import torch import numpy as np def cast_rays(ori, dir, z_vals): return ori[..., None, :] + z_vals[..., None] * dir[..., None, :] def get_ray_directions(W, H, fx, fy, cx, cy, use_pixel_centers=True): pixel_center = 0.5 if use_pixel_centers else 0 i, j = np.meshgrid( np.arange(W, dtype=np.float32) + pixel_center, np.arange(H, dtype=np.float32) + pixel_center, indexing='xy' ) i, j = torch.from_numpy(i), torch.from_numpy(j) # directions = torch.stack([(i - cx) / fx, -(j - cy) / fy, -torch.ones_like(i)], -1) # (H, W, 3) # opencv system directions = torch.stack([(i - cx) / fx, (j - cy) / fy, torch.ones_like(i)], -1) # (H, W, 3) return directions def get_ortho_ray_directions_origins(W, H, use_pixel_centers=True): pixel_center = 0.5 if use_pixel_centers else 0 i, j = np.meshgrid( np.arange(W, dtype=np.float32) + pixel_center, np.arange(H, dtype=np.float32) + pixel_center, indexing='xy' ) i, j = torch.from_numpy(i), torch.from_numpy(j) origins = torch.stack([(i/W-0.5)*2, (j/H-0.5)*2, torch.zeros_like(i)], dim=-1) # W, H, 3 directions = torch.stack([torch.zeros_like(i), torch.zeros_like(j), torch.ones_like(i)], dim=-1) # W, H, 3 return origins, directions def get_rays(directions, c2w, keepdim=False): # Rotate ray directions from camera coordinate to the world coordinate # rays_d = directions @ c2w[:, :3].T # (H, W, 3) # slow? assert directions.shape[-1] == 3 if directions.ndim == 2: # (N_rays, 3) assert c2w.ndim == 3 # (N_rays, 4, 4) / (1, 4, 4) rays_d = (directions[:,None,:] * c2w[:,:3,:3]).sum(-1) # (N_rays, 3) rays_o = c2w[:,:,3].expand(rays_d.shape) elif directions.ndim == 3: # (H, W, 3) if c2w.ndim == 2: # (4, 4) rays_d = (directions[:,:,None,:] * c2w[None,None,:3,:3]).sum(-1) # (H, W, 3) rays_o = c2w[None,None,:,3].expand(rays_d.shape) elif c2w.ndim == 3: # (B, 4, 4) rays_d = (directions[None,:,:,None,:] * c2w[:,None,None,:3,:3]).sum(-1) # (B, H, W, 3) rays_o = c2w[:,None,None,:,3].expand(rays_d.shape) if not keepdim: rays_o, rays_d = rays_o.reshape(-1, 3), rays_d.reshape(-1, 3) return rays_o, rays_d # rays_v = torch.matmul(self.pose_all[img_idx, None, None, :3, :3].cuda(), rays_v[:, :, :, None].cuda()).squeeze() # W, H, 3 # rays_o = torch.matmul(self.pose_all[img_idx, None, None, :3, :3].cuda(), q[:, :, :, None].cuda()).squeeze() # W, H, 3 # rays_o = self.pose_all[img_idx, None, None, :3, 3].expand(rays_v.shape).cuda() + rays_o # W, H, 3 def get_ortho_rays(origins, directions, c2w, keepdim=False): # Rotate ray directions from camera coordinate to the world coordinate # rays_d = directions @ c2w[:, :3].T # (H, W, 3) # slow? assert directions.shape[-1] == 3 assert origins.shape[-1] == 3 if directions.ndim == 2: # (N_rays, 3) assert c2w.ndim == 3 # (N_rays, 4, 4) / (1, 4, 4) rays_d = torch.matmul(c2w[:, :3, :3], directions[:, :, None]).squeeze() # (N_rays, 3) rays_o = torch.matmul(c2w[:, :3, :3], origins[:, :, None]).squeeze() # (N_rays, 3) rays_o = c2w[:,:3,3].expand(rays_d.shape) + rays_o elif directions.ndim == 3: # (H, W, 3) if c2w.ndim == 2: # (4, 4) rays_d = torch.matmul(c2w[None, None, :3, :3], directions[:, :, :, None]).squeeze() # (H, W, 3) rays_o = torch.matmul(c2w[None, None, :3, :3], origins[:, :, :, None]).squeeze() # (H, W, 3) rays_o = c2w[None, None,:3,3].expand(rays_d.shape) + rays_o elif c2w.ndim == 3: # (B, 4, 4) rays_d = torch.matmul(c2w[:,None, None, :3, :3], directions[None, :, :, :, None]).squeeze() # # (B, H, W, 3) rays_o = torch.matmul(c2w[:,None, None, :3, :3], origins[None, :, :, :, None]).squeeze() # # (B, H, W, 3) rays_o = c2w[:,None, None, :3,3].expand(rays_d.shape) + rays_o if not keepdim: rays_o, rays_d = rays_o.reshape(-1, 3), rays_d.reshape(-1, 3) return rays_o, rays_d