import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch_efficient_distloss import flatten_eff_distloss import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_info, rank_zero_debug import models from models.utils import cleanup from models.ray_utils import get_rays import systems from systems.base import BaseSystem from systems.criterions import PSNR, binary_cross_entropy import pdb def ranking_loss(error, penalize_ratio=0.7, extra_weights=None, type="mean"): error, indices = torch.sort(error) # only sum relatively small errors s_error = torch.index_select( error, 0, index=indices[: int(penalize_ratio * indices.shape[0])] ) if extra_weights is not None: weights = torch.index_select( extra_weights, 0, index=indices[: int(penalize_ratio * indices.shape[0])] ) s_error = s_error * weights if type == "mean": return torch.mean(s_error) elif type == "sum": return torch.sum(s_error) @systems.register("pinhole-neus-system") class PinholeNeuSSystem(BaseSystem): """ Two ways to print to console: 1. self.print: correctly handle progress bar 2. rank_zero_info: use the logging module """ def prepare(self): self.criterions = {"psnr": PSNR()} self.train_num_samples = self.config.model.train_num_rays * ( self.config.model.num_samples_per_ray + self.config.model.get("num_samples_per_ray_bg", 0) ) self.train_num_rays = self.config.model.train_num_rays self.cos = torch.nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=-1, eps=1e-6) def forward(self, batch): return self.model(batch["rays"]) def preprocess_data(self, batch, stage): if "index" in batch: # validation / testing index = batch["index"] else: if self.config.model.batch_image_sampling: index = torch.randint( 0, len(self.dataset.all_images), size=(self.train_num_rays,), device=self.dataset.all_images.device, ) else: index = torch.randint( 0, len(self.dataset.all_images), size=(1,), device=self.dataset.all_images.device, ) if stage in ["train"]: c2w = self.dataset.all_c2w[index] x = torch.randint( 0, self.dataset.w, size=(self.train_num_rays,), device=self.dataset.all_images.device, ) y = torch.randint( 0, self.dataset.h, size=(self.train_num_rays,), device=self.dataset.all_images.device, ) if self.dataset.directions.ndim == 3: # (H, W, 3) directions = self.dataset.directions[y, x] # origins =[y, x] elif self.dataset.directions.ndim == 4: # (N, H, W, 3) directions = self.dataset.directions[index, y, x] # origins =[index, y, x] rays_o, rays_d = get_rays(directions, c2w) rgb = ( self.dataset.all_images[index, y, x] .view(-1, self.dataset.all_images.shape[-1]) .to(self.rank) ) normal = ( self.dataset.all_normals_world[index, y, x] .view(-1, self.dataset.all_normals_world.shape[-1]) .to(self.rank) ) fg_mask = self.dataset.all_fg_masks[index, y, x].view(-1).to(self.rank) rgb_mask = self.dataset.all_rgb_masks[index, y, x].view(-1).to(self.rank) view_weights = self.dataset.view_weights[index, y, x].view(-1).to(self.rank) else: c2w = self.dataset.all_c2w[index][0] if self.dataset.directions.ndim == 3: # (H, W, 3) directions = self.dataset.directions # origins = elif self.dataset.directions.ndim == 4: # (N, H, W, 3) directions = self.dataset.directions[index][0] # origins =[index][0] rays_o, rays_d = get_rays(directions, c2w) rgb = ( self.dataset.all_images[index] .view(-1, self.dataset.all_images.shape[-1]) .to(self.rank) ) normal = ( self.dataset.all_normals_world[index] .view(-1, self.dataset.all_images.shape[-1]) .to(self.rank) ) fg_mask = self.dataset.all_fg_masks[index].view(-1).to(self.rank) rgb_mask = self.dataset.all_rgb_masks[index].view(-1).to(self.rank) view_weights = None cosines = self.cos(rays_d, normal) rays =[rays_o, F.normalize(rays_d, p=2, dim=-1)], dim=-1) if stage in ["train"]: if self.config.model.background_color == "white": self.model.background_color = torch.ones( (3,), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.rank ) elif self.config.model.background_color == "black": self.model.background_color = torch.zeros( (3,), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.rank ) elif self.config.model.background_color == "random": self.model.background_color = torch.rand( (3,), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.rank ) else: raise NotImplementedError else: self.model.background_color = torch.ones( (3,), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.rank ) if self.dataset.apply_mask: rgb = rgb * fg_mask[..., None] + self.model.background_color * ( 1 - fg_mask[..., None] ) batch.update( { "rays": rays, "rgb": rgb, "normal": normal, "fg_mask": fg_mask, "rgb_mask": rgb_mask, "cosines": cosines, "view_weights": view_weights, } ) def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): out = self(batch) cosines = batch["cosines"] fg_mask = batch["fg_mask"] rgb_mask = batch["rgb_mask"] view_weights = batch["view_weights"] cosines[cosines > -0.1] = 0 mask = (fg_mask > 0) & (cosines < -0.1) rgb_mask = out["rays_valid_full"][..., 0] & (rgb_mask > 0) grad_cosines = self.cos(batch["rays"][..., 3:], out["comp_normal"]).detach() # grad_cosines = cosines loss = 0.0 # update train_num_rays if self.config.model.dynamic_ray_sampling: train_num_rays = int( self.train_num_rays * (self.train_num_samples / out["num_samples_full"].sum().item()) ) self.train_num_rays = min( int(self.train_num_rays * 0.9 + train_num_rays * 0.1), self.config.model.max_train_num_rays, ) erros_rgb_mse = F.mse_loss( out["comp_rgb_full"][rgb_mask], batch["rgb"][rgb_mask], reduction="none" ) # erros_rgb_mse = erros_rgb_mse * torch.exp(grad_cosines.abs())[:, None][rgb_mask] / torch.exp(grad_cosines.abs()[rgb_mask]).sum() # loss_rgb_mse = ranking_loss(erros_rgb_mse.sum(dim=1), penalize_ratio=0.7, type='sum') loss_rgb_mse = ranking_loss( erros_rgb_mse.sum(dim=1), penalize_ratio=0.7, type="mean" ) self.log("train/loss_rgb_mse", loss_rgb_mse, prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True) loss += loss_rgb_mse * self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_rgb_mse) loss_rgb_l1 = F.l1_loss( out["comp_rgb_full"][rgb_mask], batch["rgb"][rgb_mask], reduction="none" ) loss_rgb_l1 = ranking_loss( loss_rgb_l1.sum(dim=1), extra_weights=view_weights[rgb_mask], penalize_ratio=0.8, ) self.log("train/loss_rgb", loss_rgb_l1) loss += loss_rgb_l1 * self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_rgb_l1) normal_errors = 1 - F.cosine_similarity( out["comp_normal"], batch["normal"], dim=1 ) # normal_errors = normal_errors * cosines.abs() / cosines.abs().sum() normal_errors = ( normal_errors * torch.exp(cosines.abs()) / torch.exp(cosines.abs()).sum() ) loss_normal = ranking_loss( normal_errors[mask], penalize_ratio=0.8, # extra_weights=view_weights[mask], type="sum", ) self.log("train/loss_normal", loss_normal, prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True) loss += loss_normal * self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_normal) loss_eikonal = ( (torch.linalg.norm(out["sdf_grad_samples"], ord=2, dim=-1) - 1.0) ** 2 ).mean() self.log("train/loss_eikonal", loss_eikonal, prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True) loss += loss_eikonal * self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_eikonal) opacity = torch.clamp(out["opacity"].squeeze(-1), 1.0e-3, 1.0 - 1.0e-3) loss_mask = binary_cross_entropy( opacity, batch["fg_mask"].float(), reduction="none" ) loss_mask = ranking_loss( loss_mask, penalize_ratio=0.9, extra_weights=view_weights ) self.log("train/loss_mask", loss_mask, prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True) loss += loss_mask * ( self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_mask) if self.dataset.has_mask else 0.0 ) loss_opaque = binary_cross_entropy(opacity, opacity) self.log("train/loss_opaque", loss_opaque) loss += loss_opaque * self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_opaque) loss_sparsity = torch.exp( -self.config.system.loss.sparsity_scale * out["random_sdf"].abs() ).mean() self.log( "train/loss_sparsity", loss_sparsity, prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True ) loss += loss_sparsity * self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_sparsity) if self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_curvature) > 0: assert ( "sdf_laplace_samples" in out ), "Need geometry.grad_type='finite_difference' to get SDF Laplace samples" loss_curvature = out["sdf_laplace_samples"].abs().mean() self.log("train/loss_curvature", loss_curvature) loss += loss_curvature * self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_curvature) # distortion loss proposed in MipNeRF360 # an efficient implementation from if self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_distortion) > 0: loss_distortion = flatten_eff_distloss( out["weights"], out["points"], out["intervals"], out["ray_indices"] ) self.log("train/loss_distortion", loss_distortion) loss += loss_distortion * self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_distortion) if ( self.config.model.learned_background and self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_distortion_bg) > 0 ): loss_distortion_bg = flatten_eff_distloss( out["weights_bg"], out["points_bg"], out["intervals_bg"], out["ray_indices_bg"], ) self.log("train/loss_distortion_bg", loss_distortion_bg) loss += loss_distortion_bg * self.C( self.config.system.loss.lambda_distortion_bg ) if self.C(self.config.system.loss.lambda_3d_normal_smooth) > 0: if "random_sdf_grad" not in out: raise ValueError( "random_sdf_grad is required for normal