', 'posex_misc', 'posex_box'); save.innerHTML = '💾 Download image'; const misc_cont = $('div'); misc_cont.classList.add('posex_misc_cont'); misc_cont.append( copy, save ); const save_pose = $('button'); save_pose.classList.add('posex_save_pose', 'posex_box'); save_pose.innerHTML = '💾🧍 Save Pose'; const save_pose_callback = async obj => { await py2js(type, 'savepose', obj); const json = await py2js(type, 'allposes') reload_poses(JSON.parse(json), ui); return { result: '', ok: true }; }; const saved_poses = $('div'); saved_poses.classList.add('posex_saved_poses'); saved_poses.addEventListener('click', async e => { const get_name = ele => { while (ele && ele !== document) { if (ele.dataset && ele.dataset.poseName !== undefined) return ele.dataset.poseName; ele = ele.parentNode; } return ''; }; let target =; if (target.tagName === 'IMG') target = target.parentNode; if (target.classList.contains('close2')) target = target.parentNode; if (target.tagName === 'FIGURE') { const name = get_name(target); if (name.length != 0) { const json = await py2js(type, 'loadpose', name); ui.loadPose(JSON.parse(json)); } } else if (target.classList.contains('close')) { const name = get_name(target); if (name.length != 0) { await py2js(type, 'delpose', name); const json = await py2js(type, 'allposes') reload_poses(JSON.parse(json), ui); } } }, false); const get_imgs = $('button'); get_imgs.classList.add('posex_get_imgs', 'posex_box'); get_imgs.innerHTML = '💾🧍 get_imgs'; const get_imgs_callback = async obj => { await py2js(type, 'getimgs', obj); return { result: '', ok: true }; }; const ui = { canvas, notation, indicator1, indicator2, all_reset, reset_camera, reset_pose, fixed_roll, img: img_input, reset_img, add_body, remove_body, canvas_width, canvas_height, bg: bg_input, reset_bg, limb_width, elliptic_limbs, low_fps, save, copy, save_pose, save_pose_callback, saved_poses, get_imgs, get_imgs_callback, }; const df = document.createDocumentFragment(); df.append( // all_reset, // reset_cont, canvas_cont, indicator2, indicator1, notation, // misc_cont, // save_pose, // saved_poses, // get_imgs, ); return { ui, df }; }; async function init_canvas( type, generate_button, container, api ) { container.classList.add('posex_cont'); container.innerHTML = ''; const { ui, df } = init_ui(type, api); container.appendChild(df); ui.container = container; ui.notify = function (str, type) { if (type === 'error') console.error(str); }; // { // // Send canvas image to ControlNet when button is clicked. // let force = false; // gradioApp().addEventListener('click', async e => { // if ( !== generate_button) return; // // if (!enabled.checked) return; // // if (force) { // force = false; // return; // } // // // hook `generate` button to add canvas data // e.preventDefault(); // e.stopPropagation(); // // const data_url = await ui.getDataURL(); // await js2py(type, 'base64', data_url); // force = true; //; // }, true); // } // { // // Load saved poses. // const json = await py2js(type, 'allposes') // reload_poses(JSON.parse(json), ui); // } //界面加载 init(ui); //功能js加载 const animate = init_3d(ui); animate(); // onUiTabChange(() => { // const tabname = get_uiCurrentTabContent().id; // if (type === 't2i') { // if (0 <= tabname.indexOf('txt2img')) { //; // } else { // ui.stop(); // } // } else if (type === 'i2i') { // if (0 <= tabname.indexOf('img2img')) { //; // } else { // ui.stop(); // } // } else { // ui.stop(); // } // }); } async function init_t2i() { const app = gradioApp(); await init_canvas( 't2i', app.querySelector('#txt2img_generate'), Array.from(app.querySelectorAll('#posex-t2i-html')).at(-1), // ! { load_all_poses: app.querySelector('#posex-t2i-api-all_pose'), delete_pose: app.querySelector('#posex-t2i-api-delete_pose'), } ); } // async function init_i2i() { // const app = gradioApp(); // await init_canvas( // 'i2i', // app.querySelector('#posex-i2i-enabled input[type=checkbox]'), // app.querySelector('#img2img_generate'), // Array.from(app.querySelectorAll('#posex-i2i-html')).at(-1), // ! // { // load_all_poses: app.querySelector('#posex-i2i-api-all_pose'), // delete_pose: app.querySelector('#posex-i2i-api-delete_pose'), // } // ); // } if (!globalThis.posex) globalThis.posex = {}; const posex = globalThis.posex; posex.init_t2i = init_t2i; // posex.init_i2i = init_i2i; posex.script_loaded = true; document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('posexscriptloaded')); })();