Running on Zero

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import math
from scipy import integrate
import torch
from torch import nn
import torchsde
from import trange, tqdm
from . import utils
from . import deis
import comfy.model_patcher
import comfy.model_sampling
def append_zero(x):
return[x, x.new_zeros([1])])
def get_sigmas_karras(n, sigma_min, sigma_max, rho=7., device='cpu'):
"""Constructs the noise schedule of Karras et al. (2022)."""
ramp = torch.linspace(0, 1, n, device=device)
min_inv_rho = sigma_min ** (1 / rho)
max_inv_rho = sigma_max ** (1 / rho)
sigmas = (max_inv_rho + ramp * (min_inv_rho - max_inv_rho)) ** rho
return append_zero(sigmas).to(device)
def get_sigmas_exponential(n, sigma_min, sigma_max, device='cpu'):
"""Constructs an exponential noise schedule."""
sigmas = torch.linspace(math.log(sigma_max), math.log(sigma_min), n, device=device).exp()
return append_zero(sigmas)
def get_sigmas_polyexponential(n, sigma_min, sigma_max, rho=1., device='cpu'):
"""Constructs an polynomial in log sigma noise schedule."""
ramp = torch.linspace(1, 0, n, device=device) ** rho
sigmas = torch.exp(ramp * (math.log(sigma_max) - math.log(sigma_min)) + math.log(sigma_min))
return append_zero(sigmas)
def get_sigmas_vp(n, beta_d=19.9, beta_min=0.1, eps_s=1e-3, device='cpu'):
"""Constructs a continuous VP noise schedule."""
t = torch.linspace(1, eps_s, n, device=device)
sigmas = torch.sqrt(torch.exp(beta_d * t ** 2 / 2 + beta_min * t) - 1)
return append_zero(sigmas)
def get_sigmas_laplace(n, sigma_min, sigma_max, mu=0., beta=0.5, device='cpu'):
"""Constructs the noise schedule proposed by Tiankai et al. (2024). """
epsilon = 1e-5 # avoid log(0)
x = torch.linspace(0, 1, n, device=device)
clamp = lambda x: torch.clamp(x, min=sigma_min, max=sigma_max)
lmb = mu - beta * torch.sign(0.5-x) * torch.log(1 - 2 * torch.abs(0.5-x) + epsilon)
sigmas = clamp(torch.exp(lmb))
return sigmas
def to_d(x, sigma, denoised):
"""Converts a denoiser output to a Karras ODE derivative."""
return (x - denoised) / utils.append_dims(sigma, x.ndim)
def get_ancestral_step(sigma_from, sigma_to, eta=1.):
"""Calculates the noise level (sigma_down) to step down to and the amount
of noise to add (sigma_up) when doing an ancestral sampling step."""
if not eta:
return sigma_to, 0.
sigma_up = min(sigma_to, eta * (sigma_to ** 2 * (sigma_from ** 2 - sigma_to ** 2) / sigma_from ** 2) ** 0.5)
sigma_down = (sigma_to ** 2 - sigma_up ** 2) ** 0.5
return sigma_down, sigma_up
def default_noise_sampler(x):
return lambda sigma, sigma_next: torch.randn_like(x)
class BatchedBrownianTree:
"""A wrapper around torchsde.BrownianTree that enables batches of entropy."""
def __init__(self, x, t0, t1, seed=None, **kwargs):
self.cpu_tree = True
if "cpu" in kwargs:
self.cpu_tree = kwargs.pop("cpu")
t0, t1, self.sign = self.sort(t0, t1)
w0 = kwargs.get('w0', torch.zeros_like(x))
if seed is None:
seed = torch.randint(0, 2 ** 63 - 1, []).item()
self.batched = True
assert len(seed) == x.shape[0]
w0 = w0[0]
except TypeError:
seed = [seed]
self.batched = False
if self.cpu_tree:
self.trees = [torchsde.BrownianTree(t0.cpu(), w0.cpu(), t1.cpu(), entropy=s, **kwargs) for s in seed]
self.trees = [torchsde.BrownianTree(t0, w0, t1, entropy=s, **kwargs) for s in seed]
def sort(a, b):
return (a, b, 1) if a < b else (b, a, -1)
def __call__(self, t0, t1):
t0, t1, sign = self.sort(t0, t1)
if self.cpu_tree:
w = torch.stack([tree(t0.cpu().float(), t1.cpu().float()).to(t0.dtype).to(t0.device) for tree in self.trees]) * (self.sign * sign)
w = torch.stack([tree(t0, t1) for tree in self.trees]) * (self.sign * sign)
return w if self.batched else w[0]
class BrownianTreeNoiseSampler:
"""A noise sampler backed by a torchsde.BrownianTree.
x (Tensor): The tensor whose shape, device and dtype to use to generate
random samples.
sigma_min (float): The low end of the valid interval.
sigma_max (float): The high end of the valid interval.
seed (int or List[int]): The random seed. If a list of seeds is
supplied instead of a single integer, then the noise sampler will
use one BrownianTree per batch item, each with its own seed.
transform (callable): A function that maps sigma to the sampler's
internal timestep.
def __init__(self, x, sigma_min, sigma_max, seed=None, transform=lambda x: x, cpu=False):
self.transform = transform
t0, t1 = self.transform(torch.as_tensor(sigma_min)), self.transform(torch.as_tensor(sigma_max))
self.tree = BatchedBrownianTree(x, t0, t1, seed, cpu=cpu)
def __call__(self, sigma, sigma_next):
t0, t1 = self.transform(torch.as_tensor(sigma)), self.transform(torch.as_tensor(sigma_next))
return self.tree(t0, t1) / (t1 - t0).abs().sqrt()
def sample_euler(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, s_churn=0., s_tmin=0., s_tmax=float('inf'), s_noise=1.):
"""Implements Algorithm 2 (Euler steps) from Karras et al. (2022)."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
if s_churn > 0:
gamma = min(s_churn / (len(sigmas) - 1), 2 ** 0.5 - 1) if s_tmin <= sigmas[i] <= s_tmax else 0.
