
ECO command. Change a existing net's driver
Usage: change_net($net, $gate, $instance, $connections);
$net: The net to be ECOed
$gate: New leaf gate to drive the net
$instance: The instance name of the new gate. Optional, if it is empty, assigned by the tool
$connections:  The new gate input pins connections. If it is empty, the gate is inserted in the net
   Supported formats, 1. Very detail  ".A(net0),.B(net1),.C(net2)"
                      2. Connect to the pins in alphabetical sequence 
                          "net1,net0,net2" indicating A->net1,B->net0,C->net2
                      3. Other instance/pin "U408/Y,U409/Y,net2" indicating A->U408/Y,B->U409/Y,C->net2
                      4. Special character '-' is used to connect up the original connection


#1. Drive n123 with BUFX2 driven by n40
change_net("n123", "BUFX2", "", "n40");   

#2. Drive n123 with AND2X2 driven by n40 and original n123 driver
change_net("n123", "AND2X2", "", "-,n40");    

#3. Insert a buffer into n123
change_net("n123", "BUFX2");