import os import random import gradio as gr import openai team_list=['Ana','Ashe','Baptiste','Bastion','Brigitte','Cassidy','Doomfist','Dva','Echo','Genji','Hanzo','JunkerQueen','Junkrat','Kiriko','Lucio','Mei','Mercy','Moira','Orisa','Pharah','Reaper','Reinhardt','Roadhog','Sigma','Sojourn','Soldier76','Sombra','Symmetra','Torbjorn','Tracer','Widowmaker','Winston','Wrecking Ball','Zarya','Zenyatta','None'] val_team_list=["Astra", "Breach", "Brimstone", "Chamber", "Cypher", "Jett", "Kay", "Killjoy", "Neon", "Omen", "Phoenix", "Raze", "Reyna", "Sage", "Skye", "Sova", "Viper","Yoru","None"] openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") #playing Overwatch as Sombra with Moira on my team, how do I can counter a Pharah,Ashe?" #Playing Valorant as Jett, how do I counter Omen? def process_squad(Team): if len(Team) == 1: return " "+Team[0] else: constructor = "" for hero in Team: constructor += f' {hero},' constructor = constructor[:-1] return constructor def chat(Mode, Me, Teammate, Opponents, history): history = history or [] teammate_string = str(Teammate) if not Me or Me=="None": history.append((str(Teammate)+str(Opponents), "Please select the hero you're playing")) return history, history print(Me) message = "Playing Overwatch2 as " + str(Me) if not Teammate or Teammate == "None": message += ", " else: print(Teammate) message += f' with {teammate_string} on my team, ' if not Opponents: message += "how should I play to win games?" else: message += f' how do we counter{process_squad(Opponents)}?' if Mode == "Bronze": message += " Give sarcastic advice." response = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-003", prompt=message, temperature=0.7, max_tokens=100)['choices'][0]['text'] index = response.rfind('.') response = response[:index+1] if not Teammate or Teammate == "None": chat_msg = f'{Me} v {",".join(Opponents)}' else: chat_msg = f'{Me},{Teammate} v {",".join(Opponents)}'.lower() print(response) history.append((chat_msg, response)) return history, history chatbot = gr.Chatbot().style(color_map=("grey", "blue")) chatbot2 = gr.Chatbot().style(color_map=("grey", "red")) def chat2(Mode,Me, Opponent, history): history = history or [] if not Me or Me=="None": history.append((str(Opponent), "Please select the agent you're playing")) return history, history print(Me) message = "Playing Valorant as " + str(Me) if not Opponent or Opponent == "None": message += ", give advice on playstle." else: message += f', how do I counter {Opponent}?' if Mode == "Bronze": message += " Give sarcastic advice." response = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-003", prompt=message, temperature=0.65, max_tokens=100)['choices'][0]['text'] # response = "Coming Soon" history.append((f'{Me} v {Opponent}', response)) return history, history chatbot = gr.Chatbot().style(color_map=("grey", "blue")) demo1 = gr.Interface( chat, [ gr.Radio(["Normal", "Bronze"],value="Normal"), gr.Dropdown(team_list), gr.Dropdown(team_list), gr.Dropdown(team_list, value=[team_list[random.randint(1,30)]], multiselect=True), # gr.Checkbox(label="Is it the morning?"), "state" ], [chatbot, "state"], allow_flagging="never", #title="GPT-3 Overwatch Coach", description="Please select the hero you play. Choose less than two other heroes for best advice.", css="footer {visibility: hidden}" ) demo2 = gr.Interface( chat2, [ gr.Radio(["Normal", "Bronze"],value="Normal"), gr.Dropdown(val_team_list, value=[]), gr.Dropdown(val_team_list, value=[val_team_list[random.randint(1,12)]]), "state" ], [chatbot2, "state"], allow_flagging="never", css="footer {visibility: hidden}" ) demo = gr.TabbedInterface([demo1, demo2], ["Overwatch 2 Coach", "Valorant Coach"],title="GPT-3 Game Coaching",css="footer {visibility: hidden}") #if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()