sigma_hat = sigmas[i] * (gamma + 1)
gamma = 0
sigma_hat = sigmas[i]
if gamma > 0:
eps = torch.randn_like(x) * s_noise
x = x + eps * (sigma_hat ** 2 - sigmas[i] ** 2) ** 0.5
denoised = model(x, sigma_hat * s_in, **extra_args)
d = to_d(x, sigma_hat, denoised)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigma_hat, 'denoised': denoised})
dt = sigmas[i + 1] - sigma_hat
# Euler method
x = x + d * dt
return x
def sample_euler_ancestral(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
if isinstance(model.inner_model.inner_model.model_sampling, comfy.model_sampling.CONST):
return sample_euler_ancestral_RF(model, x, sigmas, extra_args, callback, disable, eta, s_noise, noise_sampler)
"""Ancestral sampling with Euler method steps."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
sigma_down, sigma_up = get_ancestral_step(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], eta=eta)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], denoised)
# Euler method
dt = sigma_down - sigmas[i]
x = x + d * dt
if sigmas[i + 1] > 0:
x = x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * s_noise * sigma_up
return x
def sample_euler_ancestral_RF(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1.0, s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
"""Ancestral sampling with Euler method steps."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
# sigma_down, sigma_up = get_ancestral_step(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], eta=eta)
downstep_ratio = 1 + (sigmas[i+1]/sigmas[i] - 1) * eta
sigma_down = sigmas[i+1] * downstep_ratio
alpha_ip1 = 1 - sigmas[i+1]
alpha_down = 1 - sigma_down
renoise_coeff = (sigmas[i+1]**2 - sigma_down**2*alpha_ip1**2/alpha_down**2)**0.5
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
# Euler method
sigma_down_i_ratio = sigma_down / sigmas[i]
x = sigma_down_i_ratio * x + (1 - sigma_down_i_ratio) * denoised
if sigmas[i + 1] > 0 and eta > 0:
x = (alpha_ip1/alpha_down) * x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * s_noise * renoise_coeff
return x
def sample_heun(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, s_churn=0., s_tmin=0., s_tmax=float('inf'), s_noise=1.):
"""Implements Algorithm 2 (Heun steps) from Karras et al. (2022)."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
if s_churn > 0:
gamma = min(s_churn / (len(sigmas) - 1), 2 ** 0.5 - 1) if s_tmin <= sigmas[i] <= s_tmax else 0.
sigma_hat = sigmas[i] * (gamma + 1)
gamma = 0
sigma_hat = sigmas[i]
sigma_hat = sigmas[i] * (gamma + 1)
if gamma > 0:
eps = torch.randn_like(x) * s_noise
x = x + eps * (sigma_hat ** 2 - sigmas[i] ** 2) ** 0.5
denoised = model(x, sigma_hat * s_in, **extra_args)
d = to_d(x, sigma_hat, denoised)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigma_hat, 'denoised': denoised})
dt = sigmas[i + 1] - sigma_hat
if sigmas[i + 1] == 0:
# Euler method
x = x + d * dt
# Heun's method
x_2 = x + d * dt
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigmas[i + 1] * s_in, **extra_args)
d_2 = to_d(x_2, sigmas[i + 1], denoised_2)
d_prime = (d + d_2) / 2
x = x + d_prime * dt
return x
def sample_dpm_2(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, s_churn=0., s_tmin=0., s_tmax=float('inf'), s_noise=1.):
"""A sampler inspired by DPM-Solver-2 and Algorithm 2 from Karras et al. (2022)."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
if s_churn > 0:
gamma = min(s_churn / (len(sigmas) - 1), 2 ** 0.5 - 1) if s_tmin <= sigmas[i] <= s_tmax else 0.
sigma_hat = sigmas[i] * (gamma + 1)
gamma = 0
sigma_hat = sigmas[i]
if gamma > 0:
eps = torch.randn_like(x) * s_noise
x = x + eps * (sigma_hat ** 2 - sigmas[i] ** 2) ** 0.5
denoised = model(x, sigma_hat * s_in, **extra_args)
d = to_d(x, sigma_hat, denoised)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigma_hat, 'denoised': denoised})
if sigmas[i + 1] == 0:
# Euler method
dt = sigmas[i + 1] - sigma_hat
x = x + d * dt
# DPM-Solver-2
sigma_mid = sigma_hat.log().lerp(sigmas[i + 1].log(), 0.5).exp()
dt_1 = sigma_mid - sigma_hat
dt_2 = sigmas[i + 1] - sigma_hat
x_2 = x + d * dt_1
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigma_mid * s_in, **extra_args)
d_2 = to_d(x_2, sigma_mid, denoised_2)
x = x + d_2 * dt_2
return x
def sample_dpm_2_ancestral(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
if isinstance(model.inner_model.inner_model.model_sampling, comfy.model_sampling.CONST):
return sample_dpm_2_ancestral_RF(model, x, sigmas, extra_args, callback, disable, eta, s_noise, noise_sampler)
"""Ancestral sampling with DPM-Solver second-order steps."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
sigma_down, sigma_up = get_ancestral_step(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], eta=eta)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], denoised)
if sigma_down == 0:
# Euler method
dt = sigma_down - sigmas[i]
x = x + d * dt
# DPM-Solver-2
sigma_mid = sigmas[i].log().lerp(sigma_down.log(), 0.5).exp()
dt_1 = sigma_mid - sigmas[i]
dt_2 = sigma_down - sigmas[i]
x_2 = x + d * dt_1
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigma_mid * s_in, **extra_args)
d_2 = to_d(x_2, sigma_mid, denoised_2)
x = x + d_2 * dt_2
x = x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * s_noise * sigma_up
return x
def sample_dpm_2_ancestral_RF(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
"""Ancestral sampling with DPM-Solver second-order steps."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
sigma_down, sigma_up = get_ancestral_step(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], eta=eta)
downstep_ratio = 1 + (sigmas[i+1]/sigmas[i] - 1) * eta
sigma_down = sigmas[i+1] * downstep_ratio
alpha_ip1 = 1 - sigmas[i+1]
alpha_down = 1 - sigma_down
renoise_coeff = (sigmas[i+1]**2 - sigma_down**2*alpha_ip1**2/alpha_down**2)**0.5
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], denoised)
if sigma_down == 0:
# Euler method
dt = sigma_down - sigmas[i]
x = x + d * dt
# DPM-Solver-2
sigma_mid = sigmas[i].log().lerp(sigma_down.log(), 0.5).exp()
dt_1 = sigma_mid - sigmas[i]
dt_2 = sigma_down - sigmas[i]
x_2 = x + d * dt_1
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigma_mid * s_in, **extra_args)
d_2 = to_d(x_2, sigma_mid, denoised_2)
x = x + d_2 * dt_2
x = (alpha_ip1/alpha_down) * x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * s_noise * renoise_coeff
return x
def linear_multistep_coeff(order, t, i, j):
if order - 1 > i:
raise ValueError(f'Order {order} too high for step {i}')
def fn(tau):
prod = 1.
