import pandas as pd import spotipy from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth import random from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine import json from tqdm import tqdm import argparse import sys from datetime import datetime pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) sp = None MUSIC_FEATURES = ["danceability", "energy", "loudness", "speechiness", "acousticness", "instrumentalness", "liveness", "valence"] SHEET_FEATURES = ["key", "mode", "tempo"] def initialize_spotify_client(credentials_file, isfile=True): global sp if isfile: creds = json.load(open(credentials_file)) else: creds = credentials_file SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID = creds['SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID'] SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET = creds['SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET'] SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI = creds['SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI'] SCOPE = 'playlist-modify-public user-read-recently-played' sp = spotipy.Spotify(auth_manager=SpotifyOAuth(client_id=SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri=SPOTIPY_REDIRECT_URI, scope=SCOPE)) def find_artists_with_matching_genres(target_genres): matched_artists = [] # Try searching for a perfect match of genres then randomly remove one genre at a time until get at least 100 while len(target_genres) > 0 and len(matched_artists) < 10: print(f"Trying {target_genres}") query = " AND ".join([f"genre:\"{genre}\"" for genre in target_genres]) artist_results =, type='artist', limit=10) matched_artists.extend([{'id':artist['id'], 'name':artist['name'], 'artist_url':artist['external_urls']['spotify']} for artist in artist_results['artists']['items'] if artist not in matched_artists]) random_item = random.choice(target_genres) target_genres.remove(random_item) return matched_artists def get_top_track_features(artist_id): try: top_tracks = sp.artist_top_tracks(artist_id, country='US')['tracks'] if top_tracks: top_track_id = top_tracks[0]['id'] top_track_name = top_tracks[0]['name'] features = sp.audio_features([top_track_id])[0] features['track_id'] = top_track_id features['track_name'] = top_track_name if not features: print("Audio features could not be retrieved.") features = {} else: print("No top tracks found for this artist.") features = {} except Exception as e: print(f"Error retrieving top track for artist: {e}") features = {} return features def average_cosine_distance(A, B): average_distances = [] for b in B: distances = [cosine(b, a) for a in A] average_distances.append(np.mean(distances)) return np.array(average_distances) def get_recently_played(limit=50, selected_artists = ""): if len(selected_artists) == 0: print("Getting most recently played artists") results = sp.current_user_recently_played(limit=limit) else: selected_artists = [x.strip() for x in selected_artists.split(",")] print(f"Using supplied list of artists (first 10 artists only)") results = {'items':[]} for artist in selected_artists[:10]: artist_objects ="artist: {artist}", type='artist') try: artist_objects = sorted([x for x in artist_objects['artists']['items'] if x['name'].lower() == artist.lower()], key= lambda x: x['popularity'], reverse=True) except KeyError: artist_objects = [] if len(artist_objects) == 0: print(f"{artist} not found") continue elif len(artist_objects) > 1: print(f"Multiple artist_id found for {artist}, selecting the most popular artist_id in the list.") artist_id = artist_objects[0]['id'] try: artist_url = artist_objects[0]['external_urls']['spotify'] except KeyError: artist_url = "" results['items'].append({ 'track': { 'artists': [{'id': artist_id, 'name': artist, 'external_urls': {'spotify': artist_url}}]}}) tracks = [] for idx, item in enumerate(results['items']): try: track = item['track'] artist_id = track['artists'][0]['id'] except KeyError as e: print(f"Failed index {idx}:") print(e) continue if artist_id in [x['artist_id'] for x in tracks]: continue elif len(tracks) >= 10: break features = get_top_track_features(artist_id) if len(features.keys()) == 0: print(f"No features found for artist: {artist_id}") continue try: features['name'] = track['artists'][0]['name'] except KeyError as e: print(f"Failed to get artists name for {artist_id}:") print(e) features['name'] = np.nan features['artist_id'] = artist_id try: features['artist_url'] = track['artists'][0]['external_urls']['spotify'] except KeyError as e: print(f"Failed to get URL for artist {artist_id}:") print(e) features['artist_url'] = np.nan tracks.append(features) print(f"{idx+1}: {features['name']} - {features['track_name']}") return tracks def get_matching_artists(tracks): artist_features = [] for idx, item in tqdm(enumerate(tracks)): artist_id = item['artist_id'] artist = sp.artist(artist_id) genres = artist.get('genres',[]) if len(genres)<1: continue matched_artists = find_artists_with_matching_genres([x for x in genres]) if len(matched_artists) <= 1: #If it only managed to match itself continue for artist in matched_artists: artist_id = artist.get('id',"") if artist_id == "" or artist_id in [x['artist_id'] for x in tracks+artist_features]: continue #print(artist.get('name', 'UNKNOWN ARTIST')) features = get_top_track_features(artist_id) if len(features.keys())==0: continue features['artist_id'] = artist_id features['name'] = artist['name'] features['artist_url'] = artist['artist_url'] artist_features.append(features) return artist_features def get_closest_artists(df, features): all_feats = StandardScaler().fit_transform(df[features]) all_feats_ref = all_feats[df[df.source=="reference"].index] all_feats_new = all_feats[df[df.source=="artist"].index] result_distances = average_cosine_distance(all_feats_ref, all_feats_new) results = pd.DataFrame({"artist": df[df.source == "artist"]['name'].values, "artist_id": df[df.source == "artist"]['artist_id'].values, "distance": result_distances, 'artist_url': df[df.source == "artist"]['artist_url']}) return results.sort_values("distance").head(10) def generate_playlist(closest_artists, artists = []): playlist_name = f"Recommended_{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}" playlist_desc = f"Top 10 recommended artists based on supplied artists: {', '.join(artists)}" if len(artists) > 0 else "Top 10 recommended artists from recently played." user_id = sp.current_user()['id'] new_playlist = sp.user_playlist_create(user_id, playlist_name, description=playlist_desc) playlist_id = new_playlist['id'] for i,r in closest_artists.iterrows(): print(r) artist = r.artist artist_id = r.artist_id top_tracks = sp.artist_top_tracks(artist_id, country='US')['tracks'] if len(top_tracks) == 0: continue else: top_track_uri = top_tracks[0]['uri'] sp.playlist_add_items(playlist_id, [top_track_uri]) if "name" in new_playlist and "external_urls" in new_playlist: print("Created playlist:", new_playlist['name'], "with URL:", new_playlist['external_urls']['spotify']) return True else: print("failed to create new playlist") return False def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Spotify artist recommender. Requires a JSON with spotify credentials " "(see credentials.json.example). Can also take a comma separated list " "of artists instead of looking up last played.") parser.add_argument('--creds', type=str, help='Path to credentials json file', required=True) parser.add_argument('--artists', type=str, help='Comma separated list of artists', default="") parser.add_argument('--playlist', action='store_true', help='Create a Spotify playlist if set ("Recommended_timstamp")') args = parser.parse_args() print("Initializing Spotify") initialize_spotify_client(args.creds) try: _ = sp.current_user() except: print("Failed to initialize Spotify, are credentials correct?") sys.exit() tracks = get_recently_played(selected_artists=args.artists) print("Getting reference features") reference_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(tracks) print("Getting matching artist features") artist_features = get_matching_artists(tracks) artist_df = pd.DataFrame(artist_features) reference_df['source'] = 'reference' artist_df['source'] = 'artist' df = pd.concat([reference_df, artist_df],ignore_index=True) closest_artists = get_closest_artists(df, MUSIC_FEATURES+SHEET_FEATURES) closest_artists.to_csv("closest_artists.csv", index=False) if args.playlist: generate_playlist(closest_artists, args.artists) if __name__ == "__main__": main()