suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(fastshap)) # for fast (approximate) Shapley values suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(caret)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(doMC)) registerDoMC(cores = 10) p_function_G <- function(object, newdata) caret::predict.train(object, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")[, "G"] p_function_GM <- function(object, newdata) caret::predict.train(object, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")[, "GM"] p_function_R <- function(object, newdata) caret::predict.train(object, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")[, "R"] p_function_W <- function(object, newdata) caret::predict.train(object, newdata = newdata, type = "prob")[, "W"] # DEPRECATED calculate_shap_deprecated <- function(dataset,model,nsim=10) { # library(doParallel) # registerDoParallel(8) trainset <- dataset %>% na.omit() %>% trainset_y <- dataset %>% select(Activity) %>% na.omit() %>% unlist() %>% unname() trainset <- trainset %>% select(-Activity) trainset_G <- trainset[which(trainset_y == "G"), ] trainset_GM <- trainset[which(trainset_y == "GM"), ] trainset_R <- trainset[which(trainset_y == "R"), ] trainset_W <- trainset[which(trainset_y == "W"), ] # Compute fast (approximate) Shapley values using 50 Monte Carlo repetitions message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class G") shap_values_G <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = p_function_G, nsim = nsim, newdata = trainset_G, .parallel = TRUE ) message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class GM") shap_values_GM <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = p_function_GM, nsim = nsim, newdata = trainset_GM, .parallel = TRUE ) message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class R") shap_values_R <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = p_function_R, nsim = nsim, newdata = trainset_R, .parallel = TRUE ) message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class W") shap_values_W <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = p_function_W, nsim = nsim, newdata = trainset_W, .parallel = TRUE # adjust = TRUE ) shap_values_GM$class<-"GM" shap_values_G$class<-"G" shap_values_R$class<-"R" shap_values_W$class<-"W" shap_values<-rbind(shap_values_G, shap_values_GM, shap_values_R, shap_values_W) shap_values } #' A new function for calcualting SHAP values #' the function returns a dataframe with SHAP values in the same #' order of the original dataset. #' #' SHAP value dataframe also contains information about Animal and #' the prediction of the model. Notice that SHAP are calculated considering #' the class (ground truth) and not the prediction. The prediction column is only #' used for filtering ana analysis. The function `calculate_shapp_class()` can be #' used for calculating SHAP values on prediction #' #' @param dataset a dataset used for calcuating SHAP. The dataset is used for #' permutation during SHAP calculation and also each class is filtered and SHAP #' value for each class is calculated. #' @param model a model #' @param nsim number of monte carlo simulation #' #' @return #' @export #' #' @examples calculate_shap <- function(dataset,model,nsim=10) { trainset <- dataset %>% na.omit() %>% trainset_y <- dataset %>% select(Activity) %>% na.omit() %>% unlist() %>% unname() ## Create an ID for maintaining the order trainset <- cbind(id=seq(1:nrow(trainset)), trainset) trainset <- trainset %>% select(-Activity) trainset_G <- trainset[which(trainset_y == "G"), ] trainset_GM <- trainset[which(trainset_y == "GM"), ] trainset_R <- trainset[which(trainset_y == "R"), ] trainset_W <- trainset[which(trainset_y == "W"), ] id <- c(trainset_G$id, trainset_GM$id, trainset_R$id, trainset_W$id) trainset <- trainset %>% select(-id) trainset_G <- trainset_G %>% select(-id) trainset_GM <- trainset_GM %>% select(-id) trainset_R <- trainset_R %>% select(-id) trainset_W <- trainset_W %>% select(-id) Anim <- c(trainset_G$Anim, trainset_GM$Anim, trainset_R$Anim, trainset_W$Anim) trainset <- trainset %>% select(-Anim) trainset_G <- trainset_G %>% select(-Anim) trainset_GM <- trainset_GM %>% select(-Anim) trainset_R <- trainset_R %>% select(-Anim) trainset_W <- trainset_W %>% select(-Anim) predictions <- c(trainset_G$predictions, trainset_GM$predictions, trainset_R$predictions, trainset_W$predictions) trainset <- trainset %>% select(-predictions) trainset_G <- trainset_G %>% select(-predictions) trainset_GM <- trainset_GM %>% select(-predictions) trainset_R <- trainset_R %>% select(-predictions) trainset_W <- trainset_W %>% select(-predictions) # Compute fast (approximate) Shapley values using 50 Monte Carlo repetitions message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class G") shap_values_G <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = p_function_G, nsim = nsim, newdata = trainset_G, .parallel = TRUE ) message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class GM") shap_values_GM <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = p_function_GM, nsim = nsim, newdata = trainset_GM, .parallel = TRUE ) message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class R") shap_values_R <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = p_function_R, nsim = nsim, newdata = trainset_R, .parallel = TRUE ) message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class W") shap_values_W <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = p_function_W, nsim = nsim, newdata = trainset_W, .parallel = TRUE # adjust = TRUE ) shap_values_G$class<-"G" shap_values_GM$class<-"GM" shap_values_R$class<-"R" shap_values_W$class<-"W" shap_values<-rbind(shap_values_G, shap_values_GM, shap_values_R, shap_values_W) shap_values <- shap_values %>% tibble::add_column(Anim) shap_values <- shap_values %>% tibble::add_column(predictions) #shap_values <-shap_values %>% tibble::add_column(id) shap_values[order(id),] } #' Calculate SHAP values for a given PREDICTED class #' #' @param dataset the dataset used for permutation during SHAP calculation #' @param new_data the new data we want to calculate SHAP #' @param model the model used for explanation #' @param nsim the number of Monte Carlos Simulations #' @param function_class a wrapper function to obtain only a particular class #' @param class_name the name of the class #' #' @return #' @export #' #' @examples #' #' # Calculate the SHAP values for class G on new data #' shap_values_G <- calculate_shap_class( #' dataset, #' new_data = newdata, #' model = goat_model #' nsim = 100, #' function_class = p_function_G, #' class_name = "G") #' #' calculate_shap_class <- function(dataset, new_data, model,nsim=10, function_class, class_name = "G") { trainset <- dataset %>% na.omit() %>% trainset_y <- dataset %>% select(predictions) %>% na.omit() %>% unlist() %>% unname() trainset<- trainset %>%select (-Activity,-predictions,-Anim) new_data_class <- new_data Anim <- new_data_class$Anim new_data_class <- new_data_class %>% select(-Anim) Activity <- new_data_class$Activity new_data_class <- new_data_class %>% select(-Activity) predictions <- new_data_class$predictions new_data_class <- new_data_class %>% select(-predictions) # Compute fast (approximate) Shapley values using 50 Monte Carlo repetitions message(" - Calculating SHAP values for class ",class_name) shap_values_class <- fastshap::explain( model, X = trainset, pred_wrapper = function_class, nsim = nsim, newdata = new_data_class, .parallel = TRUE ) shap_values_class$class<-Activity shap_values<-shap_values_class shap_values <- shap_values %>% tibble::add_column(Anim) shap_values <- shap_values %>% tibble::add_column(predictions) shap_values } shap_summary_plot<-function(shap_values){ summary_plot <- shap_values %>% reshape2::melt() %>% group_by(class, variable) %>% summarise(mean = mean(abs(value))) %>% arrange(desc(mean)) %>% ggplot() + ggdark::dark_theme_classic() + geom_col(aes( y = variable, x = mean, group = class, fill = class ), position = "stack") + xlab("Mean(|Shap Value|) Average impact on model output magnitude") summary_plot } shap_beeswarm_plot<-function(shap_values,dataset){ shap_values <- shap_values %>% reshape2::melt() dataset<-dataset %>% mutate(class=Activity) %>% select(-Activity) %>% reshape2::melt() %>% group_by(variable) %>% mutate(value_scale=range01(value)) beeswarm_plot<-cbind(shap_values, feature_value=dataset$value_scale) %>% # filter(class=="GM") %>% ggplot()+ facet_wrap(~class)+ #ggdark::dark_theme_bw()+ theme_classic()+ geom_hline(yintercept=0, color = "red", size=0.5)+ ggforce::geom_sina(aes(x=variable,y=value,color=feature_value),size=0.5,bins=4,alpha=0.9,shape=15)+ scale_colour_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "red", na.value = NA)+ scale_colour_gradient(low = "skyblue", high = "orange", na.value = NA)+ xlab("Feature")+ylab("SHAP value")+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1)) beeswarm_plot }