for k in range(order):
if j == k:
prod *= (tau - t[i - k]) / (t[i - j] - t[i - k])
return prod
return integrate.quad(fn, t[i], t[i + 1], epsrel=1e-4)[0]
def sample_lms(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, order=4):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
sigmas_cpu = sigmas.detach().cpu().numpy()
ds = []
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], denoised)
if len(ds) > order:
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
cur_order = min(i + 1, order)
coeffs = [linear_multistep_coeff(cur_order, sigmas_cpu, i, j) for j in range(cur_order)]
x = x + sum(coeff * d for coeff, d in zip(coeffs, reversed(ds)))
return x
class PIDStepSizeController:
"""A PID controller for ODE adaptive step size control."""
def __init__(self, h, pcoeff, icoeff, dcoeff, order=1, accept_safety=0.81, eps=1e-8):
self.h = h
self.b1 = (pcoeff + icoeff + dcoeff) / order
self.b2 = -(pcoeff + 2 * dcoeff) / order
self.b3 = dcoeff / order
self.accept_safety = accept_safety
self.eps = eps
self.errs = []
def limiter(self, x):
return 1 + math.atan(x - 1)
def propose_step(self, error):
inv_error = 1 / (float(error) + self.eps)
if not self.errs:
self.errs = [inv_error, inv_error, inv_error]
self.errs[0] = inv_error
factor = self.errs[0] ** self.b1 * self.errs[1] ** self.b2 * self.errs[2] ** self.b3
factor = self.limiter(factor)
accept = factor >= self.accept_safety
if accept:
self.errs[2] = self.errs[1]
self.errs[1] = self.errs[0]
self.h *= factor
return accept
class DPMSolver(nn.Module):
"""DPM-Solver. See"""
def __init__(self, model, extra_args=None, eps_callback=None, info_callback=None):
self.model = model
self.extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
self.eps_callback = eps_callback
self.info_callback = info_callback
def t(self, sigma):
return -sigma.log()
def sigma(self, t):
return t.neg().exp()
def eps(self, eps_cache, key, x, t, *args, **kwargs):
if key in eps_cache:
return eps_cache[key], eps_cache
sigma = self.sigma(t) * x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
eps = (x - self.model(x, sigma, *args, **self.extra_args, **kwargs)) / self.sigma(t)
if self.eps_callback is not None:
return eps, {key: eps, **eps_cache}
def dpm_solver_1_step(self, x, t, t_next, eps_cache=None):
eps_cache = {} if eps_cache is None else eps_cache
h = t_next - t
eps, eps_cache = self.eps(eps_cache, 'eps', x, t)
x_1 = x - self.sigma(t_next) * h.expm1() * eps
return x_1, eps_cache
def dpm_solver_2_step(self, x, t, t_next, r1=1 / 2, eps_cache=None):
eps_cache = {} if eps_cache is None else eps_cache
h = t_next - t
eps, eps_cache = self.eps(eps_cache, 'eps', x, t)
s1 = t + r1 * h
u1 = x - self.sigma(s1) * (r1 * h).expm1() * eps
eps_r1, eps_cache = self.eps(eps_cache, 'eps_r1', u1, s1)
x_2 = x - self.sigma(t_next) * h.expm1() * eps - self.sigma(t_next) / (2 * r1) * h.expm1() * (eps_r1 - eps)
return x_2, eps_cache
def dpm_solver_3_step(self, x, t, t_next, r1=1 / 3, r2=2 / 3, eps_cache=None):
eps_cache = {} if eps_cache is None else eps_cache
h = t_next - t
eps, eps_cache = self.eps(eps_cache, 'eps', x, t)
s1 = t + r1 * h
s2 = t + r2 * h
u1 = x - self.sigma(s1) * (r1 * h).expm1() * eps
eps_r1, eps_cache = self.eps(eps_cache, 'eps_r1', u1, s1)
u2 = x - self.sigma(s2) * (r2 * h).expm1() * eps - self.sigma(s2) * (r2 / r1) * ((r2 * h).expm1() / (r2 * h) - 1) * (eps_r1 - eps)
eps_r2, eps_cache = self.eps(eps_cache, 'eps_r2', u2, s2)
x_3 = x - self.sigma(t_next) * h.expm1() * eps - self.sigma(t_next) / r2 * (h.expm1() / h - 1) * (eps_r2 - eps)
return x_3, eps_cache
def dpm_solver_fast(self, x, t_start, t_end, nfe, eta=0., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
if not t_end > t_start and eta:
raise ValueError('eta must be 0 for reverse sampling')
m = math.floor(nfe / 3) + 1
ts = torch.linspace(t_start, t_end, m + 1, device=x.device)
if nfe % 3 == 0:
orders = [3] * (m - 2) + [2, 1]
orders = [3] * (m - 1) + [nfe % 3]
for i in range(len(orders)):
eps_cache = {}
t, t_next = ts[i], ts[i + 1]
if eta:
sd, su = get_ancestral_step(self.sigma(t), self.sigma(t_next), eta)
t_next_ = torch.minimum(t_end, self.t(sd))
su = (self.sigma(t_next) ** 2 - self.sigma(t_next_) ** 2) ** 0.5
t_next_, su = t_next, 0.
