import os import gdown import yaml import numpy as np import uuid import requests import tempfile from tqdm import tqdm def download_weights(uri, cached=None, md5=None, quiet=False): if uri.startswith('http'): return download(url=uri, quiet=quiet) return uri def download(url, quiet=False): tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() filename = url.split('/')[-1] full_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(full_path): print('Model weight {} exsits. Ignore download!'.format(full_path)) return full_path with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() with open(full_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in tqdm(r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192)): # If you have chunk encoded response uncomment if # and set chunk_size parameter to None. #if chunk: f.write(chunk) return full_path def download_config(id): url = '{}'.format(id) r = requests.get(url) config = yaml.safe_load(r.text) return config def compute_accuracy(ground_truth, predictions, mode='full_sequence'): """ Computes accuracy :param ground_truth: :param predictions: :param display: Whether to print values to stdout :param mode: if 'per_char' is selected then single_label_accuracy = correct_predicted_char_nums_of_single_sample / single_label_char_nums avg_label_accuracy = sum(single_label_accuracy) / label_nums if 'full_sequence' is selected then single_label_accuracy = 1 if the prediction result is exactly the same as label else 0 avg_label_accuracy = sum(single_label_accuracy) / label_nums :return: avg_label_accuracy """ if mode == 'per_char': accuracy = [] for index, label in enumerate(ground_truth): prediction = predictions[index] total_count = len(label) correct_count = 0 try: for i, tmp in enumerate(label): if tmp == prediction[i]: correct_count += 1 except IndexError: continue finally: try: accuracy.append(correct_count / total_count) except ZeroDivisionError: if len(prediction) == 0: accuracy.append(1) else: accuracy.append(0) avg_accuracy = np.mean(np.array(accuracy).astype(np.float32), axis=0) elif mode == 'full_sequence': try: correct_count = 0 for index, label in enumerate(ground_truth): prediction = predictions[index] if prediction == label: correct_count += 1 avg_accuracy = correct_count / len(ground_truth) except ZeroDivisionError: if not predictions: avg_accuracy = 1 else: avg_accuracy = 0 else: raise NotImplementedError('Other accuracy compute mode has not been implemented') return avg_accuracy