import ee import streamlit as st import geemap.foliumap as geemap def nlcd(): st.header("National Land Cover Database (NLCD)") row1_col1, row1_col2 = st.columns([3, 1]) width = 950 height = 600 Map = geemap.Map() # Select the seven NLCD epoches after 2000. years = ["2001", "2004", "2006", "2008", "2011", "2013", "2016"] # Get an NLCD image by year. def getNLCD(year): # Import the NLCD collection. dataset = ee.ImageCollection("USGS/NLCD_RELEASES/2016_REL") # Filter the collection by year. nlcd = dataset.filter(ee.Filter.eq("system:index", year)).first() # Select the land cover band. landcover ="landcover") return landcover with row1_col2: selected_year = st.multiselect("Select a year", years) add_legend = st.checkbox("Show legend") if selected_year: for year in selected_year: Map.addLayer(getNLCD(year), {}, "NLCD " + year) if add_legend: Map.add_legend( legend_title="NLCD Land Cover Classification", builtin_legend="NLCD" ) with row1_col1: Map.to_streamlit(width=width, height=height) else: with row1_col1: Map.to_streamlit(width=width, height=height) def search_data(): st.header("Search Earth Engine Data Catalog") Map = geemap.Map() if "ee_assets" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["ee_assets"] = None if "asset_titles" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["asset_titles"] = None col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1]) dataset = None with col2: keyword = st.text_input("Enter a keyword to search (e.g., elevation)", "") if keyword: ee_assets = geemap.search_ee_data(keyword) asset_titles = [x["title"] for x in ee_assets] dataset = st.selectbox("Select a dataset", asset_titles) if len(ee_assets) > 0: st.session_state["ee_assets"] = ee_assets st.session_state["asset_titles"] = asset_titles if dataset is not None: with st.expander("Show dataset details", True): index = asset_titles.index(dataset) html = geemap.ee_data_html(st.session_state["ee_assets"][index]) st.markdown(html, True) ee_id = ee_assets[index]["ee_id_snippet"] uid = ee_assets[index]["uid"] st.markdown(f"""**Earth Engine Snippet:** `{ee_id}`""") vis_params = st.text_input( "Enter visualization parameters as a dictionary", {} ) layer_name = st.text_input("Enter a layer name", uid) button = st.button("Add dataset to map") if button: vis = {} try: if vis_params.strip() == "": # st.error("Please enter visualization parameters") vis_params = "{}" vis = eval(vis_params) if not isinstance(vis, dict): st.error("Visualization parameters must be a dictionary") try: Map.addLayer(eval(ee_id), vis, layer_name) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error adding layer: {e}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Invalid visualization parameters: {e}") with col1: Map.to_streamlit() else: with col1: Map.to_streamlit() def app(): st.title("Google Earth Engine Applications") apps = ["National Land Cover Database (NLCD)", "Search Earth Engine Data Catalog"] selected_app = st.selectbox("Select an app", apps) if selected_app == "National Land Cover Database (NLCD)": nlcd() elif selected_app == "Search Earth Engine Data Catalog": search_data()