import torch # Please refer to the for details about the paper and algorithm def get_perpendicular_component(x, y): assert x.shape == y.shape return x - ((torch.mul(x, y).sum())/max(torch.norm(y)**2, 1e-6)) * y def batch_get_perpendicular_component(x, y): assert x.shape == y.shape result = [] for i in range(x.shape[0]): result.append(get_perpendicular_component(x[i], y[i])) return torch.stack(result) def weighted_perpendicular_aggregator(delta_noise_preds, weights, batch_size): """ Notes: - weights: an array with the weights for combining the noise predictions - delta_noise_preds: [B x K, 4, 64, 64], K = max_prompts_per_dir """ delta_noise_preds = delta_noise_preds.split(batch_size, dim=0) # K x [B, 4, 64, 64] weights = weights.split(batch_size, dim=0) # K x [B] # print(f"{weights[0].shape = } {weights = }") assert torch.all(weights[0] == 1.0) main_positive = delta_noise_preds[0] # [B, 4, 64, 64] accumulated_output = torch.zeros_like(main_positive) for i, complementary_noise_pred in enumerate(delta_noise_preds[1:], start=1): # print(f"\n{i = }, {weights[i] = }, {weights[i].shape = }\n") idx_non_zero = torch.abs(weights[i]) > 1e-4 # print(f"{idx_non_zero.shape = }, {idx_non_zero = }") # print(f"{weights[i][idx_non_zero].shape = }, {weights[i][idx_non_zero] = }") # print(f"{complementary_noise_pred.shape = }, {complementary_noise_pred[idx_non_zero].shape = }") # print(f"{main_positive.shape = }, {main_positive[idx_non_zero].shape = }") if sum(idx_non_zero) == 0: continue accumulated_output[idx_non_zero] += weights[i][idx_non_zero].reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1) * batch_get_perpendicular_component(complementary_noise_pred[idx_non_zero], main_positive[idx_non_zero]) #assert accumulated_output.shape == main_positive.shape,# f"{accumulated_output.shape = }, {main_positive.shape = }" return accumulated_output + main_positive