# basic setting is_train: True worker: 1 # train # basic batch_size: 3 shuffle: true max_epoch: 500 epoch_start: 1 # the starting epoch count # optimizer beta1: 0.5 beta2: 0.999 weight_decay: 0.0001 lr: 0.0001 # print visual_img_freq: 8000 print_loss_freq: 1000 save_epoch_freq: 20 # test test_batch_size: 1 # must be one results_root: 'results/' test_freq: 5 # dataset input_nc: 3 mask_nc: 1 output_nc: 3 crop_size: 256 crop: True flip: True # generator ngf: 32 G_norm_type: in # discriminator ndf: 64 D_norm_type: batch gan_mode: hinge # loss no_ganFeat_loss: False no_vgg_loss: False lambda_L1: 1 lambda_feat: 10 lambda_vgg: 10 lambda_gan: 1 # SEAN style_length: 128