import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from insurancePP.pipeline.prediction import PredictionPipeline import asyncio from insurancePP.logging import logger import os st.title('Insurance Premium Prediction') if 'count' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.count = 0 def main(): def callback_search(): # Destroying old sessions st.session_state['search_btn'] = False # Extracting features from the webpage # capturing the selected age option_age = st.selectbox( 'select the age', [i for i in range(15, 65)], on_change=callback_search ) # print(option_age) # capturing the selected gender option_gender = st.selectbox( 'select the gender', ['female', 'male'], on_change=callback_search ) option_bmi = st.text_input( 'enter the bmi (values should be in range 15-60)', on_change=callback_search ) # capturing the number of children option_children = st.selectbox( 'select number of children', [i for i in range(6)], on_change=callback_search ) # print(option_children) # capturing the smoker option_smoker = st.selectbox( 'is the candidate smoker', ['yes', 'no'], on_change=callback_search ) # print(option_smoker) # capturing the region option_region = st.selectbox( 'select the region', ['southwest', 'southeast', 'northwest', 'northeast'], on_change=callback_search ) custom_data = { 'age': [option_age], 'sex': [option_gender], 'bmi': [option_bmi], 'children': [option_children], 'smoker': [option_smoker], 'region': [option_region] } prediction = st.button('Predict') # adding session state for 'prediction' button if st.session_state.get('search_btn') != True: st.session_state['search_btn'] = prediction # prediction and printing the output if st.session_state['search_btn']: data_df = pd.DataFrame(custom_data) data_df['bmi'] = data_df['bmi'].astype(float) # print(data_df.dtypes) pipe = PredictionPipeline() result = pipe.predicting_result(data_df) st.write('The Predicted Expense is: {}'.format(round(result[0], 2)))'Prediction Success') if __name__ == '__main__': if (st.session_state.count == 0): st.session_state.count += 1 os.system("python")"Training Successful!") main()