eps, eps_cache = self.eps(eps_cache, 'eps', x, t)
denoised = x - self.sigma(t) * eps
if self.info_callback is not None:
self.info_callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 't': ts[i], 't_up': t, 'denoised': denoised})
if orders[i] == 1:
x, eps_cache = self.dpm_solver_1_step(x, t, t_next_, eps_cache=eps_cache)
elif orders[i] == 2:
x, eps_cache = self.dpm_solver_2_step(x, t, t_next_, eps_cache=eps_cache)
x, eps_cache = self.dpm_solver_3_step(x, t, t_next_, eps_cache=eps_cache)
x = x + su * s_noise * noise_sampler(self.sigma(t), self.sigma(t_next))
return x
def dpm_solver_adaptive(self, x, t_start, t_end, order=3, rtol=0.05, atol=0.0078, h_init=0.05, pcoeff=0., icoeff=1., dcoeff=0., accept_safety=0.81, eta=0., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
if order not in {2, 3}:
raise ValueError('order should be 2 or 3')
forward = t_end > t_start
if not forward and eta:
raise ValueError('eta must be 0 for reverse sampling')
h_init = abs(h_init) * (1 if forward else -1)
atol = torch.tensor(atol)
rtol = torch.tensor(rtol)
s = t_start
x_prev = x
accept = True
pid = PIDStepSizeController(h_init, pcoeff, icoeff, dcoeff, 1.5 if eta else order, accept_safety)
info = {'steps': 0, 'nfe': 0, 'n_accept': 0, 'n_reject': 0}
while s < t_end - 1e-5 if forward else s > t_end + 1e-5:
eps_cache = {}
t = torch.minimum(t_end, s + pid.h) if forward else torch.maximum(t_end, s + pid.h)
if eta:
sd, su = get_ancestral_step(self.sigma(s), self.sigma(t), eta)
t_ = torch.minimum(t_end, self.t(sd))
su = (self.sigma(t) ** 2 - self.sigma(t_) ** 2) ** 0.5
t_, su = t, 0.
eps, eps_cache = self.eps(eps_cache, 'eps', x, s)
denoised = x - self.sigma(s) * eps
if order == 2:
x_low, eps_cache = self.dpm_solver_1_step(x, s, t_, eps_cache=eps_cache)
x_high, eps_cache = self.dpm_solver_2_step(x, s, t_, eps_cache=eps_cache)
x_low, eps_cache = self.dpm_solver_2_step(x, s, t_, r1=1 / 3, eps_cache=eps_cache)
x_high, eps_cache = self.dpm_solver_3_step(x, s, t_, eps_cache=eps_cache)
delta = torch.maximum(atol, rtol * torch.maximum(x_low.abs(), x_prev.abs()))
error = torch.linalg.norm((x_low - x_high) / delta) / x.numel() ** 0.5
accept = pid.propose_step(error)
if accept:
x_prev = x_low
x = x_high + su * s_noise * noise_sampler(self.sigma(s), self.sigma(t))
s = t
info['n_accept'] += 1
info['n_reject'] += 1
info['nfe'] += order
info['steps'] += 1
if self.info_callback is not None:
self.info_callback({'x': x, 'i': info['steps'] - 1, 't': s, 't_up': s, 'denoised': denoised, 'error': error, 'h': pid.h, **info})
return x, info
def sample_dpm_fast(model, x, sigma_min, sigma_max, n, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=0., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
"""DPM-Solver-Fast (fixed step size). See"""
if sigma_min <= 0 or sigma_max <= 0:
raise ValueError('sigma_min and sigma_max must not be 0')
with tqdm(total=n, disable=disable) as pbar:
dpm_solver = DPMSolver(model, extra_args, eps_callback=pbar.update)
if callback is not None:
dpm_solver.info_callback = lambda info: callback({'sigma': dpm_solver.sigma(info['t']), 'sigma_hat': dpm_solver.sigma(info['t_up']), **info})
return dpm_solver.dpm_solver_fast(x, dpm_solver.t(torch.tensor(sigma_max)), dpm_solver.t(torch.tensor(sigma_min)), n, eta, s_noise, noise_sampler)
def sample_dpm_adaptive(model, x, sigma_min, sigma_max, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, order=3, rtol=0.05, atol=0.0078, h_init=0.05, pcoeff=0., icoeff=1., dcoeff=0., accept_safety=0.81, eta=0., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None, return_info=False):
"""DPM-Solver-12 and 23 (adaptive step size). See"""
if sigma_min <= 0 or sigma_max <= 0:
raise ValueError('sigma_min and sigma_max must not be 0')
with tqdm(disable=disable) as pbar:
dpm_solver = DPMSolver(model, extra_args, eps_callback=pbar.update)
if callback is not None:
dpm_solver.info_callback = lambda info: callback({'sigma': dpm_solver.sigma(info['t']), 'sigma_hat': dpm_solver.sigma(info['t_up']), **info})
x, info = dpm_solver.dpm_solver_adaptive(x, dpm_solver.t(torch.tensor(sigma_max)), dpm_solver.t(torch.tensor(sigma_min)), order, rtol, atol, h_init, pcoeff, icoeff, dcoeff, accept_safety, eta, s_noise, noise_sampler)
if return_info:
return x, info
return x
def sample_dpmpp_2s_ancestral(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
if isinstance(model.inner_model.inner_model.model_sampling, comfy.model_sampling.CONST):
return sample_dpmpp_2s_ancestral_RF(model, x, sigmas, extra_args, callback, disable, eta, s_noise, noise_sampler)
"""Ancestral sampling with DPM-Solver++(2S) second-order steps."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
sigma_fn = lambda t: t.neg().exp()
t_fn = lambda sigma: sigma.log().neg()
