import { v } from 'convex/values'; import { ActionCtx, internalMutation, internalQuery } from '../_generated/server'; import { internal } from '../_generated/api'; import { Id } from '../_generated/dataModel'; import { fetchEmbeddingBatch } from '../util/llm'; const selfInternal = internal.agent.embeddingsCache; export async function fetch(ctx: ActionCtx, text: string) { const result = await fetchBatch(ctx, [text]); return result.embeddings[0]; } export async function fetchBatch(ctx: ActionCtx, texts: string[]) { const start =; const textHashes = await Promise.all( => hashText(text))); const results = new Array(texts.length); const cacheResults = await ctx.runQuery(selfInternal.getEmbeddingsByText, { textHashes, }); for (const { index, embedding } of cacheResults) { results[index] = embedding; } const toWrite = []; if (cacheResults.length < texts.length) { const missingIndexes = [...results.keys()].filter((i) => !results[i]); const missingTexts = => texts[i]); const response = await fetchEmbeddingBatch(missingTexts); if (response.embeddings.length !== missingIndexes.length) { throw new Error( `Expected ${missingIndexes.length} embeddings, got ${response.embeddings.length}`, ); } for (let i = 0; i < missingIndexes.length; i++) { const resultIndex = missingIndexes[i]; toWrite.push({ textHash: textHashes[resultIndex], embedding: response.embeddings[i], }); results[resultIndex] = response.embeddings[i]; } } if (toWrite.length > 0) { await ctx.runMutation(selfInternal.writeEmbeddings, { embeddings: toWrite }); } return { embeddings: results, hits: cacheResults.length, ms: - start, }; } async function hashText(text: string) { const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const buf = textEncoder.encode(text); if (typeof crypto === 'undefined') { // Ugly, ugly hax to get ESBuild to not try to bundle this node dependency. const f = () => 'node:crypto'; const crypto = (await import(f())) as typeof import('crypto'); const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256'); hash.update(buf); return hash.digest().buffer; } else { return await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', buf); } } export const getEmbeddingsByText = internalQuery({ args: { textHashes: v.array(v.bytes()) }, handler: async ( ctx, args, ): Promise<{ index: number; embeddingId: Id<'embeddingsCache'>; embedding: number[] }[]> => { const out = []; for (let i = 0; i < args.textHashes.length; i++) { const textHash = args.textHashes[i]; const result = await ctx.db .query('embeddingsCache') .withIndex('text', (q) => q.eq('textHash', textHash)) .first(); if (result) { out.push({ index: i, embeddingId: result._id, embedding: result.embedding, }); } } return out; }, }); export const writeEmbeddings = internalMutation({ args: { embeddings: v.array( v.object({ textHash: v.bytes(), embedding: v.array(v.float64()), }), ), }, handler: async (ctx, args): Promise[]> => { const ids = []; for (const embedding of args.embeddings) { ids.push(await ctx.db.insert('embeddingsCache', embedding)); } return ids; }, });