#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ @Author : Peike Li @Contact : peike.li@yahoo.com @File : schp.py @Time : 4/8/19 2:11 PM @Desc : @License : This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. """ import os import torch import modules def moving_average(net1, net2, alpha=1): for param1, param2 in zip(net1.parameters(), net2.parameters()): param1.data *= (1.0 - alpha) param1.data += param2.data * alpha def _check_bn(module, flag): if issubclass(module.__class__, modules.bn.InPlaceABNSync): flag[0] = True def check_bn(model): flag = [False] model.apply(lambda module: _check_bn(module, flag)) return flag[0] def reset_bn(module): if issubclass(module.__class__, modules.bn.InPlaceABNSync): module.running_mean = torch.zeros_like(module.running_mean) module.running_var = torch.ones_like(module.running_var) def _get_momenta(module, momenta): if issubclass(module.__class__, modules.bn.InPlaceABNSync): momenta[module] = module.momentum def _set_momenta(module, momenta): if issubclass(module.__class__, modules.bn.InPlaceABNSync): module.momentum = momenta[module] def bn_re_estimate(loader, model): if not check_bn(model): print('No batch norm layer detected') return model.train() momenta = {} model.apply(reset_bn) model.apply(lambda module: _get_momenta(module, momenta)) n = 0 for i_iter, batch in enumerate(loader): images, labels, _ = batch b = images.data.size(0) momentum = b / (n + b) for module in momenta.keys(): module.momentum = momentum model(images) n += b model.apply(lambda module: _set_momenta(module, momenta)) def save_schp_checkpoint(states, is_best_parsing, output_dir, filename='schp_checkpoint.pth.tar'): save_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(save_path): os.remove(save_path) torch.save(states, save_path) if is_best_parsing and 'state_dict' in states: best_save_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'model_parsing_best.pth.tar') if os.path.exists(best_save_path): os.remove(best_save_path) torch.save(states, best_save_path)