import GPUtil import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import psutil import gradio as gr # TODO: Use plotly trace to update a plot of the stats; try to get near parity to system monitor # Ask: what stats are users most interested in knowing? def get_stats(plot): stats = "" # Get CPU usage cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0) # Get the number of CPU cores num_cores = os.cpu_count() # Get RAM usage ram = psutil.virtual_memory() total_ram = psutil.virtual_memory().total stats += f"CPU Usage: {cpu_percent}%\n" stats += f"Number of CPU Cores: {num_cores}\n" stats += f"RAM Usage: {ram.percent}%\n" stats += f"RAM Used: {ram.used / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB\n" stats += f"Total RAM: {total_ram / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB\n" # print(f"CPU Usage: {cpu_percent}%") # print(f"Number of CPU Cores: {num_cores}") # print(f"RAM Usage: {ram.percent}%") # print(f"RAM Used: {ram.used / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB") # print(f"Total RAM: {total_ram / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB") # Get GPU usage and memory info gpu_info = GPUtil.getGPUs() for i, gpu in enumerate(gpu_info): stats += f"GPU {i + 1}:\n" stats += f" GPU Name: {}\n" stats += f" GPU Usage: {gpu.load * 100}%\n" stats += f" GPU VRAM Usage: {(gpu.memoryUtil * 100):.2f}%\n" stats += f" GPU Free VRAM: {(gpu.memoryFree / 1024):.2f} MB\n" stats += f" GPU Total VRAM: {gpu.memoryTotal / 1024} MB\n\n" # print(f"GPU {i + 1}:") # print(f" GPU Name: {}") # print(f" GPU Usage: {gpu.load * 100}%") # print(f" GPU VRAM Usage: {(gpu.memoryUtil * 100):.2f}%") # print(f" GPU Free VRAM: {(gpu.memoryFree / 1024):.2f} MB") # print(f" GPU Total VRAM: {gpu.memoryTotal / 1024} MB\n") return stats, None with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(value='# System Monitor') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): gr.Markdown('## View system resource usage for the demo') stats_box = gr.TextArea(label="System Stats") with gr.Column(scale=1): plot = gr.Plot(label="Plot", value=None) dep = demo.load(get_stats, [plot], [stats_box, plot], every=5) stats_box.change(get_stats, [plot], [stats_box, plot], every=5, cancels=[dep]) with gr.Accordion('Developer Notes:', open=False): gr.Markdown('I\'ve seen a number of Ai tools that report system resource usage and think that is a good trend.\n\n' 'With more time I could see a "Task Manager" component for gradio being useful for demos.\n\n' 'The plot for this demo is broken but I may revisit this later.') if __name__ == '__main__': demo.queue().launch()