import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.utils import data from torch import nn, autograd import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt google_drive_paths = { "": "", } def ensure_checkpoint_exists(model_weights_filename): if not os.path.isfile(model_weights_filename) and ( model_weights_filename in google_drive_paths ): gdrive_url = google_drive_paths[model_weights_filename] try: from gdown import download as drive_download drive_download(gdrive_url, model_weights_filename, quiet=False) except ModuleNotFoundError: print( "gdown module not found.", "pip3 install gdown or, manually download the checkpoint file:", gdrive_url ) if not os.path.isfile(model_weights_filename) and ( model_weights_filename not in google_drive_paths ): print( model_weights_filename, " not found, you may need to manually download the model weights." ) def shuffle_batch(x): return x[torch.randperm(x.size(0))] def data_sampler(dataset, shuffle, distributed): if distributed: return data.distributed.DistributedSampler(dataset, shuffle=shuffle) if shuffle: return data.RandomSampler(dataset) else: return data.SequentialSampler(dataset) def accumulate(model1, model2, decay=0.999): par1 = dict(model1.named_parameters()) par2 = dict(model2.named_parameters()) for k in par1.keys(): par1[k].data.mul_(decay).add_(1 - decay, par2[k].data) def sample_data(loader): while True: for batch in loader: yield batch def d_logistic_loss(real_pred, fake_pred): loss = 0 for real, fake in zip(real_pred, fake_pred): real_loss = F.softplus(-real) fake_loss = F.softplus(fake) loss += real_loss.mean() + fake_loss.mean() return loss def d_r1_loss(real_pred, real_img): grad_penalty = 0 for real in real_pred: grad_real, = autograd.grad( outputs=real.mean(), inputs=real_img, create_graph=True, only_inputs=True ) grad_penalty += grad_real.pow(2).view(grad_real.shape[0], -1).sum(1).mean() return grad_penalty def g_nonsaturating_loss(fake_pred, weights): loss = 0 for fake, weight in zip(fake_pred, weights): loss += weight*F.softplus(-fake).mean() return loss / len(fake_pred) def display_image(image, size=None, mode='nearest', unnorm=False, title=''): # image is [3,h,w] or [1,3,h,w] tensor [0,1] if image.is_cuda: image = image.cpu() if size is not None and image.size(-1) != size: image = F.interpolate(image, size=(size,size), mode=mode) if image.dim() == 4: image = image[0] image = image.permute(1, 2, 0).detach().numpy() plt.figure() plt.title(title) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(image) def normalize(x): return ((x+1)/2).clamp(0,1) def get_boundingbox(face, width, height, scale=1.3, minsize=None): """ Expects a dlib face to generate a quadratic bounding box. :param face: dlib face class :param width: frame width :param height: frame height :param scale: bounding box size multiplier to get a bigger face region :param minsize: set minimum bounding box size :return: x, y, bounding_box_size in opencv form """ x1 = face.left() y1 = x2 = face.right() y2 = face.bottom() size_bb = int(max(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) * scale) if minsize: if size_bb < minsize: size_bb = minsize center_x, center_y = (x1 + x2) // 2, (y1 + y2) // 2 # Check for out of bounds, x-y top left corner x1 = max(int(center_x - size_bb // 2), 0) y1 = max(int(center_y - size_bb // 2), 0) # Check for too big bb size for given x, y size_bb = min(width - x1, size_bb) size_bb = min(height - y1, size_bb) return x1, y1, size_bb def preprocess_image(image, cuda=True): """ Preprocesses the image such that it can be fed into our network. During this process we envoke PIL to cast it into a PIL image. :param image: numpy image in opencv form (i.e., BGR and of shape :return: pytorch tensor of shape [1, 3, image_size, image_size], not necessarily casted to cuda """ # Revert from BGR image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Preprocess using the preprocessing function used during training and # casting it to PIL image preprocess = xception_default_data_transforms['test'] preprocessed_image = preprocess(pil_image.fromarray(image)) # Add first dimension as the network expects a batch preprocessed_image = preprocessed_image.unsqueeze(0) if cuda: preprocessed_image = preprocessed_image.cuda() return preprocessed_image def truncate(x, truncation, mean_style): return truncation*x + (1-truncation)*mean_style