from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import re import mesh_tensorflow as mtf import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf def clip_by_global_norm(grads, clip_norm): """Clip the grads by global norm.""" global_norm = mtf.sqrt(mtf.add_n([mtf.reduce_sum(mtf.square(t)) for t in grads if t is not None])) multiplier = clip_norm / mtf.maximum(global_norm, clip_norm) clipped_grads = [None if t is None else t * multiplier for t in grads] return clipped_grads, global_norm def get_optimizer(mesh, loss, params, variable_dtype, inp_var_grads=None): """Creates and returns an optimizer training op.""" global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() learning_rate = tf.constant(value=params["lr"], shape=[], dtype=variable_dtype.slice_dtype) clip_value = mtf.constant(mesh, params["gradient_clipping"], dtype=variable_dtype.slice_dtype) if inp_var_grads is None: var_grads = mtf.gradients([loss], [v.outputs[0] for v in mesh.graph.trainable_variables]) else: var_grads = inp_var_grads # Cast to full precision var_grads_fp = [mtf.cast(v, variable_dtype.slice_dtype) for v in var_grads] # decrease LR to final lr (lr*0.1) by this step - defaults to train_steps end_step = params.get("lr_decay_end", params["train_steps"]) if params["lr_decay"] == "linear": learning_rate = tf.train.polynomial_decay( learning_rate, global_step, end_step, end_learning_rate=params["lr"]*0.1, # Decrease to 10% of initial LR according to GPT-3 paper power=1.0, cycle=False) elif params["lr_decay"] == "cosine": learning_rate = tf.train.cosine_decay( learning_rate, global_step, end_step, alpha=0.1 # Alpha is min lr value as a fraction of init lr. ) if params["warmup_steps"] > 0: global_steps_int = tf.cast(global_step, tf.int32) warmup_steps_int = tf.constant(params["warmup_steps"], dtype=tf.int32) dtype = variable_dtype.slice_dtype global_steps_float = tf.cast(global_steps_int, dtype) warmup_steps_float = tf.cast(warmup_steps_int, dtype) warmup_percent_done = global_steps_float / warmup_steps_float warmup_learning_rate = learning_rate * warmup_percent_done is_warmup = tf.cast(global_steps_int < warmup_steps_int, dtype) learning_rate = ((1.0 - is_warmup) * learning_rate + is_warmup * warmup_learning_rate) learning_rate = mtf.import_fully_replicated(mesh, learning_rate, mtf.Shape([]), name="learning_rate") mtf.scalar_summary("lr", learning_rate) if params["opt_name"].lower() == "adam": optimizer = AdamWeightDecayOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate, weight_decay_rate=params["weight_decay"], beta_1=params["beta1"], beta_2=params["beta2"], epsilon=params["epsilon"], exclude_from_weight_decay=["norm", "bias"], variable_dtype=variable_dtype ) else: optimizer = mtf.optimize.AdafactorOptimizer( learning_rate=params["lr"], decay_rate=params["weight_decay"], beta1=params["beta1"], epsilon1=params["ada_epsilon1"], epsilon2=params["ada_epsilon2"] ) if params["gradient_clipping"] is not None: (var_grads_fp, _) = clip_by_global_norm(var_grads_fp, clip_norm=clip_value) update_ops = optimizer.apply_grads(var_grads_fp, mesh.graph.trainable_variables) return learning_rate, update_ops, var_grads_fp class AdamWeightDecayOptimizer(mtf.optimize.Optimizer): """A basic Adam optimizer that includes "correct" L2 weight decay.""" def __init__(self, learning_rate, weight_decay_rate=0.0, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-6, exclude_from_weight_decay=None, variable_dtype=None): """Constructs a AdamWeightDecayOptimizer.""" self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.weight_decay_rate = weight_decay_rate self.beta_1 = beta_1 self.beta_2 = beta_2 self.epsilon = epsilon self.exclude_from_weight_decay = exclude_from_weight_decay self.variable_dtype = variable_dtype def apply_grad(self, grad, var): """See base class.""" if grad is None: tf.logging.warning("Gradient is None for variable %s" % return [] grad = mtf.to_float(grad) assignments = [] m = mtf.get_variable( var.mesh, + "/adam_m", var.shape, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), # master_dtype=self.variable_dtype.master_dtype, # slice_dtype=self.variable_dtype.slice_dtype, # activation_dtype=self.variable_dtype.activation_dtype, trainable=False) v = mtf.get_variable( var.mesh, + "/adam_v", var.shape, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), # master_dtype=self.variable_dtype.master_dtype, # slice_dtype=self.variable_dtype.slice_dtype, # activation_dtype=self.variable_dtype.activation_dtype, trainable=False) # Standard Adam update. next_m = self.beta_1 * m + (1.0 - self.beta_1) * grad next_v = self.beta_2 * v + (1.0 - self.beta_2) * mtf.square(grad) update = next_m / (mtf.sqrt(next_v) + self.epsilon) # Just adding the square of the weights to the loss function is *not* # the correct way of using L2 regularization/weight decay with Adam, # since that will interact with the m and v parameters in strange ways. # # Instead we want to decay the weights in a manner that doesn't interact # with the m/v parameters. This is equivalent to adding the square # of the weights to the loss with plain (non-momentum) SGD. if self._do_use_weight_decay( update += mtf.to_float(var.value) * self.weight_decay_rate update_with_lr = self.learning_rate * update var_update = mtf.assign_sub(var, update_with_lr) assignments.extend( [var_update, mtf.assign(m, next_m), mtf.assign(v, next_v)]) return assignments def _do_use_weight_decay(self, param_name): """Whether to use L2 weight decay for `param_name`.""" if not self.weight_decay_rate: return False if self.exclude_from_weight_decay: for r in self.exclude_from_weight_decay: if, param_name) is not None: return False return True