import re from urllib.parse import urlparse from shutil import rmtree import logging import os from pathlib import Path import sys import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf2 import mesh_tensorflow as mtf from data.encoders import fetch_encoder import re def setup_logging(args): Path("logs").mkdir(exist_ok=True) tf.logging.set_verbosity(logging.INFO) tf.get_logger().propagate = False # Remove double log on console name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.model))[0] handlers = [ logging.FileHandler(f"logs/{name}.log"), logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ] logger = logging.getLogger("tensorflow") logger.handlers = handlers return logger def get_batch_size(params): return params[f"{params['mode']}_batch_size"] def add_mode_to_params(params, mode): if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: params["mode"] = "predict" elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: params["mode"] = "eval" elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: params["mode"] = "train" else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid mode {mode}") return params def simd_mesh_setup(params, mesh_shape, layout_rules): """Constructs SimdMesh function - instructions on how to evenly split tensors across all TPU cores""" num_hosts = params["context"].num_hosts host_placement_fn = params["context"].tpu_host_placement_function device_list = [host_placement_fn(host_id=i) for i in range(num_hosts)]"device_list = {device_list}") # TODO: Better estimation of replica cache size? replica_cache_size = 300 * 1000000 # 300M per replica # Worker 0 caches all the TPU binaries worker0_mem = replica_cache_size * params["context"].num_replicas devices_memory_usage = [worker0_mem] + [0] * (num_hosts - 1) var_placer = mtf.utils.BalancedVariablePlacer(device_list, devices_memory_usage) mesh_devices = [""] * mesh_shape.size mesh_impl = mtf.simd_mesh_impl.SimdMeshImpl( mesh_shape, layout_rules, mesh_devices, params["context"].device_assignment) return var_placer, mesh_impl def remove_batch_from_layout(layout): """ The tf-mesh layout splits across batch size, remove it. Useful for prediction steps, when you no longer want large batches. :param layout: string describing tf-mesh layout :return: layout minus batch dimension """ layout = layout.split(',') ret_layout = "" for i in layout: if "batch" in i: pass else: ret_layout += f"{i}," return ret_layout[:-1] def yes_or_no(question): while True: reply = str(input(question+' (y/n): ')).lower().strip() if reply[:1] == 'y': return True if reply[:1] == 'n': return False def remove_gs_or_filepath(path): parsed_url = urlparse(path) if parsed_url.scheme == "gs": os.system(f"gsutil rm -rf {path}") return rmtree(path) def save_config(params_dict, logdir): print(f"Saving config to {logdir}") text = "{\n\n" total_params = len(params_dict) for count, key in enumerate(params_dict): config_value = str(params_dict[key]) if'[a-zA-Z]', config_value): if config_value.lower() != 'true': if config_value.lower() != 'false': if config_value[0] != '[': # TODO: Making a manual exception for parsing epsilon right now since it's the only number in # scientific notation. Should fix this. if key != "epsilon": config_value = f'"{config_value}"' if count == total_params - 1: text += f'"{str(key)}"' + ' : ' + config_value + '\n\n' else: text += f'"{str(key)}"' + ' : ' + config_value + ',\n\n' text += '\n\n}' sess = tf.InteractiveSession() summary_op = tf.summary.text("run_config", tf.convert_to_tensor(text)) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(f"{logdir}/config", sess.graph) text = summary_writer.add_summary(text, 0) summary_writer.flush() summary_writer.close() tf.reset_default_graph() print('Done!') def expand_attention_types_params(params_list): newlist = [] for item in params_list: for _ in range(item[1]): newlist.extend(item[0]) return newlist def get_n_trainable_vars(graph): """ Gets number of trainable vars in a MTF model. :param graph: Mesh-Tensorflow graph :return: None """ total_parameters = 0 for variable in graph.trainable_variables: shape = variable.shape.dims variable_parameters = 1 for dim in shape: variable_parameters *= dim.size total_parameters += variable_parameters print(f"\n\nN TRAINABLE VARS:\n{total_parameters:,}\n\n") def print_dim_names(graph): """ Print names of all Dimensions :param graph: Mesh-Tensorflow graph :return: None """ all_dim_names = [] for variable in graph.all_variables: names = variable.shape.dimension_names all_dim_names.append(names) # Print all dim names in graph & write to file all_dim_names = [item for sublist in all_dim_names for item in sublist] # Flatten all dims unique_dims = list(set(all_dim_names)) print("ALL DIM NAMES:") for dim_name in unique_dims: print(dim_name) print('\n') def get_graph_info(graph): """ Wrapper fn that calculates number of trainable vars in an MTF graph & prints all dim_names to file TODO: how to get un-trainable dim-names too, batch etc. :param graph: Mesh-Tensorflow graph :return: None """ get_n_trainable_vars(graph) print_dim_names(graph) def loss_denominator(targets, num_microbatches): """Denominator applied to losses. This is usually the size of the targets tensor (omitting ensemble dimensions). Alternatively, it is an override value passed to the class constructor. Args: targets: a mtf.Tensor num_microbatches: an integer - greater than one if the step has been serialized into multiple microbatches to save memory. Returns: a float """ ret = float(targets.shape.size) * num_microbatches return float(ret) def check_dataset(input_fn, params, global_step=None): tf.enable_eager_execution() if global_step is not None: dataset = input_fn(params, global_step=global_step) else: dataset = input_fn(params) dataset_iter = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() tensor, _ = next(dataset_iter) enc = fetch_encoder(params) for p in tensor[:1]: txt = enc.decode(p) print('-' * 50) print(txt[:500], '\n\n...\n\n', txt[-500:]) print('-' * 50) exit() def auto_layout(graph, mesh_shape, logits, loss): layout_rules = mtf.auto_mtf.layout(graph, mesh_shape, [logits, loss]) print(f"Auto-selected layout:\n{layout_rules}\nRe-initialize graph with selected layout") quit() def auto_layout_and_mesh_shape(graph, num_cores, logits, loss): layout_rules, mesh_shape = mtf.auto_mtf.layout_and_mesh_shape(graph, num_cores, [logits, loss], max_mesh_shape_dimensions=4) print(f"Num cores:\n{num_cores}\nAuto-selected layout:\n{layout_rules}\nAuto-selected mesh shape:\n{mesh_shape}" \ f"\nRe-initialize graph with selected layout & mesh shape") quit() def create_host_call(model_dir): """Construct a host_call writing scalar summaries. Borrowed from t2t. Args: model_dir: String containing path to train Returns: (fn, args) Pair to be called by TPUEstimator as the host_call. """ graph = tf.get_default_graph() # A list of (name, lowered tensor) tuples summaries = graph.get_collection(mtf.utils.SCALAR_SUMMARIES_COLLECTION_KEY) def maybe_cast(tensor): assert tensor.shape.is_compatible_with([]), if tensor.dtype == tf.int64: return tf.to_int32(tensor) if tensor.dtype == tf.bfloat16: return tf.cast(tensor, tf.float32) return tensor reshaped_tensors = [tf.reshape(maybe_cast(t), [1]) for _, t in summaries] # When no supported summaries are found, don't create host_call. Otherwise, # TPU outfeed queue would enqueue global_step while host_call doesn't dequeue # it, eventually causing hang. if not reshaped_tensors: return None def host_call_fn(global_step, *args): """Training host call. Creates scalar summaries for training metrics.""" # This function is executed on the CPU and should not directly reference # any Tensors in the rest of the `model_fn`. To pass Tensors from the # model to the `model_fn`, provide as part of the `host_call`. global_step = tf.cast(global_step[0], tf.int64) with tf2.summary.create_file_writer(model_dir).as_default(): # We cannot directly use any tensor from summaries, because each # tensor here must be a concat of multiple tensors from all shards. # Therefore, we rely on the assumption that args wil have the same # length as summaries, and all tensors in args will have the same # order of self._tup_summaries. assert len(args) == len(summaries) for i, tensor in enumerate(args): name = summaries[i][0] tf2.summary.scalar(name, tf.reduce_mean(tensor), step=global_step) return tf.summary.all_v2_summary_ops() global_step_t = tf.reshape(tf.to_int32(tf.train.get_global_step()), [1]) return host_call_fn, [global_step_t] + reshaped_tensors def natural_sort(l): convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower() alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ] return sorted(l, key = alphanum_key)