import os import gradio as gr import copy import time import llama_cpp from llama_cpp import Llama from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download zefiro = Llama( model_path=hf_hub_download( repo_id="giux78/zefiro-7b-beta-ITA-v0.1-GGUF", filename="zefiro-7b-beta-ITA-v0.1-q4_0.gguf ", ), n_ctx=4086, ) history = [] def generate_text(message, history): temp = "" input_prompt = "Chiedi a zefiro" for interaction in history: input_prompt += "[|Umano|] " + interaction[0] + "\n" input_prompt += "[|Assistente|]" + interaction[1] input_prompt += "[|Umano|] " + message + "\n[|Assistente|]" print(input_prompt) output = zefiro(input_prompt, temperature= 0.15, top_p= 0.1, top_k= 40, repeat_penalty= 1.1, max_tokens= 1024, stop= [ "[|Umano|]", "[|Assistente|]", ], stream= True) for out in output: stream = copy.deepcopy(out) temp += stream["choices"][0]["text"] yield temp history = ["init", input_prompt] with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Tab('zefiro'): gr.ChatInterface( generate_text, title="zefiro-7b-v01 running on CPU (quantized Q4_K)", description="This is a quantized version of zefiro-7b-v01 running on CPU (very slow). It is less powerful than the original version, but it can even run on the free tier of huggingface.", examples=[ "Dammi 3 idee di ricette che posso fare con i pistacchi", "Prepara un piano di esercizi da poter fare a casa", "Scrivi una poesia su una giornato di pioggia" ], cache_examples=False, retry_btn=None, undo_btn="Delete Previous", clear_btn="Clear", ) demo.queue(concurrency_count=1, max_size=5) demo.launch()