import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pickle import json # Load All Files with open('pipelines.pkl', 'rb') as file_1: clf_rfc = pickle.load(file_1) with open('X_num_skew.txt', 'r') as file_2: X_num_skew = json.load(file_2) with open('X_num_norm.txt', 'r') as file_3: X_num_norm = json.load(file_3) with open('X_cat.txt', 'r') as file_4: X_cat = json.load(file_4) def run(): # membuat Tittle st.title('prediksi apakah konsumen anda pergi?') with st.form(key='form_prediksi_konsumen_minggat'): Surname = st.text_input('Surname', value='') Age = st.number_input('Age', min_value=18, max_value=80, step=1, help='Usia pelanggan?') Gender ='Gender', ('Male','Female'), index=1, help='jenis kelamin?') Geography = st.selectbox('Geography', ('Spain','France', 'Germany'), index=0, help='kebangsaan?') st.markdown('---') HasCrCard = st.selectbox('HasCrCard', (0,1), index=0, help='apakah anda kartu kredit?') IsActiveMember = st.selectbox('IsActiveMember', (0,1), index=0, help='apakah anda punya kartu member?') st.markdown('---') CreditScore = st.slider('CreditScore', 350, 850, 500) Tenure = st.slider('Tenure', 0, 10, 0) Balance = st.slider('Balance', 0, 250000, 50000) EstimatedSalary = st.slider('EstimatedSalary', 1000, 150000, 34000) NumOfProducts = st.slider('NumOfProducts', 1, 4, 1) submitted = st.form_submit_button('Predict') data_inf = { 'Age': Age, 'Gender': Gender, 'Geography': Geography, 'HasCrCard': HasCrCard, 'IsActiveMember': IsActiveMember, 'CreditScore': CreditScore, 'Tenure': Tenure, 'Balance': Balance, 'EstimatedSalary': EstimatedSalary, 'NumOfProducts': NumOfProducts, } data_inf = pd.DataFrame([data_inf]) a = st.dataframe(data_inf) b = ('') if a == 0: b = 'tidak pergi' else: b = 'pergi' if submitted: y_pred_inf = clf_rfc.predict(data_inf) st.write('# berapa pelanggan anda pergi? \n', str(b)) if __name__== '__main__': run()