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
sigma_down, sigma_up = get_ancestral_step(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], eta=eta)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
if sigma_down == 0:
# Euler method
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], denoised)
dt = sigma_down - sigmas[i]
x = x + d * dt
# DPM-Solver++(2S)
t, t_next = t_fn(sigmas[i]), t_fn(sigma_down)
r = 1 / 2
h = t_next - t
s = t + r * h
x_2 = (sigma_fn(s) / sigma_fn(t)) * x - (-h * r).expm1() * denoised
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigma_fn(s) * s_in, **extra_args)
x = (sigma_fn(t_next) / sigma_fn(t)) * x - (-h).expm1() * denoised_2
# Noise addition
if sigmas[i + 1] > 0:
x = x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * s_noise * sigma_up
return x
def sample_dpmpp_2s_ancestral_RF(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
"""Ancestral sampling with DPM-Solver++(2S) second-order steps."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
sigma_fn = lambda lbda: (lbda.exp() + 1) ** -1
lambda_fn = lambda sigma: ((1-sigma)/sigma).log()
# logged_x = x.unsqueeze(0)
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
downstep_ratio = 1 + (sigmas[i+1]/sigmas[i] - 1) * eta
sigma_down = sigmas[i+1] * downstep_ratio
alpha_ip1 = 1 - sigmas[i+1]
alpha_down = 1 - sigma_down
renoise_coeff = (sigmas[i+1]**2 - sigma_down**2*alpha_ip1**2/alpha_down**2)**0.5
# sigma_down, sigma_up = get_ancestral_step(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], eta=eta)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
if sigmas[i + 1] == 0:
# Euler method
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], denoised)
dt = sigma_down - sigmas[i]
x = x + d * dt
# DPM-Solver++(2S)
if sigmas[i] == 1.0:
sigma_s = 0.9999
t_i, t_down = lambda_fn(sigmas[i]), lambda_fn(sigma_down)
r = 1 / 2
h = t_down - t_i
s = t_i + r * h
sigma_s = sigma_fn(s)
# sigma_s = sigmas[i+1]
sigma_s_i_ratio = sigma_s / sigmas[i]
u = sigma_s_i_ratio * x + (1 - sigma_s_i_ratio) * denoised
D_i = model(u, sigma_s * s_in, **extra_args)
sigma_down_i_ratio = sigma_down / sigmas[i]
x = sigma_down_i_ratio * x + (1 - sigma_down_i_ratio) * D_i
# print("sigma_i", sigmas[i], "sigma_ip1", sigmas[i+1],"sigma_down", sigma_down, "sigma_down_i_ratio", sigma_down_i_ratio, "sigma_s_i_ratio", sigma_s_i_ratio, "renoise_coeff", renoise_coeff)
# Noise addition
if sigmas[i + 1] > 0 and eta > 0:
x = (alpha_ip1/alpha_down) * x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * s_noise * renoise_coeff
# logged_x =, x.unsqueeze(0)), dim=0)
return x
def sample_dpmpp_sde(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None, r=1 / 2):
"""DPM-Solver++ (stochastic)."""
if len(sigmas) <= 1:
return x
sigma_min, sigma_max = sigmas[sigmas > 0].min(), sigmas.max()
seed = extra_args.get("seed", None)
noise_sampler = BrownianTreeNoiseSampler(x, sigma_min, sigma_max, seed=seed, cpu=True) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
sigma_fn = lambda t: t.neg().exp()
t_fn = lambda sigma: sigma.log().neg()
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
if sigmas[i + 1] == 0:
# Euler method
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], denoised)
dt = sigmas[i + 1] - sigmas[i]
x = x + d * dt
# DPM-Solver++
t, t_next = t_fn(sigmas[i]), t_fn(sigmas[i + 1])
h = t_next - t
s = t + h * r
fac = 1 / (2 * r)
# Step 1
sd, su = get_ancestral_step(sigma_fn(t), sigma_fn(s), eta)
s_ = t_fn(sd)
x_2 = (sigma_fn(s_) / sigma_fn(t)) * x - (t - s_).expm1() * denoised
x_2 = x_2 + noise_sampler(sigma_fn(t), sigma_fn(s)) * s_noise * su
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigma_fn(s) * s_in, **extra_args)
# Step 2
sd, su = get_ancestral_step(sigma_fn(t), sigma_fn(t_next), eta)
t_next_ = t_fn(sd)
denoised_d = (1 - fac) * denoised + fac * denoised_2
x = (sigma_fn(t_next_) / sigma_fn(t)) * x - (t - t_next_).expm1() * denoised_d
x = x + noise_sampler(sigma_fn(t), sigma_fn(t_next)) * s_noise * su
return x
def sample_dpmpp_2m(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
sigma_fn = lambda t: t.neg().exp()
t_fn = lambda sigma: sigma.log().neg()
old_denoised = None
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
t, t_next = t_fn(sigmas[i]), t_fn(sigmas[i + 1])
h = t_next - t
if old_denoised is None or sigmas[i + 1] == 0:
x = (sigma_fn(t_next) / sigma_fn(t)) * x - (-h).expm1() * denoised
h_last = t - t_fn(sigmas[i - 1])
r = h_last / h
denoised_d = (1 + 1 / (2 * r)) * denoised - (1 / (2 * r)) * old_denoised
x = (sigma_fn(t_next) / sigma_fn(t)) * x - (-h).expm1() * denoised_d
old_denoised = denoised
return x
def sample_dpmpp_2m_sde(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None, solver_type='midpoint'):
"""DPM-Solver++(2M) SDE."""