smooth loss, no normal is found in the output." ) if "normal_perturb" not in out: raise ValueError( "normal_perturb is required for normal smooth loss, no normal_perturb is found in the output." ) normals_3d = out["random_sdf_grad"] normals_perturb_3d = out["normal_perturb"] loss_3d_normal_smooth = (normals_3d - normals_perturb_3d).abs().mean() self.log( "train/loss_3d_normal_smooth", loss_3d_normal_smooth, prog_bar=True ) loss += loss_3d_normal_smooth * self.C( self.config.system.loss.lambda_3d_normal_smooth ) losses_model_reg = self.model.regularizations(out) for name, value in losses_model_reg.items(): self.log(f"train/loss_{name}", value) loss_ = value * self.C(self.config.system.loss[f"lambda_{name}"]) loss += loss_ self.log("train/inv_s", out["inv_s"], prog_bar=True) for name, value in self.config.system.loss.items(): if name.startswith("lambda"): self.log(f"train_params/{name}", self.C(value)) self.log("train/num_rays", float(self.train_num_rays), prog_bar=True) return {"loss": loss} """ # aggregate outputs from different devices (DP) def training_step_end(self, out): pass """ """ # aggregate outputs from different iterations def training_epoch_end(self, out): pass """ def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): out = self(batch) psnr = self.criterions["psnr"]( out["comp_rgb_full"].to(batch["rgb"]), batch["rgb"] ) W, H = self.dataset.img_wh self.save_image_grid( f"it{self.global_step}-{batch['index'][0].item()}.png", [ { "type": "rgb", "img": batch["rgb"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC"}, }, { "type": "rgb", "img": out["comp_rgb_full"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC"}, }, ] + ( [ { "type": "rgb", "img": out["comp_rgb_bg"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC"}, }, { "type": "rgb", "img": out["comp_rgb"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC"}, }, ] if self.config.model.learned_background else [] ) + [ {"type": "grayscale", "img": out["depth"].view(H, W), "kwargs": {}}, { "type": "rgb", "img": out["comp_normal"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC", "data_range": (-1, 1)}, }, ], ) return {"psnr": psnr, "index": batch["index"]} """ # aggregate outputs from different devices when using DP def validation_step_end(self, out): pass """ def validation_epoch_end(self, out): out = self.all_gather(out) if self.trainer.is_global_zero: out_set = {} for step_out in out: # DP if step_out["index"].ndim == 1: out_set[step_out["index"].item()] = {"psnr": step_out["psnr"]} # DDP else: for oi, index in enumerate(step_out["index"]): out_set[index[0].item()] = {"psnr": step_out["psnr"][oi]} psnr = torch.mean(torch.stack([o["psnr"] for o in out_set.values()])) self.log("val/psnr", psnr, prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True) self.export() def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): out = self(batch) psnr = self.criterions["psnr"]( out["comp_rgb_full"].to(batch["rgb"]), batch["rgb"] ) W, H = self.dataset.img_wh self.save_image_grid( f"it{self.global_step}-test/{batch['index'][0].item()}.png", [ { "type": "rgb", "img": batch["rgb"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC"}, }, { "type": "rgb", "img": out["comp_rgb_full"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC"}, }, ] + ( [ { "type": "rgb", "img": out["comp_rgb_bg"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC"}, }, { "type": "rgb", "img": out["comp_rgb"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC"}, }, ] if self.config.model.learned_background else [] ) + [ {"type": "grayscale", "img": out["depth"].view(H, W), "kwargs": {}}, { "type": "rgb", "img": out["comp_normal"].view(H, W, 3), "kwargs": {"data_format": "HWC", "data_range": (-1, 1)}, }, ], ) return {"psnr": psnr, "index": batch["index"]} def test_epoch_end(self, out): """ Synchronize devices. Generate image sequence using test outputs. """ out = self.all_gather(out) if self.trainer.is_global_zero: out_set = {} for step_out in out: # DP if step_out["index"].ndim == 1: out_set[step_out["index"].item()] = {"psnr": step_out["psnr"]} # DDP else: for oi, index in enumerate(step_out["index"]): out_set[index[0].item()] = {"psnr": step_out["psnr"][oi]} psnr = torch.mean(torch.stack([o["psnr"] for o in out_set.values()])) self.log("test/psnr", psnr, prog_bar=True, rank_zero_only=True) self.save_img_sequence( f"it{self.global_step}-test", f"it{self.global_step}-test", "(\d+)\.png", save_format="mp4", fps=30, ) self.export() def export(self): mesh = self.model.export(self.config.export) self.save_mesh( f"it{self.global_step}-{self.config.model.geometry.isosurface.method}{self.config.model.geometry.isosurface.resolution}.obj", ortho_scale=self.config.export.ortho_scale, **mesh, )