import gradio as gr import pandas as pd pd.plotting.register_matplotlib_converters() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns def greet(subject, course_number, course_title): # modify the inputs subject = subject.upper() # import data as csv file grades = pd.read_csv("gradedist.csv") grades = grades.rename(columns={'Course No.': 'Course_Number', 'Course Title': 'Course_Title', 'Graded Enrollment': 'Enrollment', 'A (%)': 'A', 'A- (%)': 'A-', 'B+ (%)': 'B+', 'B (%)': 'B', 'B- (%)': 'B-', 'C+ (%)': 'C+', 'C (%)': 'C', 'C- (%)': 'C-', 'D+ (%)': 'D+', 'D (%)': 'D', 'D- (%)': 'D-', 'F (%)': 'F'}) grades = grades.sort_values(by='Course_Number') internal_grades = grades # user interface while True: # filter the csv file by the input subject and course number/title if ((course_number != '') and (course_title == '')): internal_grades = grades.loc[(grades.Subject == subject) & (grades.Course_Number == course_number)] else: internal_grades = grades.loc[(grades.Subject == subject) & (grades.Course_Title == course_title)] internal_grades = internal_grades.sort_values(by='GPA', ascending=False) # class information label print('') print( subject + ' ' + str(internal_grades.iloc[0]['Course_Number']) + ' - ' + internal_grades.iloc[0]['Course_Title'] + ' (' + str(internal_grades.iloc[0]['Credits']) + ' Credits)') # gpa calculation print('') GPA = 0.00 i = 0 while i < internal_grades.GPA.size: GPA = GPA + internal_grades.iloc[i]['GPA'] i += 1 GPA = GPA / internal_grades.GPA.size print("Course Average GPA: {:.3}".format(GPA)) gradedistribution = '' print('') # print("Grade distribution:") A = 0 Aminus = 0 Bplus = 0 B = 0 Bminus = 0 Cplus = 0 C = 0 Cminus = 0 Dplus = 0 D = 0 Dminus = 0 F = 0 j = 0 letterchar = ['A', 'A-', 'B+', 'B', 'B-', 'C+', 'C', 'C-', 'D+', 'D', 'D-', 'F'] lettergrades = [A, Aminus, Bplus, B, Bminus, Cplus, C, Cminus, Dplus, D, Dminus, F] val = [] for letter in (lettergrades): i = 0 while i < internal_grades.GPA.size: letter = letter + internal_grades.iloc[i][letterchar[j]] i += 1 letter = letter / internal_grades.GPA.size val.append(letter) gradedistribution = gradedistribution + str("{}: {:.3}%".format(letterchar[j], letter)) gradedistribution = gradedistribution + str(', ') j += 1 data = {'labels': ['A', 'A-', 'B+', 'B', 'B-', 'C+', 'C', 'C-', 'D+', 'D', 'D-', 'F'], 'values': val} df = pd.DataFrame(data) #'dark_background') sns.set_style("whitegrid") plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.pie(df['values'], labels=df['labels'], autopct='%1.1f%%', textprops={'fontsize': 20}) plt.title('Course Average Grade Distribution for ' + subject + ' ' + str(internal_grades.iloc[0]['Course_Number']) + ' - ' + internal_grades.iloc[0]['Course_Title']) plot = plt # sort professors sortedprofgradedist = '' print('') print("Top Professors by GPA:") profnames = internal_grades.Instructor.unique() profaveragegpa = [] profdict = {} for prof in profnames: internal_prof = internal_grades.loc[internal_grades.Instructor == prof] GPAinternal = 0.00 i = 0 while i < internal_prof.GPA.size: GPAinternal = GPAinternal + internal_prof.iloc[i]['GPA'] i += 1 GPAinternal = GPAinternal / internal_prof.GPA.size profaveragegpa.append(GPAinternal) profdict[prof] = GPAinternal # sort profs by highest avg gpa sortedprofs = {key: val for key, val in sorted(profdict.items(), key = lambda ele: ele[1], reverse = True)} print(sortedprofs) profkeys = sortedprofs.keys() for key in profkeys: internal_prof = internal_grades.loc[internal_grades.Instructor == key] enrollment = 0 withdraws = 0 A = 0 Aminus = 0 Bplus = 0 B = 0 Bminus = 0 Cplus = 0 C = 0 Cminus = 0 Dplus = 0 D = 0 Dminus = 0 F = 0 i = 0 while i < internal_prof.GPA.size: A = A + internal_prof.iloc[i]['A'] Aminus = Aminus + internal_prof.iloc[i]['A-'] Bplus = Bplus + internal_prof.iloc[i]['B+'] B = B + internal_prof.iloc[i]['B'] Bminus = Bminus + internal_prof.iloc[i]['B-'] Cplus = Cplus + internal_prof.iloc[i]['C+'] C = C + internal_prof.iloc[i]['C'] Cminus = Cminus + internal_prof.iloc[i]['C-'] Dplus = Dplus + internal_prof.iloc[i]['D+'] D = D + internal_prof.iloc[i]['D'] Dminus = Dminus + internal_prof.iloc[i]['D-'] F = F + internal_prof.iloc[i]['F'] enrollment = enrollment + internal_prof.iloc[i]['Enrollment'] withdraws = withdraws + internal_prof.iloc[i]['Withdraws'] i += 1 A = A / internal_prof.GPA.size Aminus = Aminus / internal_prof.GPA.size Bplus = Bplus / internal_prof.GPA.size B = B / internal_prof.GPA.size Bminus = Bminus / internal_prof.GPA.size Cplus = Cplus / internal_prof.GPA.size C = C / internal_prof.GPA.size Cminus = Cminus / internal_prof.GPA.size Dplus = Dplus / internal_prof.GPA.size D = D / internal_prof.GPA.size Dminus = Dminus / internal_prof.GPA.size F = F / internal_prof.GPA.size enrollment = enrollment / internal_prof.GPA.size withdraws = withdraws / internal_prof.GPA.size sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str('\nProfessor ' + key + ", Avg GPA: {:.3}".format(sortedprofs.get(key))) if (sortedprofs.get(key) > GPA): sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str(", Above average") elif (sortedprofs.get(key) == GPA): sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str(", Average") else: sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str(", Below average") # print('') sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str("\nEnrollment: {:.0f}".format(enrollment) + ', Withdraws: {:.0f}'.format(withdraws)) sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str("\nAvg Distribution: ") letterchar = ['A', 'A-', 'B+', 'B', 'B-', 'C+', 'C', 'C-', 'D+', 'D', 'D-', 'F'] lettergrades = [A, Aminus, Bplus, B, Bminus, Cplus, C, Cminus, Dplus, D, Dminus, F] j = 0 for letter in lettergrades: sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str("{}: {:.3}%".format(letterchar[j], letter)) sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str(', ') j += 1 sortedprofgradedist = sortedprofgradedist + str('\n') # professors who teach the class profswhoteach = '' profswhoteach = profswhoteach + str('\n') profswhoteach = profswhoteach + str("Professors who teach {}:".format(internal_grades.iloc[0]['Course_Title'])) profswhoteach = profswhoteach + str('\n') profswhoteach = profswhoteach + str(internal_grades.Instructor.unique()) # enrollment and withdraws print('') return (subject + ' ' + str(internal_grades.iloc[0]['Course_Number']) + ' - ' + internal_grades.iloc[0]['Course_Title'] + ' (' + str(internal_grades.iloc[0]['Credits']) + ' Credits)') + ("\nCourse Average GPA: {:.3}".format(GPA)) + profswhoteach, gradedistribution, plot, sortedprofgradedist # gradio interface demo = gr.Interface( fn=greet, inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Subject (Eg. ECON, chem)"), gr.Number(label="Course Number (Eg. 2005)"), gr.Textbox(label="Course Title (Eg. Principles of Economics) (case sensitive)")], outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="Course Information"), gr.Textbox(label="Course Average Grade Distribution", lines=2), gr.Plot(label="Course Average Grade Distribution Plot"), gr.Textbox(label="Average Grade Distributions by Professors", lines=3)], title="GradeDistVis", description="📚 Plan your courses like a PRO with GradeDistVis! 🎓✨ Access grade distributions and other key metrics to maximize your GPA!🔥 \n\n For Virginia Tech students,", article="Feedback Form:", examples = [["ECON", 2005, ''], ["CHEM", '',"General Chemistry"]], cache_examples=True, ).queue(default_concurrency_limit=1000) demo.launch()