""" Contains the functions that run when `gradio` is called from the command line. Specifically, allows $ gradio app.py, to run app.py in reload mode where any changes in the app.py file or Gradio library reloads the demo. $ gradio app.py my_demo, to use variable names other than "demo" """ from __future__ import annotations import inspect import os import re import site import subprocess import sys import threading from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional import typer from rich import print import gradio from gradio import utils reload_thread = threading.local() def _setup_config( demo_path: Path, demo_name: str = "demo", additional_watch_dirs: list[str] | None = None, encoding: str = "utf-8", ): original_path = Path(demo_path) app_text = original_path.read_text(encoding=encoding) patterns = [ f"with gr\\.Blocks\\(.*\\) as {demo_name}", f"{demo_name} = gr\\.Blocks", f"{demo_name} = gr\\.Interface", f"{demo_name} = gr\\.ChatInterface", f"{demo_name} = gr\\.TabbedInterface", ] if not any(re.search(p, app_text, flags=re.DOTALL) for p in patterns): print( f"\n[bold red]Warning[/]: Cannot statically find a gradio demo called {demo_name}. " "Reload work may fail." ) abs_original_path = utils.abspath(original_path) if original_path.is_absolute(): relpath = original_path.relative_to(Path.cwd()) else: relpath = original_path module_name = str(relpath.parent / relpath.stem).replace(os.path.sep, ".") gradio_folder = Path(inspect.getfile(gradio)).parent message = "Watching:" message_change_count = 0 watching_dirs = [] if str(gradio_folder).strip(): package_install = any( utils.is_in_or_equal(gradio_folder, d) for d in site.getsitepackages() ) if not package_install: # This is a source install watching_dirs.append(gradio_folder) message += f" '{gradio_folder}'" message_change_count += 1 abs_parent = abs_original_path.parent if str(abs_parent).strip(): watching_dirs.append(abs_parent) if message_change_count == 1: message += "," message += f" '{abs_parent}'" abs_current = Path.cwd().absolute() if str(abs_current).strip(): watching_dirs.append(abs_current) if message_change_count == 1: message += "," message += f" '{abs_current}'" for wd in additional_watch_dirs or []: if Path(wd) not in watching_dirs: watching_dirs.append(wd) if message_change_count == 1: message += "," message += f" '{wd}'" print(message + "\n") # guarantee access to the module of an app sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) return module_name, abs_original_path, [str(s) for s in watching_dirs], demo_name def main( demo_path: Path, demo_name: str = "demo", watch_dirs: Optional[List[str]] = None, encoding: str = "utf-8", ): # default execution pattern to start the server and watch changes module_name, path, watch_sources, demo_name = _setup_config( demo_path, demo_name, watch_dirs, encoding ) # Pass the following data as environment variables # so that we can set up reload mode correctly in the networking.py module popen = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, "-u", path], env=dict( os.environ, GRADIO_WATCH_DIRS=",".join(watch_sources), GRADIO_WATCH_MODULE_NAME=module_name, GRADIO_WATCH_DEMO_NAME=demo_name, GRADIO_WATCH_DEMO_PATH=str(path), ), ) if popen.poll() is None: try: popen.wait() except (KeyboardInterrupt, OSError): pass if __name__ == "__main__": typer.run(main)