if len(sigmas) <= 1:
return x
if solver_type not in {'heun', 'midpoint'}:
raise ValueError('solver_type must be \'heun\' or \'midpoint\'')
seed = extra_args.get("seed", None)
sigma_min, sigma_max = sigmas[sigmas > 0].min(), sigmas.max()
noise_sampler = BrownianTreeNoiseSampler(x, sigma_min, sigma_max, seed=seed, cpu=True) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
old_denoised = None
h_last = None
h = None
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
if sigmas[i + 1] == 0:
# Denoising step
x = denoised
# DPM-Solver++(2M) SDE
t, s = -sigmas[i].log(), -sigmas[i + 1].log()
h = s - t
eta_h = eta * h
x = sigmas[i + 1] / sigmas[i] * (-eta_h).exp() * x + (-h - eta_h).expm1().neg() * denoised
if old_denoised is not None:
r = h_last / h
if solver_type == 'heun':
x = x + ((-h - eta_h).expm1().neg() / (-h - eta_h) + 1) * (1 / r) * (denoised - old_denoised)
elif solver_type == 'midpoint':
x = x + 0.5 * (-h - eta_h).expm1().neg() * (1 / r) * (denoised - old_denoised)
if eta:
x = x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * sigmas[i + 1] * (-2 * eta_h).expm1().neg().sqrt() * s_noise
old_denoised = denoised
h_last = h
return x
def sample_dpmpp_3m_sde(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
"""DPM-Solver++(3M) SDE."""
if len(sigmas) <= 1:
return x
seed = extra_args.get("seed", None)
sigma_min, sigma_max = sigmas[sigmas > 0].min(), sigmas.max()
noise_sampler = BrownianTreeNoiseSampler(x, sigma_min, sigma_max, seed=seed, cpu=True) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
denoised_1, denoised_2 = None, None
h, h_1, h_2 = None, None, None
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
if sigmas[i + 1] == 0:
# Denoising step
x = denoised
t, s = -sigmas[i].log(), -sigmas[i + 1].log()
h = s - t
h_eta = h * (eta + 1)
x = torch.exp(-h_eta) * x + (-h_eta).expm1().neg() * denoised
if h_2 is not None:
r0 = h_1 / h
r1 = h_2 / h
d1_0 = (denoised - denoised_1) / r0
d1_1 = (denoised_1 - denoised_2) / r1
d1 = d1_0 + (d1_0 - d1_1) * r0 / (r0 + r1)
d2 = (d1_0 - d1_1) / (r0 + r1)
phi_2 = h_eta.neg().expm1() / h_eta + 1
phi_3 = phi_2 / h_eta - 0.5
x = x + phi_2 * d1 - phi_3 * d2
elif h_1 is not None:
r = h_1 / h
d = (denoised - denoised_1) / r
phi_2 = h_eta.neg().expm1() / h_eta + 1
x = x + phi_2 * d
if eta:
x = x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * sigmas[i + 1] * (-2 * h * eta).expm1().neg().sqrt() * s_noise
denoised_1, denoised_2 = denoised, denoised_1
h_1, h_2 = h, h_1
return x
def sample_dpmpp_3m_sde_gpu(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
if len(sigmas) <= 1:
return x
sigma_min, sigma_max = sigmas[sigmas > 0].min(), sigmas.max()
noise_sampler = BrownianTreeNoiseSampler(x, sigma_min, sigma_max, seed=extra_args.get("seed", None), cpu=False) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
return sample_dpmpp_3m_sde(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=extra_args, callback=callback, disable=disable, eta=eta, s_noise=s_noise, noise_sampler=noise_sampler)
def sample_dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None, solver_type='midpoint'):
if len(sigmas) <= 1:
return x
sigma_min, sigma_max = sigmas[sigmas > 0].min(), sigmas.max()
noise_sampler = BrownianTreeNoiseSampler(x, sigma_min, sigma_max, seed=extra_args.get("seed", None), cpu=False) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
return sample_dpmpp_2m_sde(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=extra_args, callback=callback, disable=disable, eta=eta, s_noise=s_noise, noise_sampler=noise_sampler, solver_type=solver_type)
def sample_dpmpp_sde_gpu(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None, r=1 / 2):
if len(sigmas) <= 1:
return x
sigma_min, sigma_max = sigmas[sigmas > 0].min(), sigmas.max()
noise_sampler = BrownianTreeNoiseSampler(x, sigma_min, sigma_max, seed=extra_args.get("seed", None), cpu=False) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
return sample_dpmpp_sde(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=extra_args, callback=callback, disable=disable, eta=eta, s_noise=s_noise, noise_sampler=noise_sampler, r=r)
def DDPMSampler_step(x, sigma, sigma_prev, noise, noise_sampler):
alpha_cumprod = 1 / ((sigma * sigma) + 1)
alpha_cumprod_prev = 1 / ((sigma_prev * sigma_prev) + 1)
alpha = (alpha_cumprod / alpha_cumprod_prev)
mu = (1.0 / alpha).sqrt() * (x - (1 - alpha) * noise / (1 - alpha_cumprod).sqrt())
if sigma_prev > 0:
mu += ((1 - alpha) * (1. - alpha_cumprod_prev) / (1. - alpha_cumprod)).sqrt() * noise_sampler(sigma, sigma_prev)
return mu
def generic_step_sampler(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, noise_sampler=None, step_function=None):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
x = step_function(x / torch.sqrt(1.0 + sigmas[i] ** 2.0), sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], (x - denoised) / sigmas[i], noise_sampler)
if sigmas[i + 1] != 0:
x *= torch.sqrt(1.0 + sigmas[i + 1] ** 2.0)
return x
def sample_ddpm(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, noise_sampler=None):
return generic_step_sampler(model, x, sigmas, extra_args, callback, disable, noise_sampler, DDPMSampler_step)
def sample_lcm(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, noise_sampler=None):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
x = denoised
if sigmas[i + 1] > 0:
x = model.inner_model.inner_model.model_sampling.noise_scaling(sigmas[i + 1], noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]), x)
return x
def sample_heunpp2(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, s_churn=0., s_tmin=0., s_tmax=float('inf'), s_noise=1.):
# From MIT licensed:
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
s_end = sigmas[-1]
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
gamma = min(s_churn / (len(sigmas) - 1), 2 ** 0.5 - 1) if s_tmin <= sigmas[i] <= s_tmax else 0.
