defmodule MedicalTranscriptionWeb.Components.TranscriptionTextComponent do @moduledoc """ Represents a portion of transcribed text and its codes and starts a task to determine keywords within the text. """ use MedicalTranscriptionWeb, :live_component import MedicalTranscriptionWeb.Components import MedicalTranscriptionWeb.Components.KeywordHighlighter alias AudioTagger.Structs.TagResult @impl Phoenix.LiveComponent def update(assigns, socket) do self_pid = self() socket = if Map.has_key?(assigns, :row) do socket |> assign(:row, assigns.row) |> assign_async(:keywords, fn -> find_keywords(self_pid, assigns.row.text) end) else socket end {:ok, socket} end @impl Phoenix.LiveComponent def render(assigns) do ~H"""

<%= if !@row.is_summary do %> <%= @row.start_mark %> - <%= @row.end_mark %> <% end %>

<.async_result :let={keywords} assign={@keywords}> <:loading><%= @row.text %> <.highlight text={@row.text} keywords={keywords} />

<.async_result assign={@keywords}> <:loading> Finding keywords... <:failed :let={reason}>There was an error finding keywords: <%= reason %>
<%= for %TagResult{code: code, label: label, score: score} <- @row.tags do %> <.tag_result code={code} label={label} score={score} text={@row.text} /> <% end %>
""" end defp find_keywords(live_view_pid, text) do # First, we use token classification to determine parts of speech and then retrieve the verb and adjective+noun phrases. %{entities: entities} = Nx.Serving.batched_run(TokenClassificationServing, text) phrases = AudioTagger.KeywordFinder.cleanup_phrases(entities) # Then, we use one of two processes to determine which to show as keywords: # 1. A slower process that looks to classify the text by the extracted phrases. # serving = AudioTagger.KeywordFinder.prepare_zero_shot_classification_serving(phrases) # %{predictions: predictions} =, text) # 2. A fast process finding the phrase closest in vector space to the whole text. predictions = AudioTagger.KeywordFinder.find_most_similar_label(text, phrases, 2) # For now, retrieve the top three keywords that have a score of more than 0.25 keywords = predictions |> Enum.filter(fn keyword -> keyword.score > 0.25 end) |> Enum.take(3) send(live_view_pid, {:new_keywords, predictions}) {:ok, %{keywords: keywords}} end end