import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_info import models from models.base import BaseModel from models.utils import scale_anything, get_activation, cleanup, chunk_batch from models.network_utils import get_encoding, get_mlp, get_encoding_with_network from utils.misc import get_rank from systems.utils import update_module_step from nerfacc import ContractionType def contract_to_unisphere(x, radius, contraction_type): if contraction_type == ContractionType.AABB: x = scale_anything(x, (-radius, radius), (0, 1)) elif contraction_type == ContractionType.UN_BOUNDED_SPHERE: x = scale_anything(x, (-radius, radius), (0, 1)) x = x * 2 - 1 # aabb is at [-1, 1] mag = x.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) mask = mag.squeeze(-1) > 1 x[mask] = (2 - 1 / mag[mask]) * (x[mask] / mag[mask]) x = x / 4 + 0.5 # [-inf, inf] is at [0, 1] else: raise NotImplementedError return x class MarchingCubeHelper(nn.Module): def __init__(self, resolution, use_torch=True): super().__init__() self.resolution = resolution self.use_torch = use_torch self.points_range = (0, 1) if self.use_torch: import torchmcubes self.mc_func = torchmcubes.marching_cubes else: import mcubes self.mc_func = mcubes.marching_cubes self.verts = None def grid_vertices(self): if self.verts is None: x, y, z = torch.linspace(*self.points_range, self.resolution), torch.linspace(*self.points_range, self.resolution), torch.linspace(*self.points_range, self.resolution) x, y, z = torch.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij') verts =[x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1), z.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=-1).reshape(-1, 3) self.verts = verts return self.verts def forward(self, level, threshold=0.): level = level.float().view(self.resolution, self.resolution, self.resolution) if self.use_torch: verts, faces = self.mc_func(, threshold) verts, faces = verts.cpu(), faces.cpu().long() else: verts, faces = self.mc_func(-level.numpy(), threshold) # transform to numpy verts, faces = torch.from_numpy(verts.astype(np.float32)), torch.from_numpy(faces.astype(np.int64)) # transform back to pytorch verts = verts / (self.resolution - 1.) return { 'v_pos': verts, 't_pos_idx': faces } class BaseImplicitGeometry(BaseModel): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) if self.config.isosurface is not None: assert self.config.isosurface.method in ['mc', 'mc-torch'] if self.config.isosurface.method == 'mc-torch': raise NotImplementedError("Please do not use mc-torch. It currently has some scaling issues I haven't fixed yet.") self.helper = MarchingCubeHelper(self.config.isosurface.resolution, use_torch=self.config.isosurface.method=='mc-torch') self.radius = self.config.radius self.contraction_type = None # assigned in system def forward_level(self, points): raise NotImplementedError def isosurface_(self, vmin, vmax): def batch_func(x): x = torch.stack([ scale_anything(x[...,0], (0, 1), (vmin[0], vmax[0])), scale_anything(x[...,1], (0, 1), (vmin[1], vmax[1])), scale_anything(x[...,2], (0, 1), (vmin[2], vmax[2])), ], dim=-1).to(self.rank) rv = self.forward_level(x).cpu() cleanup() return rv level = chunk_batch(batch_func, self.config.isosurface.chunk, True, self.helper.grid_vertices()) mesh = self.helper(level, threshold=self.config.isosurface.threshold) mesh['v_pos'] = torch.stack([ scale_anything(mesh['v_pos'][...,0], (0, 1), (vmin[0], vmax[0])), scale_anything(mesh['v_pos'][...,1], (0, 1), (vmin[1], vmax[1])), scale_anything(mesh['v_pos'][...,2], (0, 1), (vmin[2], vmax[2])) ], dim=-1) return mesh @torch.no_grad() def isosurface(self): if self.config.isosurface is None: raise NotImplementedError mesh_coarse = self.isosurface_((-self.radius, -self.radius, -self.radius), (self.radius, self.radius, self.radius)) vmin, vmax = mesh_coarse['v_pos'].amin(dim=0), mesh_coarse['v_pos'].amax(dim=0) vmin_ = (vmin - (vmax - vmin) * 0.1).clamp(-self.radius, self.radius) vmax_ = (vmax + (vmax - vmin) * 0.1).clamp(-self.radius, self.radius) mesh_fine = self.isosurface_(vmin_, vmax_) return mesh_fine @models.register('volume-density') class VolumeDensity(BaseImplicitGeometry): def setup(self): self.n_input_dims = self.config.get('n_input_dims', 3) self.n_output_dims = self.config.feature_dim self.encoding_with_network = get_encoding_with_network(self.n_input_dims, self.n_output_dims, self.config.xyz_encoding_config, self.config.mlp_network_config) def forward(self, points): points = contract_to_unisphere(points, self.radius, self.contraction_type) out = self.encoding_with_network(points.view(-1, self.n_input_dims)).view(*points.shape[:-1], self.n_output_dims).float() density, feature = out[...,0], out if 'density_activation' in self.config: density = get_activation(self.config.density_activation)(density + float(self.config.density_bias)) if 