eps = torch.randn_like(x) * s_noise
sigma_hat = sigmas[i] * (gamma + 1)
if gamma > 0:
x = x + eps * (sigma_hat ** 2 - sigmas[i] ** 2) ** 0.5
denoised = model(x, sigma_hat * s_in, **extra_args)
d = to_d(x, sigma_hat, denoised)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigma_hat, 'denoised': denoised})
dt = sigmas[i + 1] - sigma_hat
if sigmas[i + 1] == s_end:
# Euler method
x = x + d * dt
elif sigmas[i + 2] == s_end:
# Heun's method
x_2 = x + d * dt
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigmas[i + 1] * s_in, **extra_args)
d_2 = to_d(x_2, sigmas[i + 1], denoised_2)
w = 2 * sigmas[0]
w2 = sigmas[i+1]/w
w1 = 1 - w2
d_prime = d * w1 + d_2 * w2
x = x + d_prime * dt
# Heun++
x_2 = x + d * dt
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigmas[i + 1] * s_in, **extra_args)
d_2 = to_d(x_2, sigmas[i + 1], denoised_2)
dt_2 = sigmas[i + 2] - sigmas[i + 1]
x_3 = x_2 + d_2 * dt_2
denoised_3 = model(x_3, sigmas[i + 2] * s_in, **extra_args)
d_3 = to_d(x_3, sigmas[i + 2], denoised_3)
w = 3 * sigmas[0]
w2 = sigmas[i + 1] / w
w3 = sigmas[i + 2] / w
w1 = 1 - w2 - w3
d_prime = w1 * d + w2 * d_2 + w3 * d_3
x = x + d_prime * dt
return x
#under Apache 2 license
def sample_ipndm(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, max_order=4):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
x_next = x
buffer_model = []
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
t_cur = sigmas[i]
t_next = sigmas[i + 1]
x_cur = x_next
denoised = model(x_cur, t_cur * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
d_cur = (x_cur - denoised) / t_cur
order = min(max_order, i+1)
if order == 1: # First Euler step.
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * d_cur
elif order == 2: # Use one history point.
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * (3 * d_cur - buffer_model[-1]) / 2
elif order == 3: # Use two history points.
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * (23 * d_cur - 16 * buffer_model[-1] + 5 * buffer_model[-2]) / 12
elif order == 4: # Use three history points.
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * (55 * d_cur - 59 * buffer_model[-1] + 37 * buffer_model[-2] - 9 * buffer_model[-3]) / 24
if len(buffer_model) == max_order - 1:
for k in range(max_order - 2):
buffer_model[k] = buffer_model[k+1]
buffer_model[-1] = d_cur
return x_next
#under Apache 2 license
def sample_ipndm_v(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, max_order=4):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
x_next = x
t_steps = sigmas
buffer_model = []
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
t_cur = sigmas[i]
t_next = sigmas[i + 1]
x_cur = x_next
denoised = model(x_cur, t_cur * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
d_cur = (x_cur - denoised) / t_cur
order = min(max_order, i+1)
if order == 1: # First Euler step.
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * d_cur
elif order == 2: # Use one history point.
h_n = (t_next - t_cur)
h_n_1 = (t_cur - t_steps[i-1])
coeff1 = (2 + (h_n / h_n_1)) / 2
coeff2 = -(h_n / h_n_1) / 2
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * (coeff1 * d_cur + coeff2 * buffer_model[-1])
elif order == 3: # Use two history points.
h_n = (t_next - t_cur)
h_n_1 = (t_cur - t_steps[i-1])
h_n_2 = (t_steps[i-1] - t_steps[i-2])
temp = (1 - h_n / (3 * (h_n + h_n_1)) * (h_n * (h_n + h_n_1)) / (h_n_1 * (h_n_1 + h_n_2))) / 2
coeff1 = (2 + (h_n / h_n_1)) / 2 + temp
coeff2 = -(h_n / h_n_1) / 2 - (1 + h_n_1 / h_n_2) * temp
coeff3 = temp * h_n_1 / h_n_2
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * (coeff1 * d_cur + coeff2 * buffer_model[-1] + coeff3 * buffer_model[-2])
elif order == 4: # Use three history points.
h_n = (t_next - t_cur)
h_n_1 = (t_cur - t_steps[i-1])
h_n_2 = (t_steps[i-1] - t_steps[i-2])
h_n_3 = (t_steps[i-2] - t_steps[i-3])
temp1 = (1 - h_n / (3 * (h_n + h_n_1)) * (h_n * (h_n + h_n_1)) / (h_n_1 * (h_n_1 + h_n_2))) / 2
temp2 = ((1 - h_n / (3 * (h_n + h_n_1))) / 2 + (1 - h_n / (2 * (h_n + h_n_1))) * h_n / (6 * (h_n + h_n_1 + h_n_2))) \
* (h_n * (h_n + h_n_1) * (h_n + h_n_1 + h_n_2)) / (h_n_1 * (h_n_1 + h_n_2) * (h_n_1 + h_n_2 + h_n_3))
coeff1 = (2 + (h_n / h_n_1)) / 2 + temp1 + temp2
coeff2 = -(h_n / h_n_1) / 2 - (1 + h_n_1 / h_n_2) * temp1 - (1 + (h_n_1 / h_n_2) + (h_n_1 * (h_n_1 + h_n_2) / (h_n_2 * (h_n_2 + h_n_3)))) * temp2
coeff3 = temp1 * h_n_1 / h_n_2 + ((h_n_1 / h_n_2) + (h_n_1 * (h_n_1 + h_n_2) / (h_n_2 * (h_n_2 + h_n_3))) * (1 + h_n_2 / h_n_3)) * temp2
coeff4 = -temp2 * (h_n_1 * (h_n_1 + h_n_2) / (h_n_2 * (h_n_2 + h_n_3))) * h_n_1 / h_n_2
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * (coeff1 * d_cur + coeff2 * buffer_model[-1] + coeff3 * buffer_model[-2] + coeff4 * buffer_model[-3])
if len(buffer_model) == max_order - 1:
for k in range(max_order - 2):
buffer_model[k] = buffer_model[k+1]
buffer_model[-1] = d_cur.detach()
return x_next
#under Apache 2 license
def sample_deis(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, max_order=3, deis_mode='tab'):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
x_next = x
t_steps = sigmas
coeff_list = deis.get_deis_coeff_list(t_steps, max_order, deis_mode=deis_mode)
buffer_model = []
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
t_cur = sigmas[i]
t_next = sigmas[i + 1]
x_cur = x_next
denoised = model(x_cur, t_cur * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
d_cur = (x_cur - denoised) / t_cur
order = min(max_order, i+1)
if t_next <= 0:
order = 1
if order == 1: # First Euler step.
