import gradio as gr import spaces from generation import generate_material @spaces.GPU def generate(prompts, seed, resolution, refinement): image = generate_material( prompts, seed=seed, resolution=int(resolution), refinement=refinement ) return image.basecolor, image.normal, image.height, image.metallic, image.roughness pass def interface_function( prompt_type, text_prompt, image_prompt, seed, resolution, refinement ): if prompt_type == "Text": return generate(text_prompt, seed, resolution, refinement) elif prompt_type == "Image": return generate(image_prompt, seed, resolution, refinement) def update_visibility(prompt_type): if prompt_type == "Text": return gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) elif prompt_type == "Image": return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True) with gr.Blocks() as demo: title = """


Try the StableMaterials model. Start generating using a text o image prompt, or simply try one of the examples below.
NB: The demo currently uses only the base model and does not include the refinement step. The refiner model will be released in a future update.
""" gr.HTML(title) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): prompt_type = gr.Radio( choices=["Text", "Image"], label="Prompt Type", value="Text" ) text_prompt = gr.Textbox( label="Text Prompt", visible=True, lines=3, placeholder="A brick wall" ) image_prompt = gr.Image(type="pil", label="Image Prompt", visible=False) with gr.Column(): seed = gr.Number(value=-1, label="Seed (-1 for random)") resolution = gr.Dropdown( ["512", "1024", "2048"], value="512", label="Resolution", interactive=False, ) refinement = gr.Checkbox(label="Refinement", interactive=False) generate_button = gr.Button("Generate") prompt_type.change( fn=update_visibility, inputs=prompt_type, outputs=[text_prompt, image_prompt] ) with gr.Row(): output_basecolor = gr.Image(label="Base Color", format="png", image_mode="RGB") output_normal = gr.Image(label="Normal Map", format="png", image_mode="RGB") output_height = gr.Image(label="Height Map", format="png", image_mode="L") output_metallic = gr.Image(label="Metallic Map", format="png", image_mode="L") output_roughness = gr.Image(label="Roughness Map", format="png", image_mode="L") fn=interface_function, inputs=[prompt_type, text_prompt, image_prompt, seed, resolution, refinement], outputs=[ output_basecolor, output_normal, output_height, output_metallic, output_roughness, ], ) gr.Markdown("### Examples") gr.Examples( examples=[ ["Text", "A brick wall", None], ["Text", "A wooden floor", None], ["Image", None, "./samples/bricks.jpg"], ["Image", None, "./samples/metal.jpg"], ], inputs=[prompt_type, text_prompt, image_prompt], ) gr.Markdown( "Try the examples above to see how the Material Generator works. Adjust the parameters and click 'Generate' to create new material maps." ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()