import json import random import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import streamlit as st # from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification from transformers import pipeline title = "Model Exploration" description = "Comparison of hate speech detection models" date = "2022-01-26" thumbnail = "images/robot.png" __HATE_DETECTION = """ Once the data has been collected using the definitions identified for the task, you can start training your model. At training, the model takes in the data with labels and learns the associated context in the input data for each label. Depending on the task design, the labels may be binary like 'hateful' and 'non-hateful' or multiclass like 'neutral', 'offensive', and 'attack'. When presented with a new input string, the model then predicts the likelihood that the input is classified as each of the available labels and returns the label with the highest likelihood as well as how confident the model is in its selection using a score from 0 to 1. Neural models such as transformers are frequently trained as general language models and then fine-tuned on specific classification tasks. These models can vary in their architecture and the optimization algorithms, sometimes resulting in very different output for the same input text. The models used below include: - [RoBERTa trained on FRENK dataset]( - [RoBERTa trained on Twitter Hate Speech]( - [DeHateBERT model (trained on Twitter and StormFront)]( - [RoBERTa trained on 11 English hate speech datasets]( - [RoBERTa trained on 11 English hate speech datasets and Round 1 of the Dynamically Generated Hate Speech Dataset]( - [RoBERTa trained on 11 English hate speech datasets and Rounds 1 and 2 of the Dynamically Generated Hate Speech Dataset]( - [RoBERTa trained on 11 English hate speech datasets and Rounds 1, 2, and 3 of the Dynamically Generated Hate Speech Dataset]( """ __HATECHECK = """ [Röttinger et al. (2021)]( developed a list of 3,901 test cases for hate speech detection models called HateCheck. HateCheck provides a number of templates long with placeholders for identity categories and hateful terms along with labels indicating whether a model should or should not categorize the instance as hate speech. For each case, they created several examples with different identity attributes to test models' abilities to detect hate speech towards a range of groups of people. Additionally, they used more difficult linguistic contexts such as adding negation or more nuanced words to try to fool the model. See some of there examples using the button or try to make your own examples to test the models in the tools below. *** Warning: these examples may include hateful and violent content as well as slurs and other offensive languages *** """ __RANKING = """ When models process a given input, they calculate the probability of that input being labeled with each of the possible labels (in binary cases for example, either 'hateful' or 'not hateful'). The label with the highest probably is returned. If we test multiple input sentences for a given model, we can see which input sentences have the highest probabilities, indicating which examples the model is most confident in classifying. Try comparing different input sentences for a given model using the tool below. """ __COMPARISON = """ Depending on their training data and parameters, models can return very different outputs for the same input. Knowing how models differ in their behavior can help with choosing an appropriate model for your given use case. Additionally, models trained on one kind of data can perform very differently when tested on novel data. To show the models' performance in a variety of settings, we also show the results of each model on four datasets: the entirety of the [HateCheck Dataset](, the [Dynamically Generated Hate Speech Dataset](, the [Hateful Memes Dataset]( (without the images), and a 2000-instance subsection of the [Open Subtitles]( (English) Dataset. While the first three are hate speech datasets and have labels for whether or not each instance is hateful, the Open Subtitles dataset contains movie subtitles and is not labeled for instances of hate. Try comparing two different models' output for the same comparison sentence using the tool below. """ __MODELS = [ "classla/roberta-base-frenk-hate", "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate", "Hate-speech-CNERG/dehatebert-mono-english", "facebook/roberta-hate-speech-dynabench-r1-target", "facebook/roberta-hate-speech-dynabench-r2-target", "facebook/roberta-hate-speech-dynabench-r3-target", "facebook/roberta-hate-speech-dynabench-r4-target", ] autopop_ranking = [ [ "I don't hate black people.", "Black people should die.", "My friend likes pancakes.", ], [ "Those dirty redskins are all drunks.", "I can't stand Chinese food. It's too spicy.", "I lived near many Chinese people and I hated every single one of them.", ], [ "Stop saying that Mexicans don't belong in our country!", "We walked along the dyke down the road.", "Ah shit, I fucked up.", ], ] # Creates the forms for receiving multiple inputs to compare for a single # model or one input to compare for two models def run_article(): st.markdown("# Making a Hate Speech Detection Model") with st.expander("Hate Speech Detection Models", expanded=False): st.markdown(__HATE_DETECTION) hc_path = "posts/resources/" hc_pholders = json.load( open(hc_path + "template_placeholders.json", encoding="utf-8") ) hc_templates = json.load( open(hc_path + "hatecheck_category_templates.json", encoding="utf-8") ) hc_info = json.load( open(hc_path + "hatecheck_category_info.json", encoding="utf-8") ) hc_cats = [""] + list(hc_info.keys()) st.markdown("## Testing Models' Behavior") with st.expander("HateCheck