import numpy as np import os import torch import json import argparse if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--in_root', type=str, default="", help='process folder') parser.add_argument('--out_root', type=str, default="output", help='output folder') args = parser.parse_args() in_root = args.in_root def compute_rotation(angles): """ Return: rot -- torch.tensor, size (B, 3, 3) pts @ trans_mat Parameters: angles -- torch.tensor, size (B, 3), radian """ batch_size = angles.shape[0] ones = torch.ones([batch_size, 1]) zeros = torch.zeros([batch_size, 1]) x, y, z = angles[:, :1], angles[:, 1:2], angles[:, 2:], rot_x =[ ones, zeros, zeros, zeros, torch.cos(x), -torch.sin(x), zeros, torch.sin(x), torch.cos(x) ], dim=1).reshape([batch_size, 3, 3]) rot_y =[ torch.cos(y), zeros, torch.sin(y), zeros, ones, zeros, -torch.sin(y), zeros, torch.cos(y) ], dim=1).reshape([batch_size, 3, 3]) rot_z =[ torch.cos(z), -torch.sin(z), zeros, torch.sin(z), torch.cos(z), zeros, zeros, zeros, ones ], dim=1).reshape([batch_size, 3, 3]) rot = rot_z @ rot_y @ rot_x return rot.permute(0, 2, 1)[0] npys = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(in_root) if x.endswith(".npy")]) mode = 1 #1 = IDR, 2 = LSX outAll={} for src_filename in npys: src = os.path.join(in_root, src_filename) print(src) dict_load=np.load(src, allow_pickle=True) angle = dict_load.item()['angle'] trans = dict_load.item()['trans'][0] R = compute_rotation(torch.from_numpy(angle)).numpy() trans[2] += -10 c =, trans) pose = np.eye(4) pose[:3, :3] = R c *= 0.27 # factor to match tripleganger c[1] += 0.006 # offset to align to tripleganger c[2] += 0.161 # offset to align to tripleganger c = c/np.linalg.norm(c)*2.7 ##yiqian教我放到半球上去 pose[0,3] = c[0] pose[1,3] = c[1] pose[2,3] = c[2] focal = 2985.29 # = 1015*1024/224*(300/466.285)# pp = 512#112 w = 1024#224 h = 1024#224 if mode==1: count = 0 K = np.eye(3) K[0][0] = focal K[1][1] = focal K[0][2] = w/2.0 K[1][2] = h/2.0 K = K.tolist() Rot = np.eye(3) Rot[0, 0] = 1 Rot[1, 1] = -1 Rot[2, 2] = -1 pose[:3, :3] =[:3, :3], Rot) pose = pose.tolist() out = {} out["intrinsics"] = K out["pose"] = pose out["angle"] = (angle * [1, -1, 1]).flatten().tolist() outAll[src_filename.replace(".npy", ".png")] = out elif mode==2: dst = os.path.join(in_root, src_filename.replace(".npy", "_lscam.txt")) outCam = open(dst, "w") outCam.write("#focal length\n") outCam.write(str(focal) + " " + str(focal) + "\n") outCam.write("#principal point\n") outCam.write(str(pp) + " " + str(pp) + "\n") outCam.write("#resolution\n") outCam.write(str(w) + " " + str(h) + "\n") outCam.write("#distortion coeffs\n") outCam.write("0 0 0 0\n") outCam.write("MATRIX :\n") for r in range(4): outCam.write(str(pose[r, 0]) + " " + str(pose[r, 1]) + " " + str(pose[r, 2]) + " " + str(pose[r, 3]) + "\n") outCam.close() if mode == 1: dst = os.path.join(args.out_root, "cameras.json") with open(dst, "w") as outfile: json.dump(outAll, outfile, indent=4)