x_next = x_cur + (t_next - t_cur) * d_cur
elif order == 2: # Use one history point.
coeff_cur, coeff_prev1 = coeff_list[i]
x_next = x_cur + coeff_cur * d_cur + coeff_prev1 * buffer_model[-1]
elif order == 3: # Use two history points.
coeff_cur, coeff_prev1, coeff_prev2 = coeff_list[i]
x_next = x_cur + coeff_cur * d_cur + coeff_prev1 * buffer_model[-1] + coeff_prev2 * buffer_model[-2]
elif order == 4: # Use three history points.
coeff_cur, coeff_prev1, coeff_prev2, coeff_prev3 = coeff_list[i]
x_next = x_cur + coeff_cur * d_cur + coeff_prev1 * buffer_model[-1] + coeff_prev2 * buffer_model[-2] + coeff_prev3 * buffer_model[-3]
if len(buffer_model) == max_order - 1:
for k in range(max_order - 2):
buffer_model[k] = buffer_model[k+1]
buffer_model[-1] = d_cur.detach()
return x_next
def sample_euler_cfg_pp(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
temp = [0]
def post_cfg_function(args):
temp[0] = args["uncond_denoised"]
return args["denoised"]
model_options = extra_args.get("model_options", {}).copy()
extra_args["model_options"] = comfy.model_patcher.set_model_options_post_cfg_function(model_options, post_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=True)
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
sigma_hat = sigmas[i]
denoised = model(x, sigma_hat * s_in, **extra_args)
d = to_d(x, sigma_hat, temp[0])
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigma_hat, 'denoised': denoised})
# Euler method
x = denoised + d * sigmas[i + 1]
return x
def sample_euler_ancestral_cfg_pp(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
"""Ancestral sampling with Euler method steps."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
temp = [0]
def post_cfg_function(args):
temp[0] = args["uncond_denoised"]
return args["denoised"]
model_options = extra_args.get("model_options", {}).copy()
extra_args["model_options"] = comfy.model_patcher.set_model_options_post_cfg_function(model_options, post_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=True)
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
sigma_down, sigma_up = get_ancestral_step(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], eta=eta)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], temp[0])
# Euler method
x = denoised + d * sigma_down
if sigmas[i + 1] > 0:
x = x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * s_noise * sigma_up
return x
def sample_dpmpp_2s_ancestral_cfg_pp(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=1., s_noise=1., noise_sampler=None):
"""Ancestral sampling with DPM-Solver++(2S) second-order steps."""
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
noise_sampler = default_noise_sampler(x) if noise_sampler is None else noise_sampler
temp = [0]
def post_cfg_function(args):
temp[0] = args["uncond_denoised"]
return args["denoised"]
model_options = extra_args.get("model_options", {}).copy()
extra_args["model_options"] = comfy.model_patcher.set_model_options_post_cfg_function(model_options, post_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=True)
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
sigma_fn = lambda t: t.neg().exp()
t_fn = lambda sigma: sigma.log().neg()
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
sigma_down, sigma_up = get_ancestral_step(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1], eta=eta)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
if sigma_down == 0:
# Euler method
d = to_d(x, sigmas[i], temp[0])
x = denoised + d * sigma_down
# DPM-Solver++(2S)
t, t_next = t_fn(sigmas[i]), t_fn(sigma_down)
# r = torch.sinh(1 + (2 - eta) * (t_next - t) / (t - t_fn(sigma_up))) works only on non-cfgpp, weird
r = 1 / 2
h = t_next - t
s = t + r * h
x_2 = (sigma_fn(s) / sigma_fn(t)) * (x + (denoised - temp[0])) - (-h * r).expm1() * denoised
denoised_2 = model(x_2, sigma_fn(s) * s_in, **extra_args)
x = (sigma_fn(t_next) / sigma_fn(t)) * (x + (denoised - temp[0])) - (-h).expm1() * denoised_2
# Noise addition
if sigmas[i + 1] > 0:
x = x + noise_sampler(sigmas[i], sigmas[i + 1]) * s_noise * sigma_up
return x
def sample_dpmpp_2m_cfg_pp(model, x, sigmas, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None):
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
s_in = x.new_ones([x.shape[0]])
t_fn = lambda sigma: sigma.log().neg()
old_uncond_denoised = None
uncond_denoised = None
def post_cfg_function(args):
nonlocal uncond_denoised
uncond_denoised = args["uncond_denoised"]
return args["denoised"]
model_options = extra_args.get("model_options", {}).copy()
extra_args["model_options"] = comfy.model_patcher.set_model_options_post_cfg_function(model_options, post_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=True)
for i in trange(len(sigmas) - 1, disable=disable):
denoised = model(x, sigmas[i] * s_in, **extra_args)
if callback is not None:
callback({'x': x, 'i': i, 'sigma': sigmas[i], 'sigma_hat': sigmas[i], 'denoised': denoised})
t, t_next = t_fn(sigmas[i]), t_fn(sigmas[i + 1])
h = t_next - t
if old_uncond_denoised is None or sigmas[i + 1] == 0:
denoised_mix = -torch.exp(-h) * uncond_denoised
h_last = t - t_fn(sigmas[i - 1])
r = h_last / h
denoised_mix = -torch.exp(-h) * uncond_denoised - torch.expm1(-h) * (1 / (2 * r)) * (denoised - old_uncond_denoised)
x = denoised + denoised_mix + torch.exp(-h) * x
old_uncond_denoised = uncond_denoised
return x