# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os import logging import sys import gradio as gr import torch from app_modules.utils import * from app_modules.presets import * from app_modules.overwrites import * logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s", ) base_model = "decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf" adapter_model = "../checkpoint-50" tokenizer, model, device = load_tokenizer_and_model(base_model, adapter_model) def predict( text, chatbot, history, top_p, temperature, max_length_tokens, max_context_length_tokens, ): if text == "": yield chatbot, history, "Empty context." return inputs = generate_prompt_with_history( text, history, tokenizer, max_length=max_context_length_tokens ) if inputs is None: yield chatbot, history, "Input too long." return else: prompt, inputs = inputs begin_length = len(prompt) input_ids = inputs["input_ids"][:, -max_context_length_tokens:].to(device) torch.cuda.empty_cache() with torch.no_grad(): for x in sample_decode( input_ids, model, tokenizer, stop_words=["[|Human|]", "[|AI|]"], max_length=max_length_tokens, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, ): if is_stop_word_or_prefix(x, ["[|Human|]", "[|AI|]"]) is False: if "[|Human|]" in x: x = x[: x.index("[|Human|]")].strip() if "[|AI|]" in x: x = x[: x.index("[|AI|]")].strip() x = x.strip(" ") a, b = [[y[0], convert_to_markdown(y[1])] for y in history] + [ [text, convert_to_markdown(x)] ], history + [[text, x]] yield a, b, "Generating..." if shared_state.interrupted: shared_state.recover() try: yield a, b, "Stop: Success" return except: pass torch.cuda.empty_cache() print(prompt) print(x) print("=" * 80) try: yield a, b, "Generate: Success" except: pass def retry( text, chatbot, history, top_p, temperature, max_length_tokens, max_context_length_tokens, ): logging.info("Retry...") if len(history) == 0: yield chatbot, history, "Empty context." return chatbot.pop() inputs = history.pop()[0] for x in predict( inputs, chatbot, history, top_p, temperature, max_length_tokens, max_context_length_tokens, ): yield x gr.Chatbot.postprocess = postprocess with open("assets/custom.css", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: customCSS = f.read() with gr.Blocks(css=customCSS, theme=small_and_beautiful_theme) as demo: history = gr.State([]) user_question = gr.State("") with gr.Row(): gr.HTML(title) status_display = gr.Markdown("Success", elem_id="status_display") gr.Markdown(description_top) with gr.Row(scale=1).style(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(scale=5): with gr.Row(scale=1): chatbot = gr.Chatbot(elem_id="chuanhu_chatbot").style(height="100%") with gr.Row(scale=1): with gr.Column(scale=12): user_input = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="Enter text" ).style(container=False) with gr.Column(min_width=70, scale=1): submitBtn = gr.Button("Send") with gr.Column(min_width=70, scale=1): cancelBtn = gr.Button("Stop") with gr.Row(scale=1): emptyBtn = gr.Button( "๐Ÿงน New Conversation", ) retryBtn = gr.Button("๐Ÿ”„ Regenerate") delLastBtn = gr.Button("๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Remove Last Turn") with gr.Column(): with gr.Column(min_width=50, scale=1): with gr.Tab(label="Parameter Setting"): gr.Markdown("# Parameters") top_p = gr.Slider( minimum=-0, maximum=1.0, value=0.95, step=0.05, interactive=True, label="Top-p", ) temperature = gr.Slider( minimum=0.1, maximum=2.0, value=1, step=0.1, interactive=True, label="Temperature", ) max_length_tokens = gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=512, value=512, step=8, interactive=True, label="Max Generation Tokens", ) max_context_length_tokens = gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=4096, value=2048, step=128, interactive=True, label="Max History Tokens", ) gr.Markdown(description) predict_args = dict( fn=predict, inputs=[ user_question, chatbot, history, top_p, temperature, max_length_tokens, max_context_length_tokens, ], outputs=[chatbot, history, status_display], show_progress=True, ) retry_args = dict( fn=retry, inputs=[ user_input, chatbot, history, top_p, temperature, max_length_tokens, max_context_length_tokens, ], outputs=[chatbot, history, status_display], show_progress=True, ) reset_args = dict(fn=reset_textbox, inputs=[], outputs=[user_input, status_display]) # Chatbot cancelBtn.click(cancel_outputing, [], [status_display]) transfer_input_args = dict( fn=transfer_input, inputs=[user_input], outputs=[user_question, user_input, submitBtn, cancelBtn], show_progress=True, ) user_input.submit(**transfer_input_args).then(**predict_args) submitBtn.click(**transfer_input_args).then(**predict_args) emptyBtn.click( reset_state, outputs=[chatbot, history, status_display], show_progress=True, ) emptyBtn.click(**reset_args) retryBtn.click(**retry_args) delLastBtn.click( delete_last_conversation, [chatbot, history], [chatbot, history, status_display], show_progress=True, ) demo.title = "Baize" if __name__ == "__main__": reload_javascript() demo.queue(concurrency_count=CONCURRENT_COUNT).launch( share=False, favicon_path="./assets/favicon.ico", inbrowser=True )