# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2022 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-NvidiaProprietary # # NVIDIA CORPORATION, its affiliates and licensors retain all intellectual # property and proprietary rights in and to this material, related # documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, # disclosure or distribution of this material and related documentation # without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION or # its affiliates is strictly prohibited. import imgui from gui_utils import imgui_utils #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LayerWidget: def __init__(self, viz): self.viz = viz self.prev_layers = None self.cur_layer = None self.sel_channels = 3 self.base_channel = 0 self.img_scale_db = 0 self.img_normalize = False self.fft_show = False self.fft_all = True self.fft_range_db = 50 self.fft_beta = 8 self.refocus = False @imgui_utils.scoped_by_object_id def __call__(self, show=True): viz = self.viz layers = viz.result.get('layers', []) if self.prev_layers != layers: self.prev_layers = layers self.refocus = True layer = ([layer for layer in layers if layer.name == self.cur_layer] + [None])[0] if layer is None and len(layers) > 0: layer = layers[-1] self.cur_layer = layer.name num_channels = layer.shape[1] if layer is not None else 0 base_channel_max = max(num_channels - self.sel_channels, 0) if show: bg_color = [0.16, 0.29, 0.48, 0.2] dim_color = list(imgui.get_style().colors[imgui.COLOR_TEXT]) dim_color[-1] *= 0.5 # Begin list. width = viz.font_size * 28 height = imgui.get_text_line_height_with_spacing() * 12 + viz.spacing imgui.push_style_var(imgui.STYLE_FRAME_PADDING, [0, 0]) imgui.push_style_color(imgui.COLOR_CHILD_BACKGROUND, *bg_color) imgui.push_style_color(imgui.COLOR_HEADER, 0, 0, 0, 0) imgui.push_style_color(imgui.COLOR_HEADER_HOVERED, 0.16, 0.29, 0.48, 0.5) imgui.push_style_color(imgui.COLOR_HEADER_ACTIVE, 0.16, 0.29, 0.48, 0.9) imgui.begin_child('##list', width=width, height=height, border=True, flags=imgui.WINDOW_ALWAYS_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR) # List items. for layer in layers: selected = (self.cur_layer == layer.name) _opened, selected = imgui.selectable(f'##{layer.name}_selectable', selected) imgui.same_line(viz.spacing) _clicked, selected = imgui.checkbox(f'{layer.name}##radio', selected) if selected: self.cur_layer = layer.name if self.refocus: imgui.set_scroll_here() viz.skip_frame() # Focus will change on next frame. self.refocus = False imgui.same_line(width - viz.font_size * 13) imgui.text_colored('x'.join(str(x) for x in layer.shape[2:]), *dim_color) imgui.same_line(width - viz.font_size * 8) imgui.text_colored(str(layer.shape[1]), *dim_color) imgui.same_line(width - viz.font_size * 5) imgui.text_colored(layer.dtype, *dim_color) # End list. if len(layers) == 0: imgui.text_colored('No layers found', *dim_color) imgui.end_child() imgui.pop_style_color(4) imgui.pop_style_var(1) # Begin options. imgui.same_line() imgui.begin_child('##options', width=-1, height=height, border=False) # RGB & normalize. rgb = (self.sel_channels == 3) _clicked, rgb = imgui.checkbox('RGB', rgb) self.sel_channels = 3 if rgb else 1 imgui.same_line(viz.font_size * 4) _clicked, self.img_normalize = imgui.checkbox('Normalize', self.img_normalize) imgui.same_line(imgui.get_content_region_max()[0] - 1 - viz.button_w) if imgui_utils.button('Reset##img_flags', width=-1, enabled=(self.sel_channels != 3 or self.img_normalize)): self.sel_channels = 3 self.img_normalize = False # Image scale. with imgui_utils.item_width(-1 - viz.button_w - viz.spacing): _changed, self.img_scale_db = imgui.slider_float('##scale', self.img_scale_db, min_value=-40, max_value=40, format='Scale %+.1f dB') imgui.same_line() if imgui_utils.button('Reset##scale', width=-1, enabled=(self.img_scale_db != 0)): self.img_scale_db = 0 # Base channel. self.base_channel = min(max(self.base_channel, 0), base_channel_max) narrow_w = imgui.get_text_line_height_with_spacing() with imgui_utils.grayed_out(base_channel_max == 0): with imgui_utils.item_width(-1 - viz.button_w - narrow_w * 2 - viz.spacing * 3): _changed, self.base_channel = imgui.drag_int('##channel', self.base_channel, change_speed=0.05, min_value=0, max_value=base_channel_max, format=f'Channel %d/{num_channels}') imgui.same_line() if imgui_utils.button('-##channel', width=narrow_w): self.base_channel -= 1 imgui.same_line() if imgui_utils.button('+##channel', width=narrow_w): self.base_channel += 1 imgui.same_line() self.base_channel = min(max(self.base_channel, 0), base_channel_max) if imgui_utils.button('Reset##channel', width=-1, enabled=(self.base_channel != 0 and base_channel_max > 0)): self.base_channel = 0 # Stats. stats = viz.result.get('stats', None) stats = [f'{stats[idx]:g}' if stats is not None else 'N/A' for idx in range(6)] rows = [ ['Statistic', 'All channels', 'Selected'], ['Mean', stats[0], stats[1]], ['Std', stats[2], stats[3]], ['Max', stats[4], stats[5]], ] height = imgui.get_text_line_height_with_spacing() * len(rows) + viz.spacing imgui.push_style_color(imgui.COLOR_CHILD_BACKGROUND, *bg_color) imgui.begin_child('##stats', width=-1, height=height, border=True) for y, cols in enumerate(rows): for x, col in enumerate(cols): if x != 0: imgui.same_line(viz.font_size * (4 + (x - 1) * 6)) if x == 0 or y == 0: imgui.text_colored(col, *dim_color) else: imgui.text(col) imgui.end_child() imgui.pop_style_color(1) # FFT & all. _clicked, self.fft_show = imgui.checkbox('FFT', self.fft_show) imgui.same_line(viz.font_size * 4) with imgui_utils.grayed_out(not self.fft_show or base_channel_max == 0): _clicked, self.fft_all = imgui.checkbox('All channels', self.fft_all) imgui.same_line(imgui.get_content_region_max()[0] - 1 - viz.button_w) with imgui_utils.grayed_out(not self.fft_show): if imgui_utils.button('Reset##fft_flags', width=-1, enabled=(self.fft_show or not self.fft_all)): self.fft_show = False self.fft_all = True # FFT range. with imgui_utils.grayed_out(not self.fft_show): with imgui_utils.item_width(-1 - viz.button_w - viz.spacing): _changed, self.fft_range_db = imgui.slider_float('##fft_range_db', self.fft_range_db, min_value=0.1, max_value=100, format='Range +-%.1f dB') imgui.same_line() if imgui_utils.button('Reset##fft_range_db', width=-1, enabled=(self.fft_range_db != 50)): self.fft_range_db = 50 # FFT beta. with imgui_utils.grayed_out(not self.fft_show): with imgui_utils.item_width(-1 - viz.button_w - viz.spacing): _changed, self.fft_beta = imgui.slider_float('##fft_beta', self.fft_beta, min_value=0, max_value=50, format='Kaiser beta %.2f', power=2.63) imgui.same_line() if imgui_utils.button('Reset##fft_beta', width=-1, enabled=(self.fft_beta != 8)): self.fft_beta = 8 # End options. imgui.end_child() self.base_channel = min(max(self.base_channel, 0), base_channel_max) viz.args.layer_name = self.cur_layer if len(layers) > 0 and self.cur_layer != layers[-1].name else None viz.args.update(sel_channels=self.sel_channels, base_channel=self.base_channel, img_scale_db=self.img_scale_db, img_normalize=self.img_normalize) viz.args.fft_show = self.fft_show if self.fft_show: viz.args.update(fft_all=self.fft_all, fft_range_db=self.fft_range_db, fft_beta=self.fft_beta) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------