Examples", expanded=False): st.markdown(__HATECHECK) category = st.selectbox( "Select a category of examples from HateCheck", hc_cats, key="hc_cat_select" ) if category: with st.form(key="hate_check"): hc_cat = hc_info[category] templates = [] names = [] for hc_temp in hc_cat: templates.append(hc_temp) names.append(hc_cat[hc_temp]["name"]) selected_names = st.multiselect( "Select one or more HateCheck templates to generate examples for", names, key="hc_temp_multiselect", ) num_exs = st.number_input( "Select a number of examples to generate for each selected template", min_value=1, max_value=5, value=3, ) if st.form_submit_button(label="Generate Examples"): for name in selected_names: index = names.index(name) template = templates[index] examples = generate_hc_ex( hc_templates[template], hc_pholders, num_exs ) st.header(name) st.subheader("Label: " + hc_cat[template]["value"]) st.caption(hc_cat[template]["desc"]) for num in range(num_exs): ex = examples[num] st.write("Example #" + str(num + 1) + ": " + ex) st.markdown("## Model Output Ranking") with st.expander("Model Output Ranking Tool", expanded=False): st.markdown(__RANKING) with st.form(key="ranking"): model_name = st.selectbox( "Select a model to test", __MODELS, ) # the placeholder key functionality was added in v1.2 of streamlit # and versions on Spaces currently goes up to v1.0 input_1 = st.text_input( "Input 1", help="Try a phrase like 'We shouldn't let [IDENTITY] suffer.'", # placeholder="We shouldn't let [IDENTITY] suffer." ) input_2 = st.text_input( "Input 2", help="Try a phrase like 'I'd rather die than date [IDENTITY].'", # placeholder="I'd rather die than date [IDENTITY]." ) input_3 = st.text_input( "Input 3", help="Try a phrase like 'Good morning'", # placeholder="Good morning." ) autopop = st.checkbox( "Choose examples for me", key="rank_autopop_ckbx", help="Check this box to run the model with 3 preselected sentences.", ) if st.form_submit_button(label="Rank inputs"): if autopop: rank_inputs = random.choice(autopop_ranking) else: rank_inputs = [input_1, input_2, input_3] sys.stderr.write("\n" + str(rank_inputs) + "\n") results = run_ranked(model_name, rank_inputs) st.dataframe(results) st.markdown("## Model Comparison") with st.expander("Model Comparison Tool", expanded=False): st.markdown(__COMPARISON) with st.form(key="comparison"): model_name_1 = st.selectbox( "Select a model to compare", __MODELS, key="compare_model_1", ) model_name_2 = st.selectbox( "Select another model to compare", __MODELS, key="compare_model_2", ) autopop = st.checkbox( "Choose an example for me", key="comp_autopop_ckbx", help="Check this box to compare the models with a preselected sentence.", ) input_text = st.text_input("Comparison input") if st.form_submit_button(label="Compare models"): if autopop: input_text = random.choice(random.choice(autopop_ranking)) results = run_compare(model_name_1, model_name_2, input_text) st.write("### Showing results for: " + input_text) st.dataframe(results) outside_ds = ["hatecheck", "dynabench", "hatefulmemes", "opensubtitles"] name_1_short = model_name_1.split("/")[1] name_2_short = model_name_2.split("/")[1] for calib_ds in outside_ds: ds_loc = "posts/resources/charts/" + calib_ds + "/" images, captions = [], [] for model in [name_1_short, name_2_short]: images.append(ds_loc + model + "_" + calib_ds + ".png") captions.append("Counts of dataset instances by hate score.") st.write("#### Model performance comparison on " + calib_ds) st.image(images, captions) # if model_name_1 == "Hate-speech-CNERG/dehatebert-mono-english": # st.image("posts/resources/dehatebert-mono-english_calibration.png") # elif model_name_1 == "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate": # st.image("posts/resources/twitter-roberta-base-hate_calibration.png") # st.write("Calibration of Model 2") # if model_name_2 == "Hate-speech-CNERG/dehatebert-mono-english": # st.image("posts/resources/dehatebert-mono-english_calibration.png") # elif model_name_2 == "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate": # st.image("posts/resources/twitter-roberta-base-hate_calibration.png") # Takes in a Hate Check template and placeholders and generates the given # number of random examples from the template, inserting a random instance of # an identity category if there is a placeholder in the template def generate_hc_ex(template, placeholders, gen_num): sampled = random.sample(template, gen_num) ph_cats = list(placeholders.keys()) for index in range(len(sampled)): sample = sampled[index] for ph_cat in ph_cats: if ph_cat in sample: insert = random.choice(placeholders[ph_cat]) sampled[index] = sample.replace(ph_cat, insert).capitalize() return sampled # Runs the received input strings through the given model and returns the # all scores for all possible labels as a DataFrame def run_ranked(model, input_list): classifier = pipeline("text-classification", model=model, return_all_scores=True) output = {} results = classifier(input_list) for result in results: for index in range(len(result)): label = result[index]["label"] score = result[index]["score"] if label in output: output[label].append(score) else: new_out = [score] output[label] = new_out return pd.DataFrame(output, index=input_list) # Takes in two model names and returns the output of both models for that # given input string def run_compare(name_1, name_2, text): classifier_1 = pipeline("text-classification", model=name_1) result_1 = classifier_1(text) out_1 = {} out_1["Model"] = name_1 out_1["Label"] = result_1[0]["label"] out_1["Score"] = result_1[0]["score"] classifier_2 = pipeline("text-classification", model=name_2) result_2 = classifier_2(text) out_2 = {} out_2["Model"] = name_2 out_2["Label"] = result_2[0]["label"] out_2["Score"] = result_2[0]["score"] return [out_1, out_2]