import datetime import pandas as pd import streamlit as st import timeago st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) now = MATCH_RESULTS_URL = "" @st.cache_data(ttl=1800) def fetch_match_history(): """ Fetch the match results from the last 24 hours. Cache the result for 30min to avoid unnecessary requests. Return a DataFrame. """ df = pd.read_csv(MATCH_RESULTS_URL) df["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(df.timestamp, unit="s") df = df[df["timestamp"] >= - pd.Timedelta(hours=24)] df.columns = ["home", "away", "timestamp", "result"] return df match_df = fetch_match_history() def num_matches_played(): return match_df.shape[0] teams = sorted( list(pd.concat([match_df["home"], match_df["away"]]).unique()), key=str.casefold ) st.title("🤗 SoccerTwos Challenge Different Metrics - Just for Fun! - Only last 24hours of games considered") team_results = {} for i, row in match_df.iterrows(): home_team = row["home"] away_team = row["away"] result = row["result"] if home_team not in team_results: team_results[home_team] = [0, 0, 0, 0] if away_team not in team_results: team_results[away_team] = [0, 0, 0, 0] if result == 0: team_results[home_team][2] += 1 team_results[away_team][0] += 1 team_results[home_team][3] += 1 elif result == 1: team_results[home_team][0] += 1 team_results[away_team][2] += 1 team_results[home_team][3] += 3 else: team_results[home_team][1] += 1 team_results[away_team][1] += 1 team_results[away_team][3] += 3 df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( team_results, orient="index", columns=["wins", "draws", "losses", "points"] ).sort_values(by="points", ascending=False) df[["owner", "team"]] = df.index.to_series().str.split("/", expand=True) df = df[["owner", "team", "wins", "draws", "losses", "points"]] df["win_pct"] = (df["wins"] / (df["wins"] + df["draws"] + df["losses"])) * 100 stats = df st.header("League Table") st.dataframe(stats) st.subheader("Match Results") st.write("Note: Match results are not displayed in this version of the app.")