import contextlib import importlib from inspect import isfunction import os import soundfile as sf import time import wave import urllib.request import progressbar CACHE_DIR = os.getenv( "AUDIOLDM_CACHE_DIR", os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache/audioldm")) def get_duration(fname): with contextlib.closing(, 'r')) as f: frames = f.getnframes() rate = f.getframerate() return frames / float(rate) def get_bit_depth(fname): with contextlib.closing(, 'r')) as f: bit_depth = f.getsampwidth() * 8 return bit_depth def get_time(): t = time.localtime() return time.strftime("%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M_%S", t) def seed_everything(seed): import random, os import numpy as np import torch random.seed(seed) os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True def save_wave(waveform, savepath, name="outwav"): if type(name) is not list: name = [name] * waveform.shape[0] for i in range(waveform.shape[0]): path = os.path.join( savepath, "%s_%s.wav" % ( os.path.basename(name[i]) if (not ".wav" in name[i]) else os.path.basename(name[i]).split(".")[0], i, ), ) print("Save audio to %s" % path) sf.write(path, waveform[i, 0], samplerate=16000) def exists(x): return x is not None def default(val, d): if exists(val): return val return d() if isfunction(d) else d def count_params(model, verbose=False): total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) if verbose: print(f"{model.__class__.__name__} has {total_params * 1.e-6:.2f} M params.") return total_params def get_obj_from_str(string, reload=False): module, cls = string.rsplit(".", 1) if reload: module_imp = importlib.import_module(module) importlib.reload(module_imp) return getattr(importlib.import_module(module, package=None), cls) def instantiate_from_config(config): if not "target" in config: if config == "__is_first_stage__": return None elif config == "__is_unconditional__": return None raise KeyError("Expected key `target` to instantiate.") return get_obj_from_str(config["target"])(**config.get("params", dict())) def default_audioldm_config(model_name="audioldm-s-full"): basic_config = { "wave_file_save_path": "./output", "id": { "version": "v1", "name": "default", "root": "/mnt/fast/nobackup/users/hl01486/projects/general_audio_generation/AudioLDM-python/config/default/latent_diffusion.yaml", }, "preprocessing": { "audio": {"sampling_rate": 16000, "max_wav_value": 32768}, "stft": {"filter_length": 1024, "hop_length": 160, "win_length": 1024}, "mel": { "n_mel_channels": 64, "mel_fmin": 0, "mel_fmax": 8000, "freqm": 0, "timem": 0, "blur": False, "mean": -4.63, "std": 2.74, "target_length": 1024, }, }, "model": { "device": "cuda", "target": "audioldm.pipline.LatentDiffusion", "params": { "base_learning_rate": 5e-06, "linear_start": 0.0015, "linear_end": 0.0195, "num_timesteps_cond": 1, "log_every_t": 200, "timesteps": 1000, "first_stage_key": "fbank", "cond_stage_key": "waveform", "latent_t_size": 256, "latent_f_size": 16, "channels": 8, "cond_stage_trainable": True, "conditioning_key": "film", "monitor": "val/loss_simple_ema", "scale_by_std": True, "unet_config": { "target": "audioldm.latent_diffusion.openaimodel.UNetModel", "params": { "image_size": 64, "extra_film_condition_dim": 512, "extra_film_use_concat": True, "in_channels": 8, "out_channels": 8, "model_channels": 128, "attention_resolutions": [8, 4, 2], "num_res_blocks": 2, "channel_mult": [1, 2, 3, 5], "num_head_channels": 32, "use_spatial_transformer": True, }, }, "first_stage_config": { "base_learning_rate": 4.5e-05, "target": "audioldm.variational_autoencoder.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL", "params": { "monitor": "val/rec_loss", "image_key": "fbank", "subband": 1, "embed_dim": 8, "time_shuffle": 1, "ddconfig": { "double_z": True, "z_channels": 8, "resolution": 256, "downsample_time": False, "in_channels": 1, "out_ch": 1, "ch": 128, "ch_mult": [1, 2, 4], "num_res_blocks": 2, "attn_resolutions": [], "dropout": 0.0, }, }, }, "cond_stage_config": { "target": "audioldm.clap.encoders.CLAPAudioEmbeddingClassifierFreev2", "params": { "key": "waveform", "sampling_rate": 16000, "embed_mode": "audio", "unconditional_prob": 0.1, }, }, }, }, } if("-l-" in model_name): basic_config["model"]["params"]["unet_config"]["params"]["model_channels"] = 256 basic_config["model"]["params"]["unet_config"]["params"]["num_head_channels"] = 64 elif("-m-" in model_name): basic_config["model"]["params"]["unet_config"]["params"]["model_channels"] = 192 basic_config["model"]["params"]["cond_stage_config"]["params"]["amodel"] = "HTSAT-base" # This model use a larger HTAST return basic_config def get_metadata(): return { "audioldm-s-full": { "path": os.path.join( CACHE_DIR, "audioldm-s-full.ckpt", ), "url": "", }, "audioldm-l-full": { "path": os.path.join( CACHE_DIR, "audioldm-l-full.ckpt", ), "url": "", }, "audioldm-s-full-v2": { "path": os.path.join( CACHE_DIR, "audioldm-s-full-v2.ckpt", ), "url": "", }, "audioldm-m-text-ft": { "path": os.path.join( CACHE_DIR, "audioldm-m-text-ft.ckpt", ), "url": "", }, "audioldm-s-text-ft": { "path": os.path.join( CACHE_DIR, "audioldm-s-text-ft.ckpt", ), "url": "", }, "audioldm-m-full": { "path": os.path.join( CACHE_DIR, "audioldm-m-full.ckpt", ), "url": "", }, } class MyProgressBar(): def __init__(self): self.pbar = None def __call__(self, block_num, block_size, total_size): if not self.pbar: self.pbar=progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=total_size) self.pbar.start() downloaded = block_num * block_size if downloaded < total_size: self.pbar.update(downloaded) else: self.pbar.finish() def download_checkpoint(checkpoint_name="audioldm-s-full"): meta = get_metadata() if(checkpoint_name not in meta.keys()): print("The model name you provided is not supported. Please use one of the following: ", meta.keys()) if not os.path.exists(meta[checkpoint_name]["path"]) or os.path.getsize(meta[checkpoint_name]["path"]) < 2*10**9: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(meta[checkpoint_name]["path"]), exist_ok=True) print(f"Downloading the main structure of {checkpoint_name} into {os.path.dirname(meta[checkpoint_name]['path'])}") urllib.request.urlretrieve(meta[checkpoint_name]["url"], meta[checkpoint_name]["path"], MyProgressBar()) print( "Weights downloaded in: {} Size: {}".format( meta[checkpoint_name]["path"], os.path.getsize(meta[checkpoint_name]["path"]), ) )