import os.path import json import requests import numpy as np import ftfy from data.encoders import fetch_encoder, encode import tensorflow as tf import re from functools import partial lambada_src_uri = '' normalization = 'NFKC' # Note: this task is called "lambada" but it really refers to OpenAI's version # of the task, which actually differs in some ways from the task described in # the original paper. So, strictly speaking, accuracy values from this task # should not be compared to accuracy values from the original lambada task. # For more information, see # def lambada_create_tokens_data(params, path): with open(path, 'w') as f: req = requests.get(lambada_src_uri) req.raise_for_status() jsons = [json.loads(l) for l in req.iter_lines()] texts = [ftfy.fix_text(j['text'], normalization=normalization) for j in jsons] enc = fetch_encoder(params) arrays = [encode(enc, t) for t in texts] json.dump(arrays, f) return arrays def lambada_read_or_create_tokens_data(params, path): # if you tell me where the file should go, i will helpfully create it for you if not os.path.exists(path): return lambada_create_tokens_data(params, path) with open(path) as f: return json.load(f) def bin_pack(params, tokens_data): eos_token = params['eos_id'] n_ctx = params['n_ctx'] dummy_token = 1 pad_batch_size = params['eval_batch_size'] bins = [] for a in tokens_data: if len(bins) == 0 or len(bins[-1]) + len(a) + 1 > n_ctx: bins.append([]) bins[-1] += a bins[-1].append(eos_token) while len(bins) % pad_batch_size != 0: bins.append([]) bins_array = np.full((len(bins), n_ctx), dummy_token, dtype=np.uint16) for i, b in enumerate(bins): bins_array[i, 0:len(b)] = b return bins_array def lambada_init(params): ds_configs = params['dataset_configs'] l = [ ds_configs[ds_id].get('lambada_tokens_path', "./lambada.json") for ds_id, _, _, _ in params['datasets'] ] assert len(l) > 0, 'lambada_tokens_path not found in the dataset config' lt_path = l[0] assert lt_path.endswith('.json'), 'lambada_tokens_path must have extension json' tokens_data = lambada_read_or_create_tokens_data(params, lt_path) bins_array = bin_pack(params, tokens_data) params['lambada_tokens_path'] = lt_path params['lambada_n_steps'] = len(bins_array) // params['eval_batch_size'] def lambada_get_task_info(params): return { 'n_steps': params['lambada_n_steps'], } # The LAMBADA evaluation code looks at the logits of each position just before an eos_token def lambada_input(params): eos_token = 50256 if params['n_vocab'] >= 50257 else 0 n_ctx = params['n_ctx'] lt_path = params['lambada_tokens_path'] tokens_data = lambada_read_or_create_tokens_data(params, lt_path) bins_array = bin_pack(params, tokens_data) dataset = def _get_output(bin): bin = tf.cast(bin, dtype=tf.int32) indexes = tf.range(n_ctx) results = tf.gather(bin, (indexes + 1) % n_ctx) eos_next_positions = tf.math.equal(tf.gather(bin, (indexes + 2) % n_ctx), eos_token) output = tf.where(eos_next_positions, results, tf.constant(eos_token, shape=[n_ctx])) bin = tf.reshape(bin, [n_ctx]) bin = tf.cast(bin, dtype=tf.int32) output = tf.reshape(output, [n_ctx]) output = tf.cast(output, dtype=tf.int32) return bin, output dataset = dataset = dataset.batch(params['eval_batch_size'], drop_remainder=True) dataset = dataset.repeat() return dataset task_descriptors = { 'lambada': { 'init_fn': lambada_init, 'get_task_info_fn': lambada_get_task_info, 'input_fn': lambada_input, } }