'feature_activation' in self.config: feature = get_activation(self.config.feature_activation)(feature) return density, feature def forward_level(self, points): points = contract_to_unisphere(points, self.radius, self.contraction_type) density = self.encoding_with_network(points.reshape(-1, self.n_input_dims)).reshape(*points.shape[:-1], self.n_output_dims)[...,0] if 'density_activation' in self.config: density = get_activation(self.config.density_activation)(density + float(self.config.density_bias)) return -density def update_step(self, epoch, global_step): update_module_step(self.encoding_with_network, epoch, global_step) @models.register('volume-sdf') class VolumeSDF(BaseImplicitGeometry): def setup(self): self.n_output_dims = self.config.feature_dim encoding = get_encoding(3, self.config.xyz_encoding_config) network = get_mlp(encoding.n_output_dims, self.n_output_dims, self.config.mlp_network_config) self.encoding, = encoding, network self.grad_type = self.config.grad_type self.finite_difference_eps = self.config.get('finite_difference_eps', 1e-3) # the actual value used in training # will update at certain steps if finite_difference_eps="progressive" self._finite_difference_eps = None if self.grad_type == 'finite_difference': rank_zero_info(f"Using finite difference to compute gradients with eps={self.finite_difference_eps}") def forward(self, points, with_grad=True, with_feature=True, with_laplace=False): with torch.inference_mode(torch.is_inference_mode_enabled() and not (with_grad and self.grad_type == 'analytic')): with torch.set_grad_enabled( or (with_grad and self.grad_type == 'analytic')): if with_grad and self.grad_type == 'analytic': if not points = points.clone() # points may be in inference mode, get a copy to enable grad points.requires_grad_(True) points_ = points # points in the original scale points = contract_to_unisphere(points, self.radius, self.contraction_type) # points normalized to (0, 1) out =, 3))).view(*points.shape[:-1], self.n_output_dims).float() sdf, feature = out[...,0], out if 'sdf_activation' in self.config: sdf = get_activation(self.config.sdf_activation)(sdf + float(self.config.sdf_bias)) if 'feature_activation' in self.config: feature = get_activation(self.config.feature_activation)(feature) if with_grad: if self.grad_type == 'analytic': grad = torch.autograd.grad( sdf, points_, grad_outputs=torch.ones_like(sdf), create_graph=True, retain_graph=True, only_inputs=True )[0] elif self.grad_type == 'finite_difference': eps = self._finite_difference_eps offsets = torch.as_tensor( [ [eps, 0.0, 0.0], [-eps, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, eps, 0.0], [0.0, -eps, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, eps], [0.0, 0.0, -eps], ] ).to(points_) points_d_ = (points_[...,None,:] + offsets).clamp(-self.radius, self.radius) points_d = scale_anything(points_d_, (-self.radius, self.radius), (0, 1)) points_d_sdf =, 3)))[...,0].view(*points.shape[:-1], 6).float() grad = 0.5 * (points_d_sdf[..., 0::2] - points_d_sdf[..., 1::2]) / eps if with_laplace: laplace = (points_d_sdf[..., 0::2] + points_d_sdf[..., 1::2] - 2 * sdf[..., None]).sum(-1) / (eps ** 2) rv = [sdf] if with_grad: rv.append(grad) if with_feature: rv.append(feature) if with_laplace: assert self.config.grad_type == 'finite_difference', "Laplace computation is only supported with grad_type='finite_difference'" rv.append(laplace) rv = [v if else v.detach() for v in rv] return rv[0] if len(rv) == 1 else rv def forward_level(self, points): points = contract_to_unisphere(points, self.radius, self.contraction_type) # points normalized to (0, 1) sdf =, 3))).view(*points.shape[:-1], self.n_output_dims)[...,0] if 'sdf_activation' in self.config: sdf = get_activation(self.config.sdf_activation)(sdf + float(self.config.sdf_bias)) return sdf def update_step(self, epoch, global_step): update_module_step(self.encoding, epoch, global_step) update_module_step(, epoch, global_step) if self.grad_type == 'finite_difference': if isinstance(self.finite_difference_eps, float): self._finite_difference_eps = self.finite_difference_eps elif self.finite_difference_eps == 'progressive': hg_conf = self.config.xyz_encoding_config assert hg_conf.otype == "ProgressiveBandHashGrid", "finite_difference_eps='progressive' only works with ProgressiveBandHashGrid" current_level = min( hg_conf.start_level + max(global_step - hg_conf.start_step, 0) // hg_conf.update_steps, hg_conf.n_levels ) grid_res = hg_conf.base_resolution * hg_conf.per_level_scale**(current_level - 1) grid_size = 2 * self.config.radius / grid_res if grid_size != self._finite_difference_eps: rank_zero_info(f"Update finite_difference_eps to {grid_size}") self._finite_difference_eps = grid_size else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown finite_difference_eps={self.finite_difference_eps}")