import gradio as gr import run import options as op import re import os REGEX_YAML_BLOCK = re.compile(r"---[\n\r]+([\S\s]*?)[\n\r]+---[\n\r]") def parse_readme(filepath): """Parses a repositories README and removes""" if not os.path.exists(filepath): return "No found." with open(filepath, "r") as f: text = match = if match: text = text[match.end() :] return text iface = gr.Interface( run.tp_tf_test, [ gr.Radio(list(op.models.keys())), gr.Radio(list(op.test_datasets.keys())), gr.Radio(list(op.queries.keys())), gr.Radio(list(op.prompts.keys())), gr.Radio(list(op.metrics.keys())), gr.CheckboxGroup(list(op.prediction_strategy_options.keys())), ], gr.File(), title="Testing Zero Shot Classification by SDGs", article=parse_readme(""), ) iface.launch()